Unit 888

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Category: Answer
theatrical playQuestion: la obra teatral11false
novelQuestion: la novela21false
el juegoAnswer: game30false
el dramaAnswer: drama40false
el tenisAnswer: tennis50false
goalQuestion: el gol61false
tocarAnswer: to play70false
game 2Question: el partido81false
la bandaAnswer: band90false
painterQuestion: el pintor101false
la lecturaAnswer: reading110false
prefieirAnswer: to prefer120false
museumQuestion: el museo131false
soccer(FOOTBALL)Question: el futbol141false
portraitQuestion: el retrato151false
volleyballQuestion: el voleibol161false
to winQuestion: ganar171false
basketballQuestion: el baloncesto181false
el balon/la pelotaAnswer: ball190false
wantQuestion: quere201false