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CogSci Exam #4

Types of LTM 1. declarative memory 2. episodic memory 3. procedural memory
Declarative memory classified as "I know that" - EX: a dog is an animal
semantic memory general knowledge/ information that one knows → feels like “knowing” (data, facts, language) - EX: a dog
Episodic memory autobiographical/ personal → feels like “remembering” (it is dated- time and place) - EX: my dog
Episodic memory personal due to: - self-referencing effect - Personal experiences cause emotions → activating amygdala (emotion center of the brain) → activates hippocampus (forming new memories/ long term memories)
Self-referencing effect relevant to YOU
Types of Episodic memory - flash bulb memories
Flash bulb memories very vivid/ long-lasting by triggering emotions/ often come abt because they are unexpected EX: 9/11 → unexpected/ very emotional bc it felt so surreal
Procedural Memory knowing “how” - EX: riding a bike - Motor skills → catching a ball - Cognitive skills → knowing grammar
Working Memory Model- Baddeley & Hitch (1974) - expansion of STM - Analogy of a mental workbench → storage/ active manipulation of info - Info is actively worked on - Information being taken in + working w/ the info
Several components of WM 1. central executive 2. visuo-spatial sketchpad 3. phonological loop 4. episodic buffer
Central executive Planning, making decisions, executes actions - Allocates attention/ governs responses → kinda like the allocation policy - Uses lower-level “assistants” → other sub components
Visuo-spatial sketchpad Processes & stores visual/ spatial info - Making an image of what info is being worked with
Visual what we see
Spatial relationship amongst things we see (calculate distance, things below and under)
Phonological loop Processes & stores auditory info - phonological store + articulatory rehearsal loop
Phonological store inner ear that HEARS/ stores incoming verbal info
Articulatory rehearsal loop inner voice that REHEARSES/ REPEATS the verbal info until done w/ it
Episodic buffer Integration & storage of info from diff parts of WM into a single representation (an “episode”) - EX: taking notes
Architecture in Neural networks it helps retrieve info
Mind as a Network mind is seen as a collection of interconnected units - units are linked → the linking creates a network (a net- like a fisherman’s net)
Brain as a Network interconnected neurons that activate each other (action potential) → neuronal activity that underlies all COGNITION - Individual units= neurons → the linkages= axons + dendrites
Issues Under Consideration that Knowledge is a Net 1. Knowledge representation 2. Functional architecture
Knowledge representation how information is represented - Symbols in a network vs. patterns of activation of neurons
Functional architecture how information is processed - Processing of info in stages (serial) vs. in parallel (simultaneously/ along side)
Semantic networks Knowledge + memory is stored as interconnected concepts + propositions (relationships) Provide way to talk abt representation, organization, storage, retrieval of knowledge (information) (LTM)
Assumptions (semantic networks) Concept → a fundamental unit of symbolic knowledge - Within a network, concepts are represented by NODES (basically a circle or dot in that network) - connected by links - concepts get activated - spreading activation
Concepts get ACTIVATED trigger part of your neural network/ gets woken up
Spreading activation mechanism for accessing / retrieving information - Spread of activation is faster for concepts that are= CLOSELY RELATED CONCEPTS (the more related the faster)
Many semantic network models w/ similar assumptions: Differ per person in the exact form/ structure (how they look)
Proposals 1. Spreading Activation Model (SAM) 2. Propositional Semantic Network
Spreading Activation Model (SAM) → Collins & Loftus (1975) All assumptions of network - Nodes (concepts) → w/ features, links, spreading activation
Includes degree of semantic relatedness → more related concepts → closer (length of) connections → to handle typicality effect
Typicality effect what is more typical (typical types of birds/ faster to verify a closer concept than something that is farther away)
Includes strength of connections → higher frequency, stronger (more weight) connections → to handle frequency effect
