Ropa para todas

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Category: Answer
The sneakersQuestion: Las zapatillas11false
Las corbatasAnswer: The ties20false
The armQuestion: El brazo31false
The blouseQuestion: La blusa41false
La piernaAnswer: The leg50false
The jacketQuestion: La chaqueta61false
MujeresAnswer: Women70false
The heeled shoesQuestion: Los zapatos de tacon81false
HombresAnswer: Men90false
Las manosAnswer: The hands100false
The fingersQuestion: Los dedos111false
The sandalsQuestion: Las sandalias121false
The underwearQuestion: La ropa interior131false
Los jeansAnswer: The jeans140false
AnaranjadoAnswer: Orange150false
Las botasAnswer: The boots160false
El pijamaAnswer: The pajamas170false
El trajeAnswer: The suit180false
The beltQuestion: El cinturon191false
PurpleQuestion: Morado201false