Country Vocab

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Category: English
the fieldSpanish: El campo11false
El campesinoEnglish: the farmer20false
the townSpanish: El pueblo31false
to harvestSpanish: cosechar41false
corn, maizeSpanish: El maíz51false
the vegetablesSpanish: los vegetales61false
el caballoEnglish: the horse70false
el manzanoEnglish: the apple tree80false
el galloEnglish: the rooster90false
the pigSpanish: el cerdo101false
cultivarEnglish: to grow110false
the farmSpanish: la finca121false
the country houseSpanish: la casa de campo131false
cereal, grainSpanish: los cereales141false
sembrarEnglish: to plant150false
the cattleSpanish: el ganado161false
criar los animlaesEnglish: to raise the animlas170false
the harvestSpanish: la cosecha181false
the gardenSpanish: la huerta191false
el huertoEnglish: the garden200false