Sign up, then upgrade with one of these subscriptions:
- No Ads
- Sessions lasts three times longer
- Enter twice as much on each flashcard
- Copy existing sets
- $1.50 per month or $10.00 per year
- All of the above PRO benefits
- No ads displayed to students when using your sets.
- PRO Teacher subscription applies to all accounts with same email address
- Ability to generate a report to see what activities your students have completed. (show details)
- $20.00 per year
- Single sign-on using ClassLink or Clever
- $100 per year per 1,000 students
- Call 405-806-0070
Teacher Report
You will be able to generate a report that shows the following details of what your students have completed:
- number of flashcards studied
- number of studystack cards studied
- percent correct on test
- percent correct on quiz
- number of matching activity matches
- number of snowman games won
- number of crossword words answered correctly
- number of fill-in-the-blank words answered correctly
- number of words unscrambled
- number of minutes using StudyTable
- total points earned in BugMatch
- total points earned in HungryBug
- number of words unchopped
- percent correct on Target test
You'll be able to control the date range, set name, and student name that the report should include.
Here's an example report: