Las Quehaceras

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Category: Question
recogerAnswer: to gather/ pick up10false
aloneQuestion: solo/a21false
TogetherQuestion: Juntos31false
guarderAnswer: to put away40false
Las PersonasAnswer: People50false
to shareQuestion: Compartir61false
clean potQuestion: lavar las ollas71false
Hacienda QuehaceresAnswer: The Chores80false
To gardenQuestion: trabajar en El Jardin91false
le lecheAnswer: milk100false
la ollaAnswer: pot110false
To decorateQuestion: Adornar121false
to feedQuestion: dar de comer131false
much to doQuestion: mucho por hacer141false
cortar El cespadAnswer: to mow the lawn160false
TrabajoAnswer: Work170false
to ironQuestion: planchar181false
to wash/scrubQuestion: fregar191false
shopping for milkQuestion: trader la leche201false
vacuumQuestion: la aspiradora211false