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PCMS Europe Guide

2nd Unit/Europe

What is the common currency of the European Union? Euros
Why does language differences cause challenges between countries? It makes trading hard and can even stop trade.
What are reparations? Repairs for war damages.
Why does the United Kingdom have a much higher population density than Russia? The climate is more suitable in the UK than it is in Russia.
What was the Cold War and why did it occur? The Cold War occurred because of intense differences between the U.S.A. and Soviet Union. Each side believed their way of life was best. The U.S. wanted to spread democracy; the Soviet Union wanted communism to spread.
What are the three government types? Unitary: 1 leader Confederate: small group or groups with power Federal: central government divides power with smaller governments
Why does the European union exist: It is a union or partnership of European countries that work together for trade, freedom, and prosperity for all members.
What is the one major thing that Judaism, Islam, and Christianity have in common? They are monotheistic. (believe in 1 God)
What are the holy books and worship places for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? Christianity's book: Bible Judaism's book: Torah (scroll) Place of worship: Church Worship: Synagogue Islam's book: Quran Worship: Mosque
What are the benefits for the European countries that are part of the EU? Increases trade, promotes democracy, allows member countries to have 1 money type
Why did the United States and Soviet Union become such bitter enemies? The U.S. wanted to spread democracy: Soviets wanted to spread communism
What was the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall separated the city of Berlin, Germany that was built by the Soviet Union. It was built to separate the people of East Berlin and the people of West Berlin.
What problems face Europeans today because of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster? Radiation has made the Ukraine's water, land, and environment contaminated.
Hod does climate affect where people live and trade in Russia? It is much colder in north Russia causing most people to live in southern Russia. It hurts trade because it freezes the water in the ocean in northern Russia.
What led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991? The Soviet Union's economy collapsed because they had spent to much on weapons.
What is a Superpower (U.S.A. and Soviet Union)? A Superpower is a country with a very large military and nuclear weapons.
Why were the United States and Soviet Union so determined to build large militaries? Both the U.S.A and Soviet Union wanted to scare one another and intimidate by having the largest army.
What is reunification? What country became reunified after the Cold War ended? Reunification is to put back together. Germany was reunified.
What causes acid rain and how does it affect the environment? Pollution from factories and cars cause acid rain as pollution goes up into the rain clouds and rains back down. It causes damage to water,trees,buildings,and animals.
Why does European Union exist? It is a union or partnership of European countries that work together for trade,freedom,and prosperity for all member nations.
What type of government does Russia have? Who is Russia's main leader and how does he get his job? It's a federal democracy with a president as leader. He is elected by the regular citizens.
What causes air pollution in the United Kingdom and how does it affect the environment? Pollution from factories and cars. It damages plants,animals and the atmosphere.
What are some benefits for the European countries that are part of the European Union? Increases trade,promotes democracy,allows member countries to have 1 money type.
What are some things that might get in the way of trade for the United Kingdom, Russia, and Germany? Language, currency differences, and frozen ocean
What happened in Chernobyl, Ukraine and how does it affect the environment? A nuclear reactor exploded and sprayed radiation into the atmosphere,water ,and land.
What type of government does the United Kingdom have? Who is the United Kingdom's main leader and how does he get his job? It's a federal democracy with a prime minister as a leader. He is elected by parliament.
What type of government does Germany have? Who is Germany's main leader and how does he get his job? It's a democracy with a chancellor as leader. He is elected by parliament.
Created by: hratliff
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