stacey survival noun

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Category: Answer
the songQuestion: la canción11false
to answerQuestion: contestar21false
el comedorAnswer: the dining room30false
the spoonQuestion: la cuchara41false
la llaveAnswer: the key50false
la amistadAnswer: the friendship70false
the cakeQuestion: la torta81false
el vidrioAnswer: the glass (the material)90false
bajarAnswer: to lower100false
la cuentaAnswer: the check110false
la químicaAnswer: the chemistry120false
the living roomQuestion: el salón131false
el lapiceroAnswer: the pen140false
the soul, the soulsQuestion: el alma, las almas151false
el camareroAnswer: the waiter160false
la alfombraAnswer: the carpet170false
un desordenAnswer: a mess180false
el mantelAnswer: the tablecloth190false
el vestibuloAnswer: the lobby200false
el arma, las armasAnswer: the weapon, the weapons210false