SAM model model is good for simple facts abt objects → ONLY objects/ features related to those objects
Frequency effect how often you hear something
Propositional Semantic Network → Anderson & Lebiere (1998) Representations → are abstract propositions → mentalese’= language of propositions (thoughts) - EX: the cat is under the table
Proposition Composed of a relation/ its arguments (concepts): → relations --> arguments (concepts)
relations verbs, adjectives, other relational terms
arguments (concepts) nouns (time, places, people, objects)
Abstract / underlying meaning abt concepts/ their relationships → NOT specific image, word, or statement → UNDER (cat, table) → UNDER= relationship + cat/ table= arguments (concepts)
Represented by NODE w/ links radiating away Links point to concepts Links stand for diff parts of proposition → agent link → object link → relation link
agent like subject; performing action
object link object; action is directed to
relation link specifies the relationship
Visual info/ verbal info --> encoded / stored as propositions
At retrieval --> a proposition is activated (retrieved)/ translated back to the verbal code or visual code
Connectionist cognitive science newer proposal/ started popping up in AI → completely inspired by brain + neurons (biologically plausible) → tied to biology/ brain
Alternative to classical cognitive science → Information processing approach= where the mind is an information processor → mental representations= symbols + mental operations
Approach is successful w/ WELL-DEFINED PROBLEMS EX: diff types of games (chess), math → stuff of experts but machines can do IT
LESS successful w/ ILL-DEFINED PROBLEMS EX: language production/ speech recognition, seeing, what sense of what you see → machines are horrible at it
Connectionism The mind is NOT a serial, centralized computer NO symbols/ NO rules operating on symbols - The nodes= units of neurons
Representations distribution of nodes + their connections → patterns of activation over nodes in a network
Connectionist Networks Aka artificial neural networks (ANNs) Computer simulations of groups of neurons performing tasks
Traditional computer (classical cog science) - serial processors - EX: A --> B --> C - boxes are processing units - arrows represent flow of INFO
serial processors ONE computation at a time
Knowledge-based problem solving using algorithms/ procedures (step by step instructions) - Uses symbols + operations → info processor= mental representations= symbols - Planned steps → coding is planned
ANNs (connectionist networks) - parallel distributed processing - behavior-based problem solving
Parallel distributed processing (PDP) Large number of computing units calculating SIMUTANEOUSLY (occurring at the same time) → like the brain EX: A ←> B ←> C ←>
Behavior-based problem solving NO need for symbols/ rules operating Network does computing without PRIOR PLANNING Focus on the behavior of the network
Representation of Knowledge Traditional computer (classical) & semantic networks Information in the form of symbols
LOCAL representation Stored in a single node EX: single node of an apple is all the characteristics of an apple
ANNs (representation of knowledge) - DISTRIBUTED representation - More focused on the PATTERNS of neurons firing, NOT so much on the labels bc no need for symbols or storage → brain gets activated by stimuli coming in
DISTRIBUTED representation Information stored as patterns of activation across nodes EX: representation of fruits EX: representation of family members
EX: representation of fruits → symbol= apple can be explained by words → image= draw image of an apple → units= draw 3 circles and lines/ color in the two circles that represent the fruit → color circle for edible / color circle for red= activation of edible + red= apple
EX: representation of family members → Local= Node A (Dad), Node B (Mom), Node C (Son) → PDP= fully shade circle / other two half shade (Dad pattern), fu shade two circles/ other half (Mom pattern), shade two circles/ half shade one (Son) (pattern of son will have both mom and dad factors)
ANNs based on Real Neural Networks (Donald Hebb) → when learn something psychologically= recruit groups of neuron, when learn something biologically= if repeated keep the neurons always firing - Neurons repeatedly activate each other → increase strength of their connections
Assembly Learning recruits a group of neurons - Assembly undergoes PERMANENT changes - Neural basis for learning / memory EX: memory for phone #= assembly of neurons
Two types of Cell Groupings 1. Cell assembly 2. Phase sequence
Cell assembly small group of neurons repeatedly stimulate each other
Phase sequence set of cell assemblies activating each other → when all cell assemblies work together and activate each other= phase sequence for “apple” EX: cell assembly #1= red, cell assembly #2= round, cell assembly #3= sweet
Characteristics of ANNs 1. Based on real neural networks 2. Node= neuron 3. Links have weights --> strength of a link
Based on REAL neural network Neurons / their connections (axons-to-dendrities) Links from one node to another
Node= neuron (basic computing unit) Gets STIMULATED (activated) Has activation threshold Input exceeds threshold → fires (when neuron reach threshold/ fire= action potential) Linked to other node → spreading activation
Links have weights → strength of a link Negative (-1), zero (0), positive (+1) → -1 to 0 to +1 output of node output serves as input to next node= ADD up outputs
Output of node: activation value X link weight EX: line= link weight (.6 & -.3), activation values in the bottom circles (2 & 1) → 2 X .6= 1.2 & 1 X -.3= -.3 → 1.2 + (-.3)= 0.9 (activation value)
Each node: has own ACTIVATION VALUE / if reaches the value it will FIRE, but if it doesn’t reach the value= it WON’T FIRE
Positive stimulation excites next node to fire
Negative stimulation inhibit next node from firing
What are neural network layers? Each layer is like an “assembly of neurons” There will always be ONE INPUT layer/ ONE OUTPUT layer Number of hidden layers vary Learning process of a neural network is performed within the layers
Inner Layer receive inputs from an external source - One layer per neural network - Takes in inputs, performs calculations, outputs to next layer
Hidden Layer(s) in-between input/ output layers; thus “hidden” - Zero, one, or more layers - More hidden layers, more complex problems solved
Output layers produced final results - One per neural network - Takes results from the previous layer, performs calculations, outputs the results
Modern ANNs with back-propagation learning At least 3-layer network → input, hidden, output layers - processing - initial response (actual) compared to desired output - capable of learning
Processing Stimulus presented to input layer Activates hidden layer(s) Activates output layer Generates an initial response → first initial response compared to desired output
Initial response (actual) compared to desired output Any difference= error signal Error signal feeds back into output layer Connection weights are modified Cycle repeats until correct response
error signal any difference/ (made a mistake= send it back to output layer)
Capable of Learning Learning based on error feedback → back propagation (try again) Capable of learning on its own
Symbol Grounding Problem The problem of how words get their meaning → related to the problem of meaning (semanticity, etc.) - Related to the problem of what are mental states + consciousness - Physical systems ←> subjective experiences (CONNECT)
Referent the thing that a word or phrase denotes or stands for
Meaning as Referential Process Meaning of a word is “picking out” its referent (what it is referring to)
if a word’s (symbol) meaning= process of picking out its REFERENT → that says that the WORD EXISTS INSIDE SOME ENTITY → word is inside that entity/ that entity uses that word to pick out its referent
MEANINGS REQUIRMENTS= combination of the entity (brain) + the word (inside that brain) + the object (outside- referent) + the process to pick out the referent (successful connection)
Grounding Process If a word’s meaning is picking out its referent, then meaning is in the brain/ mind - NO CONNECTION of symbols and their intended referents without the mind to mediate those intentions
Meaning of a word on a page= UNGROUNDED (meaningless/ no meaning)
meanings of words/ symbols (that are understand by the individual) = GROUNDED in one’s brain/ mind
2 Requirements for Symbol Grounding 1. The capacity to pick referents 2. Consciousness
The capacity to pick referents EX: piece of paper or book - any symbol system alone - The capacity to pick out referent cannot pick out those referents (lack capacity)
