Reflexive Verbs

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Category: Definition
to washTerm: lavarse11false
to brush hairTerm: cepillarse el pelo21false
el maquillajeDefinition: makeup30false
the soapTerm: el jabón41false
to put makeup onTerm: maquillarse51false
enojarseDefinition: to get angry60false
to brush/wash teethTerm: cepillarse/lavarse los dientes71false
the shampooTerm: el champú81false
ducharseDefinition: to shower90false
to combTerm: peinarse101false
to get readyTerm: arreglarse111false
levantarseDefinition: to get up120false
la toallaDefinition: the towel130false
un espejoDefinition: a mirror140false
to rememberTerm: acordarse(o:ue)151false
la crema de afeitarDefinition: the shave cream160false
to go to bedTerm: acostarse171false
to worry (about)Term: preocuparse (por)181false
irseDefinition: to leave190false
deodorantTerm: el desodorante201false