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Expert Power Strongest power base Positive, nonaggressive way to have power Requires hard work and an increased level of ability Genuine power; work hard to earn it Example: You are seen as “the best” in clinical arenas.
Reward Power Strong power base if not misused If you use this base, BE FAIR! Often is used as manipulation Example: You can give weekends and holidays off and control salary increases.
Legitimate Power Person is assigned the power necessary to do the job Based on knowledge, hard work, and ability Real power that comes with a title and backing from administration Example: The chief nursing officer or director of nursing has legitimate power.
Coercive Power Unhealthy power base Generally, this person does not have the leadership ability necessary for the job Focus is to hurt and punish others Avoid this power base Ex: “If you start both of my IVs today, I’ll ignore the fact you were late again.”
Informational Power Genuine source of power Do not gossip Accurate information empowers everyone Nurse managers have access to a great deal of information Example: Nurse manager spends time in meetings with top administrators.
Referent Power Caring power Uses the skill of networking to get to know these people Successful people who are willing to assist others Example: “I am having dinner with our nurse manager tonight. I will share your great idea with him.”
Powerlessness is a sense of helplessness
An LPN who has worked at the facility for 10 years is mentoring a new LPN. What type of power is the mentor using? Expert
The LPN is asked her opinion by other nurses about how they can improve their professional practice. The other nurses perceive that the LPN has which type of power? Referent
Understanding the use of power is important for all nurses. True of False True
Which of the following statements would be expected from a person who is self-empowered? I can take that challenging patient today.
Which of the following best reflects powerlessness? Select all that apply. 1. Threatened by the confidence of others 2. Blames others to protect self 3. Devalues the group process 4. Requires perfection from others 5. Takes a job without sufficient training
SBAR Situation Background Assessment Recommendation
Situation Identify what is going on with the patient.
Background Provide the clinical facts surrounding the problem.
Assessment Offer a suggestion about what may be wrong with the patient.
Recommendation Make a request or suggest a specific action.
Paradigm Is a typical pattern or example of something
Paradigm shift A break with old ways of thinking or traditions
How can you demonstrate critical thinking? Critical thinking can be demonstrated quietly through writing or talking. It also can be more dramatic when it is a political change, a march for a particular cause, or a strike.
Primary health care emphasizes health promotion and the prevention of illness and disability; an example is a visit to the doctor’s office.
Secondary health care involves detection and early treatment to prevent illness and disability; an example is a stay in a hospital.
Tertiary health care provides restorative and rehabilitative services for people with chronic or irreversible conditions; an example is a long-term care facility
Forming The forming stage allows the team members time to get to know one another, recognize and value one another’s expertise, and work through the need all humans have to develop trust in a relationship
Storming It is a time when people share their ideas, recognize that the group members have different ideas, and then work out any problems the variety of ideas presents to the team.
Norming The group is together (formed) and has a purpose. It has endured and resolved the team’s conflict, and it is working at establishing the status quo or norming for the team.
Performing A team is most productive and the members are able to accomplish their goals successfully. The faltering start and conflict resolution of previous stages do not exist here; there are no impediments to the processes of the team. This is the work time.
Normal blood glucose level between 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L)
What nurse opened the first psychiatric hospital Dorothea Dix
Nurse practice act Is the most significant law governing your practice. A nurse practice act is the law of each state that defines nursing and what the various levels of nurses legally may do in their practice.
Autocratic leader This person is task-oriented; makes decisions independently instead of using input from the group; and motivates employees through praise, blame, and reward.
The Newtonian age (scientific age)   Scientific age •  Focused on the parts rather than the whole •  Characterized as orderly, compartmentalized, and predictable, with everything mechanized •  Concerned with following rules •  Emphasis is on the process or task, not people
The Quantum mechanics (new science)  New science age The entire experience, relationship, and potential of people are considered Characterized as dynamic, chaotic, and unpredictable  Empowerment, creative problem-solving, and collaboration are encouraged  Emphasis is on people not task
Leadership Based on Theories of Quantum Mechanics   Empowerment of others •  Collaboration as a team •  Promotion of other people’s potential •  Building of relationships that nurture others •  Creative approach to problem-solving
Emphysema S/S Frequent coughing or wheezing. A cough that produces a lot mucus. Shortness of breath, especially with physical activity. A whistling or squeaky sound when you breathe. Tightness in your chest.
Ciproflaxacin Confusion, anxiety or depression. you have muscle weakness, pain or swelling in your joints or tendons.
Thin secretions before suctioning Sterile saline drops can be instilled into the trach tube if secretions become thick and difficult to suction. A saline nebulizer treatment is also helpful to loosen secretions if the patient has a nebulizer machine. Fluid intake also helps thin secretion
Long acting insulin Glargine
Convert CM into inches Divide by 2.5
Covert inches into CM Multiply by 2.5
Magnesium Sulfate Used for short-term relief of constipation
Metformin Overdose S/S
Created by: latarshamiller
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