![]() L O - P T
Term | Definition |
-Plot | - What happens in a story |
-Concrete poetry | -When a poem takes shape of its subject |
- Repetition | -When an author's phrases are repeated |
-Extended metaphor | -When a comparison not using like or as is used in multiple lines |
-Haiku | -3 lined Japanese Poetry that describes a scene in nature, and often expresses strong emotion |
-Literal language | -Language that is meant to be taken literally |
-Antagonist | -The character or force who works against protagonist. |
Non-fiction | -True/real |
-Exact rhymes | -When words sound identical ex. cats, and bats |
- Rhyme | - When words sound alike |
-Personification | -When an animal or object is given human qualities. |
-Fiction | -Not real/true |
-Omniscient point of view | -An outside narrator who knows all. |
-Simile | -A comparison between two unlike things making it alike using ¨like¨ or ¨as¨ |
-Alliteration | -When nearby words start with the same constant sound ex. Dunkin' Donuts |
-Rhyme scheme | -Pattern of rhymes |
-Irony | -The use of words to express other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. |
-Mood | -The feeling the author's words give the reader |
-Symbol | -When something stands for something beyond itself |
-Point of view | -Perspective of which the story is told |
-Narrator | -Who tells the story |
Metaphor | -When 2 generally unlike things are compared not using words the words ¨like¨ or ¨as¨ |
-Genre | -A type of writing |
-Narrative poem | -Poetry that tells a story |
-Prose | -Ordinary writing |
-Figurative language | -Language that is not meant to be taken literally |
-Sensory language | -When a author appeals to the reader's senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell |
-First person point of view | -When a main character is telling a story only with their thoughts and speech. |
-Half rhymes | - When words sound similar but not identical ex. pans, and hams |
-Stanza | -A poem's version paragraph |
-Foreshadowing | -An author hints what happens later in the story |
-Free verse | -When a poem doesn't have a definite rhythm or rhyme |
-Protagonist | -The hero of the story, often the main character. |
-Imagery | -When an author creates a picture in the reader's mind using words |
-Resolution | -The outcome of the conflict before the story ends |
-Setting | -Where and when the story starts |