Unit 888 |
__ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ | __ |
Question | Answer |
la obra teatral | theatrical play |
la novela | novel |
el juego | game |
el drama | drama |
el tenis | tennis |
el gol | goal |
tocar | to play |
el partido | game 2 |
la banda | band |
el pintor | painter |
la lectura | reading |
prefieir | to prefer |
el museo | museum |
el futbol | soccer(FOOTBALL) |
el retrato | portrait |
el voleibol | volleyball |
ganar | to win |
el baloncesto | basketball |
el balon/la pelota | ball |
quere | want |
volver | return |
el futbol americano | football |
el actor | actor |
la foto | photo |
el equipo | team |
la entrada | inning for baseball |
la pelicula | movie |
la actriz | actress |
perder | lose |
la escritura | writing |
la orquestra | orchestra |
el ajedrez | chess |
empezar /comenzar | to begin |
el punto | point |
la carrera | a run in baseball |
la danza | dance |
el beisbol | baseball |
la fotografia | photography |
el escritor | writer |
la pintura | painting, paint |
el piano | piano |
servir | to serve |
cerrar | to close |
el basquetbol | basketball |
trotar | to jogggggg |
el cuento | story |
el poema | poem |
tirar | to throw |
el concierto | concert |
el cuadro | painting |
el tiempo | period, quarter, half |