Country/Farm/ Animal

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Category: Term
Criar los animalesDefinition: To own animals10false
CultivateTerm: Cultivar21false
The duckTerm: El pato31false
The orchardTerm: La huerta41false
The pear treeTerm: El peral51false
Los cerealesDefinition: Cereal60false
El maizDefinition: The corn70false
El trigoDefinition: The wheat80false
The vegetablesTerm: Los vegetales91false
The horseTerm: El caballo101false
La siembraDefinition: The seeding110false
The farmTerm: La finca121false
The apple treeTerm: El manzano131false
The cattleTerm: El ganado141false
La cosechaDefinition: The harvest150false
SembrarDefinition: To plant160false
The pigTerm: El cerdo171false
La casa de campoDefinition: The country house180false
CosecharDefinition: Harvest190false
La vacaDefinition: The cow200false