A2 - Capitulo 4B

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Category: English
to get along wellSpanish: llevarse bien11false
to say good-bye toSpanish: despedirse de21false
la costumbreEnglish: custom30false
reírseEnglish: to laugh40false
antiguoEnglish: old, antique50false
divertirseEnglish: to have fun60false
el desfileEnglish: the parade70false
to crySpanish: llorar81false
to greetSpanish: saludarse91false
frequentlySpanish: frecuentemente101false
to tell jokesSpanish: contar chistes111false
el bebéEnglish: the baby120false
congratulations!Spanish: ¡Felicidades!131false
el chismeEnglish: gossip140false
habíaEnglish: there was, there were150false
to get along badlySpanish: llevarse mal161false
to kissSpanish: besarse171false
to give a giftSpanish: regalar181false
to congratulateSpanish: felicitar191false
to smileSpanish: sonreír201false