Ropa para todos

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Category: Answer
the headQuestion: la cabeza11false
el pieAnswer: the foot20false
the underwearQuestion: la ropa interior31false
las botasAnswer: the boots40false
the high heel shoesQuestion: los zapatos de tacon61false
las manosAnswer: the hands70false
the armQuestion: el brazo81false
las corbatasAnswer: the ties90false
the dressQuestion: el vestido101false
purpleQuestion: morado/a111false
los dedosAnswer: the toes120false
pinkQuestion: rosado/a131false
the suitQuestion: el traje141false
departamentoAnswer: department150false
the legQuestion: la pierna161false
los zapatosAnswer: the shoes170false
los tenisAnswer: the tennis shoes180false
the stockingsQuestion: las medias191false
grisAnswer: grey200false
los jeansAnswer: the jeans210false