Consciousness Groundedness is NECESSARY (tieing a symbol to its referent), but not SUFFICENT (not enough) - grounding might be done by robots
Computationalism Type of functionalism The computer is more like the brain/ brain picks out referent is computational - algorithm can be ran by brains or computers → physical systems are irrelevant - Meanings = not ONLY IN THE BRAIN, but also in a COMPUTER
Chinese Room Argument Against Computationalism (John Searle) Searle says a computer takes in Chinese input / produces Chinese output like a native speaker of Chinese (does the computer understand what its doing?) - NO bc words on a page/ on computer programs are MEANINGLESS
Artifical Intelligence (AI) Build machines to have human intelligence & mind - Problem solve, learning , face recognition, language, - Solve real world problems - Ultimate goal → total integration of all human cognitive abilities into a machine
Categories of AI 1. Artifical Narrow Intelligence (ANI) 2. Artifical General Intelligence (AGI) 3. Artifical Super Intelligence (ASI)
Artifical Narrow Intelligence (ANI) weak AI - Complete the specific tasks (such as gaming system/ chat GPT) Easy stuff TODAY= AI still can do narrow things
Artifical General Intelligence (AGI) strong AI - Comparable to humans → voice, tone, emotion Designed to mimic humans w/ real characteristics Getting close → almost there w/ the general knowledge
Artifical Super Intelligence (ASI) strong AI - Surpass humans NOT close, basically make humans nothing
Leibniz’s Universal Characteristic (1666) a language of logical symbols; simple but represents all complexities EX: binary notation → 1= true, 0= false
Turing’s Universal Computing Machine (1936) AI machine can be built using logical symbols
Futurist events? → Ray Kurzweil 2020: computer program conquers chess (1997) 2029: turing test will be passed 2030: nanobots → health/ connectivity 2045: singularity achieved (humans will be one w/ the machines/ only way to live forever)
finite-state machine Machine can solve any problem is it is mathematically solvable - Can transition from one state to another
Finite-state loops can be implemented as a series of executable instructions - EX: parking garage EXIT gate or elevator
Human behavior / thinking series of activities - Machines can be build to replicate the human behavior - EX: vaccum
Turing Test (TT) Ultimate test of AI - Machine’s intelligent behavior indistinguishable from human’s
Standard scenario of TT human judge interacts w/ person responder/ machine - only using keyboard/ screen - judge poses question to both --> if doesn't know who is the machine than it passes TT
Loebner Prize Annual TT competition since 1991 - bronze (text only- human like)--> STILL HERE TODAY - silver (text only- passing test) - gold (text, audio, visual- passing test)
Eugene Goostman (13 yr old Ukrainian) → chat bot 10 out of 30 interrogators → 10 convinced that they couldn’t tell the difference between chat bot Eugene/ real person
Google’s LamDA & Blake Lemoine NOT pass TT - Blake had the human tendency that LamDA was self-aware, but others came in and said they were really sophisticated but NOT SELF-AWARE
Chat GPT NOT pass TT
Silver/ Gold of Loebner Prize NOT been awarded CANNOT PASS TT - Thinking machine remains the holy grail of AI
Claud3 (Alex Albert) claims it is self-aware bc the chat bot was able to recognize that it was being tested when asked a question abt pizza toppings
Rodney Brooks (roboticist) intelligence without mental representations - Said that intelligence can happen without representations and more behavior based, not abt knowledge
Computation architecture → OLD WAY created based on knowledge (knowledge-based) uses mental representations (symbols/ images)
Built mental models of the world → the mental models guided behaviors + cognition → more top-down processing + programming
Subsumption Architecture (Brooks) should be BEHAVIOR-BASED → more bottom-up processing + autonomous (automatic- does its own thing) - The WORLD IS THE MODEL
SITUATED COGNITION Cognition / knowledge is situated in the activity + interactions w/ the world learning occurs through interactions w/ the world - (occurs in the world where a person is situated)
EMBODIED COGNITION interactions with environment through body parts - rejects computationalism - cognition tied to body/ interactions w/ enviro - brain NOT a computer
