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A&P Test 1

A&P Tes 1

Define Metabolism All chemical reaction necessary to sustain life
Define Anabolism build up absorb energy
Define Catabolism break down, releasing energy
Define Responsiveness ability to detect and respond to change internal/external environment
Define Differentiation cells change from unspecialized to specialized
Define Homeostatsis dynamic state of equilibrium
Two Types of Body Fluid ECF, Extracellular and ICF, Intracellular fluid
ECF Extracellular 33% of all fluids found in these two compartment contains Na, Cl
ICF Intracelluar fluid, 66% of all fluid within cell K, PO4
Regulation is the control for Homeostasis consist of Nervous and Endocrine systems
Hand is on the Burning Stove Sensory Receptor in Nervous System--- INformation to Central Nervous System---Integration Central Nervous System to make the decision--- motor effector in Nerves to move hand
Transverse Cut cuts the body into superior/inferior
Frontal Cut cuts body into anterior/posterior
Sagital Cut cuts body into medial/laterial
Name 2 Body Cavities Anterior/Posterior
2 parts of Posterior Body Cavities Cranial and Vertebral
2 Body Cavities in Anterior Body Cavity Thoracic and Abdominopelvic Cavity
What is the building blocks of matter? Elements
What are the most common elements in the body C, H, O, N (which makes up Carbs, lipids, protein)
3 Subatmoic particles Proton, Electron, Neutron
What are Ions postive or negative charge b/c ofunequal number of protons and electron
4 Types of Chemical Bonds Ionic, Covalent, Hydrogen and Peptide Bonds
What is Ionic Bond dissolves in water, 2 types of charged particles
What is Covalent Bond Should not dissolve in water, is a sharing of electrons. Carbons are always Covalently Bonded.
What is Hydrogen Bond gives stability to large Compounds such as DNA/RNA proteins
Difference Between Potential NRG and Kinetic NRG Potential nrg is stored or inactive nrg, Kinetic energy is NRG of motion
Difference between Electrical and Chemical Energy Chem NRG is is released when bonds are broken and absorbed, electrical results from flow of charged particles
What is a catalyst? drives chemical reaction but they do not change themselves
what is CH4 Methane Gas
What is Organic Compound Contain Carbon, always covalently bonded, Glucose, AA, FA
What is Inorganic Compound All other compound, ionic bonding, H20, Salts, NaCl
Property of Water Solvent dissolves solute
What is Suspension it is when two substances do not mix together
Anabolism dehydration synthesis, takewater to open spot for bond
Catablolism hydrolysis put water back into to break bond
Define Acid H+ Anions
Define Base OH- Cation
Define Salts nether positively/neg charged
pH scale 0-14
Carbohydrate Sugar, startches, glycogen and cellulose
3 types of Simple Sugars Glucose, Galactose, Fructose
Types of Disaccharides sucrose, maltose, lactose
Polysaccarides starch glycogen
Nucleic Acids DNA/RNA
3 sub of Lipids Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Steroids
Triglycerides are made of 3FA and Glycerol
Bonding of Triglycerides Saturated, Mono, poly
Phospholipids are make up plasma membrane, polar heads, tail.
Steriods are all cholesterol based
What defines proteins Shape determines function
Amino Acid Have Peptide bonds COOH
What is tRNA Transfer RNA, translates the message AA
What ismRNA Reads DNA Message
rRNA finds a place for protein
Parts of Cell Plasma Membrane and Cytoplasm
What is in Cytoplasm Cytosol and Organelles
Phospholipid Bilayer 50%Lipid 50% Protein
Integral Arrangment of Membrane Protein extends into or across bilayer clothespin
Peripherial Arrangment of protein loosely attached to inner and outer surface
What is Tonicity measure of solutions ability to change the volume of cells by altering there H20
what is isotonic normal shape
what is hypertonic there is more concentration inside than outside
what is hypotonic when concentration is higher outside than inside
Simple Diffusion is when the FA is passed through polar head and tail no NRG is expended
Facilitated Diffusion Glucose passes through pores, pores change shape to accept no NRG is expended
Active Transport NaK pump, NRG is used to move 3Na out 2 K
What is endocytosis bringing substance into cell
2 types of endocytosis Phagosytosis and Pinosytocsis
Centriole development / growth of mitotic spindle
Ribosomes location protein synthesis
Er Movement of molecules to Golgi Body
Golgi Body Packs proteins for movement
Cell Junction occur in Epithelial Cells and some muscles
Types of Cell Junctions Tight Junction, Desmosomes, Gap Junction
What is Gap Junction open channels for communication pruposes
What is Desmosomes fibers interlock between cells to allow contract
Avascular has no blood supply
where do you find Simple lung kidneys
Connective tissue most abundant and widely distributed tissue in the body
What does "blast" mean to make
what is fibroblast CT Proper
Chondroblast cartiliage
osteoblast bone
hemocytoblast blood cells
macrophages WBC that do Phagocytosis
Mast Cells secrete histamine which enhance inflammation
Collagen needed to make Connective tissue and also the most abundant proein in the body
Areolar CT located hypodermis
adipose hypodermis used to store Triglcerides
dense irregular found in dermis and pericardium
Cartilage, bone and blood are Connective Tissue
Epidermis is... outer thinner layer
dermis below epidermis made up of Dense irregular Connective Tissue
Keratincytes produce keratin which waterproof
melanocytes produce melanin or pigment
Dermal papillae meisnsner corp which is touch causes figerprints
What is arrector pilli Goosebumps
Hypodermis has areolar and adipose CT and contain Pacinian which pressure
Thermoregulation regulate body temp for homeostasis
Function of Skin Thermoregulation, Protection
Created by: futrking
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