Country/Farm/ Animal |
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Term | Definition |
Criar los animales | To own animals |
Cultivar | Cultivate |
El pato | The duck |
La huerta | The orchard |
El peral | The pear tree |
Los cereales | Cereal |
El maiz | The corn |
El trigo | The wheat |
Los vegetales | The vegetables |
El caballo | The horse |
La siembra | The seeding |
La finca | The farm |
El manzano | The apple tree |
El ganado | The cattle |
La cosecha | The harvest |
Sembrar | To plant |
El cerdo | The pig |
La casa de campo | The country house |
Cosechar | Harvest |
La vaca | The cow |
El campesino | The peasant |
La gallina | The chicken |
El pueblo | The city/town |
El campo | The camp |
El gallo | The rooster |
El huerto | The orchard |