4 Key points 1. Intelligence 2. Emergence 3. 4.
1. Intelligence Perceptual (vision)/ mobility skills= were developed for survival - Complex behavior → decomposed (broken) into sub-behaviors → each sub-behavior is like a finite state machine (Turing Test)
complex behavior is a hierarchy of layers each layer being a sub-behavior / each sub-behavior is a finite state machine (name subsumption)
Higher layer SUBSUMES (encompasses) the lower layers integration of the layers → EMERGENCE of intelligence
2. Emergence integration of layers of sub-behaviors - Each layer is tested / debugged (identify/ remove errors) - New layer is over-laid + combined layers are tested/ debugged - New layer is over-laid + combined layers are tested - EX: an ANT (moves randomly)
Higher layer subsumes (encompasses) lower layers → integration of the layers → EMERGENCE of intelligence
3. Situatedness AI is situated in/ reacts to its environment - direct INTERACTION w/ the world through perception-action sequences → feedback loop help us build an understand of how world works
Through its sensors it will perceive things (situatedness) with that sensory info it will react to it - NO need to build representations of the world using symbols - NO need for mental models
4. Embodiment AI is given a body to interaction w/ the world + interactions w/ environment through body/ body parts (the situation that you place it in)
Direct TESTING of AI (emodiment) NOT theoretical model on “situation” - Possibly solve the symbol grounding problem
Traditional (classic) Cognitive Science Computationalism Mental processes are computational symbols, representations, rules Brain IS computer Brain IS seat of cognition
Mind arises from brain, body, bodily experiences within the world
Embodied Cognition Inspired by 3 Fields 1. Ecological psych 2. connectionism 3. phenomenology
1. Ecological Psychology AGAINST the idea of impoverished stimuli (NOT impoverished) (the world does not provide full detail of stimuli to the brain) → environment provides all info necessary - Visual info improverished =inverse optics problem
inverse optics problem pattern of light on retina can come from infinite places- can come from anywhere
Draw inferences is required: perception of an object’s shape is inferred from computations → retinal image + knowledge of object’s orientation → compute what’s on the retina/ objects angle/ stored knowledge
Visual process abt whole body moving in enviro visual perception is DIRECT (NOT an inferred/ computational process) - continuous motion creates a CONTINUOUSLY ever-changing INFINITE patterns of stimulation
2. Connectionism Computation over units → NO symbols, representations, rules Input info transformed into output info Non-symbolic cognition is possible
3. Phenomenology Emphasizes conscious, lived, subjective experiences Consciousness as grounded in rich/ varied experiences while moving around the world
Bodily parts constitute our thoughts, experiences, consciousness EX: extra eyes will change our consciousness
Embodied Cognition 3 Themes 1. Consitution 2. Conceptualization 3. Replacement
1. Constitution body plays a constituent role in cognition
Cognitive system= nervous system + sensory organs (eyes/ ears) + BODY/ body parts
2. Conceptualization concepts are EMBODIED
Concepts contain contents abt: sensorimotor information (senses/ movements- interact)
Concepts formed are limited by the bodily parts body limits/ constrains what concepts can be LEARNED (body chooses to learn certain concepts/ limits what you can learn)
Different embodied animals different CONCEPTS of environment → different understanding (those animals will have a different understanding on their environment)
3. Replacement abandon symbols, representations, rules, inferences, mental models, computationalism, traditional cognitive science
Cognitive w/ 4E's 1. Embodied 2. Embedded 3. Extended 4. Enactive
1. Embodied interactions w/ environment through body/ body parts
2. Embedded organized environments can help specific cognitive tasks
Knowledge can be helped if environment is organized in such a way to enhance your knowledge EX: calculate ¼ of 8 easier when interacting w/ pie pieces vs. viewing only → more hands on experience= easier to learn
3. Extended cognitive capacity (how much can be gained) is enhanced by environmental resources - Resources extend the cognitive system
Cognition can occur outside the nervous system EX: phone becomes part of cognition bc it has become a part of a lot of people
4. Enactive cognition emerges from or is constituted by sensorimotor activity
Perception is achieved by: actively / directly exploring the ENVIRONMENT - Emerges from senses/ movements w/ environment
Cognition (4E) Is physically interactive (ENACTIVE), embedded in dynamically changing environments w/ available resources (EXTENDED), and manifested in physical bodies (EMBODIED)
Realization of Intelligence Agent (IA) Humans= intelligence agent (IA) Machines= artificial intelligence (AI) Interaction w/ the environment through a physical body
IA --> an entity that perceives (using sensors)/ interacts w/ environment using actuators (mechanisms/ motors) → AI is the “things” than an IA can DO
Challenges for Designing IA 1. Embodiment that demonstrates situational validity 2. Role of physical environment → mind exists in real world (NOT lab)
1. Embodiment that demonstrates situational validity (accuracy or truth) robot works in REAL WORLD situations → get it out of the lab - functions autonomously (automatic without human operator) - adapts to environment
2. Role of physical environment → mind exists in real world (NOT lab) robots need to have perception via direct perception-action links → environmental stimuli provide ALL INFO needed for perception - NO representations, computations, stages, inferences
Requires mapping of a perceptual sequence to a series of actions - percept - perceptual sequence
percept an input from the environment at any moment
perceptual sequence chain of inputs (percepts) an IA gets from the environment
Mapping requires: sensors= to sense the perceptual sequence actuators= to perform actions level of performance desired
Created by: lils33
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