Ropa para todos

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Category: Question
la blusaAnswer: the blouse10false
las sandaliasAnswer: sandals20false
the shirtsQuestion: las camisas31false
los mocasinesAnswer: loafers40false
la camisetaAnswer: T-shirts50false
purpleQuestion: morado61false
rosadoAnswer: pink70false
the legQuestion: la pierna81false
underwearQuestion: la ropa interior101false
las botasAnswer: the boots110false
tennis shoesQuestion: los tenis121false
el cuerpoAnswer: the body130false
los shortsAnswer: shorts140false
él pantalonAnswer: pants150false
the pajamasQuestion: él pijama161false
él trajeAnswer: the suit170false
socksQuestion: los calcetines181false
silkQuestion: seda191false
la cabezaAnswer: the head200false
una fiesta informalAnswer: an informal party210false