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Category: Answer
city-statesQuestion: Small, independent communities in ancient Greece were called11false
islandsQuestion: Greece has hundreds of small21false
PersiaQuestion: Athens and Sparta worked together to fight this Empire31false
Alexander was fromAnswer: Macedonia40false
colonyQuestion: A new settlement that keeps ties to its homeland51false
Dark AgesQuestion: A time of little progress and many disasters is called71false
acropolisQuestion: A fort on the top of a hill in Greece81false
tradeQuestion: What helped spread Greek ideas to and from other cultures?91false
helotQuestion: A slave in ancient Greece was called a101false
Alexander the GreatQuestion: This military leader spread the Hellenistic Culture111false
difficultTravel was _____ because of the120true
farmingQuestion: Limited fertile soil caused poor131false
governmentQuestion: Each city-state had it's own141false
mountainsQuestion: Most of Greece's land is covered with151false
city-stateThis _____ had the first democracy160true
occurredA time when prosperity and growth _____ in many areas was called a170true
polisQuestion: Another name for a city-state181false
boatQuestion: Travel was easiest by191false
Hellenistic AgeQuestion: Blending Greek cultures with other cultures was called201false
textbookYour username to get on the _____210true