![]() I N E R A L N T
Question | Answer |
Internal Conflict:Person vs. Self | A character must make a difficult decision |
Round | Character who has many personality traits |
External Conflict: Man vs. Society | One person in conflict with a group |
Characters: Major | Main/ Most important characters |
Point of View: 1st person view | The narrator is apart of the story and uses words "I, me,my, ours, us". |
Character: Static Character | Whose thoughts, attitudes< and beliefs do not change in a story |
Climax | Most exciting part of the story, the turning point |
Point of view: 3rd limited | The N is not part the story and tells the story with "he, she, they,them". |
Theme | Lesson or message of the story. Controls ideas or central insight |
Point of View: 3rd omniscient | The N is apart of the story and tells the story though main/ characters, he uses "he,she,they,and them". |
External Conflict: Man vs. Fate | A person who has a problem facing his/her destiny |
Plot: Exposition | All background information is given~setting and main characters are given |
Plot: Rising Action | All the events leading to the climax |
Foreshadowing | Hints about what will happen later in the story |
Plot: Narrative Hook | Problem/main conflict is revealed |
Suspense | The quality is a story that keeps you interested. |
Characters: Minor | The supporting or extra characters |
External Conflict | A struggle within the outside force |
Direct Characterization | The narrator or other characters in the story TELL the reader about the personality of the reader. |
Characters: Major(Protagonist) | The character the story is mostly about(Good Guy) |
Conflict | Problem |
Narrator: Tone | Narrators/ Authors Attitude Towards the Story |
Plot | Sequence of events |
Flat | Character who has only one limited personality trait |
Internal Conflict | A struggle within one's self |
External Conflict: Man vs. Man | A problem between two people or two groups |
Characters: Major(Antagonist) | The character who causes problems(Bad Guy) |
Narrator | The "person" telling the story |
Indirect Characterization | The personality of a character is revealed through the character's thoughts, comments, and actions. |
Mood | Atmosphere,determined by the setting |
Symbol | Something that stands for or represents something else. |
External Conflict: Man vs. Nature | A person in conflict or struggling against any force of nature |
Setting | Where a story takes place |
Plot: Falling Action | All the events leading to the Conclusion of the story |
Point of view | How the story is told |
Irony | The difference between appearance and reality |
Characters: Dynamic Character | Whose thoughts, attitudes, beliefs change in a story |
Plot: Conclusion | the End |
Characters | People or animals in a short story |