ropa para todos

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Category: Answer
the footQuestion: El pie11false
purpleQuestion: morado21false
El trajeAnswer: the suit30false
la camisetaAnswer: T-shirt40false
the pajamasQuestion: El pijama51false
la faldaAnswer: skirt60false
high heel shoesQuestion: los zapatos de tacon71false
las botasAnswer: the boots90false
los dedosAnswer: the fingers100false
los shortsAnswer: shorts110false
algodonAnswer: cotton120false
the stockingsQuestion: las medias131false
pantsQuestion: El pantalon141false
la camisaAnswer: shirt160false
El brazoAnswer: the arm170false
beltQuestion: El cinturon181false
the handsQuestion: las manos191false
the bodyQuestion: El cuerpo201false
the swimsuitQuestion: El traje de bano211false
sedaAnswer: silk220false