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Vet Science Final Exam P2

Organic Compounds (tissues) contains carbon
Inorganic Compounds (tissues) non carbon containing
Cell Membrane (tissues) regulates what enters & leaves the cell
Nucleus (tissues) houses DNA, nucleolus- made up of RNA/proteins & controls protein production
Mitochondrion (tissues) creates energy for the cell
Ribosomes (tissues) creates proteins
Lysosomes (tissues) phagocytes- process of taking large objects & "digesting" them
Centrioles (tissues) participates in cell division
Golgi Apparatus (tissues) modifies, collects, packages, & distributes molecules
Tissue Types (tissues) muscle, nervous, epithelial, connective
Epithelial Cells Classification (tissues) arrangement & shape
Epithelial Cell Arrangements (tissues) simple, stratified
Epithelial Cell Shapes (tissues) squamous, cuboidal, columnar
Epithelial Tissue is... (tissues tightly packed structure that makes a protective barrier
Serous Membrane (tissues) lines the organ, ex: pericardium that lines the heart
Mucous Membrane (tissues) lines us in and out, found in linings that leads out, ex: nose, mouth
Connective Tissue (tissues) connects structures together, providing support & protection
Types of Connective Tissue (tissues) bone, cartilage, fibrous, elastic, loose, blood
Bone Connective Tissue (tissues) most dense type, hardness from mineral deposits, provides support for muscles, organs & other tissues
Cartilage Connective Tissue (tissues) somewhat rigid, no direct blood supply, in joints to protect the bone & ears
Muscle Tissue Types (tissues) smooth, skeletal, cardiac
Smooth Muscle Type (tissues) involuntary, lacks striations, ex: stomach, intestines, blood vessels
Skeletal Muscle Type (tissues) voluntary, striated, composed of myocytes
Cardiac Muscle Type (tissues) involuntary, striated, found in heart
Basic Bone Functions (musculoskeletal system) structure, protection, minerals reserve, blood cell production
Ligments connect... (musculoskeletal system) bone to bone
Tendons connect... (musculoskeletal system) muscle to bone
Epiphysis (musculoskeletal system) ends of the bone, composed mainly of spongy bone
Diaphysis (musculoskeletal system) shaft, composed of compact bone
Red Marrow (musculoskeletal system) in spongy bone, where blood cells are made
Yellow Marrow (musculoskeletal system) in medullary cavity, stores energy as fat
Fissured Fracture (musculoskeletal system) incomplete break, parallel w/ bone
Greenstick Fracture (musculoskeletal system) incomplete break, created by bending force
Transverse Fracture (musculoskeletal system) complete break, perpendicular w/ bone
Communinuted Fracture (musculoskeletal system) complete break, many bone fragments
Oblique Fracture (musculoskeletal system) complete break at an angle
Fracture Repair (musculoskeletal system) hematoma forms first
Hip Dysplasia (musucloskeletal system) poor fit of the hip socket, large breeds affected like German Shepherds
Luxating Patella (musculoskeletal system) patella falls out of position, affects small dog breeds
Needle Guages for IM (musculoskeletal system) 22 guage at a 90 degree angle
Needle Length for IM (musucloskeletal system) 1 - 1.5 inches
IM Injection Sites (musculoskeletal system) quadriceps & hamstrings
Homeostasis (hematopoietic system) process of blood clotting
Red Blood Cells (hematopoietic system) erythrocytes
White Blood Cells (hematopoietic system) leukocytes
Platelets (hematopoietic system) thrombocytes
Plasma contains... (hematopoietic system) water & proteins
Capillary Refill Time (hematopoietic system) <2 seconds, pink/moist
White/Pale Gums (hematopoietic system) sign of shock, low red blood cells
Blue/Cyanotic Gums (hematopoietic system) sign of low oxygen (hypoxia)
Yellow/Icteric Gums (hematopoietic system) sign of liver/kidney problems, desctruction of red blood cells
Function of Red Blood Cells (hematopoietic system) transports oxygen to tissues of the body
Hemoglobin (hematopoietic system) protein that helps transfer oxygen & removes CO2 from tissues
Function of White Blood Cells (hematopoietic system) helps fight off disease/infection
Granular WBCs (hematopoietic system) neutrophils, basophils, eosinophil
Agranular WBCs (hematopoietic system) monocytes, lymphocytes
Platelet Purpose (hematopoietic system) important for clot formation
Purple Top (hematopoietic system) contains anticoagulant, for CBC
SST (hematopoietic systems) no anticoagulant, for chemistries
Lymphatic System is composed of... (lymphatic system) tonsils, spleen, thymus, glands/nodes, vessels, cells that provide immunity
Lymph Nodes/Vessels Flow (lymphatic system) relies on muscle movement, unidirectional valves, passive flow
Lymph Nodes (lymphatic system) submandibular, prescapular, popliteal, axillary, inguinal
Signs of Inflammation (lymphatic system) eryhthema, heat, edema, algesia, decreased use & guarding of the injured area
Antigen (lymphatic system) causes immune response to fight off
Modified Live Vaccine Pros (lymphatic system) immediate, high & long protection.
Modified Live Vaccine Cons (lymphatic system) potential for vaccine induced disease, can't use for pregnant animals
Killed Vaccine Pros (lymphatic system) very safe, good protection
Killed Vaccine Cons (lymphatic system) shorter duration of protection, must be boostered
Core Vaccines (lymphatic system) rabies, distemper, hepatitis (adenovirus), parvovirus
Rabies (lymphatic system) affects central nervous system, passed through saliva, fatal, zoonotic
Distemper (lymphatic system) attacks multiple body systems, often fatal, passed airborne/direct contact
Hepatitis/Adenovirus (lymphatic system) causes disease of the liver, passed by bodily fluids
Parvovirus (lymphatic system) intestinal virus, passed through feces, fatal in puppies
Lymphoma (lymphatic system) cancerous proliferation of lymphocytes
Thymus (lymphatic system) glandular lymphoid organ, important in the maturation of T-cells
Arteries (cardiovascular system) carry blood AWAY from heart, thicker/muscular walls
Largest Artery (cardiovascular system) aorta
Veins (cardiovascular system) carry blood TO the heart, thinner walls, undirectional valves
Largest Vein (cardiovascular system) vena cava
Capillaries (cardiovascular system) where oxygen occurs, "leaky" vessels
Blood Flow (cardiovascular system) heart -> aorta -> arteries -> arterioles -> capillaries -> venules -> veins -> vena cava
Hypotension (cardiovascular system) low blood pressure
Hypertension (cardiovascular system) high blood pressure
Heartworms (cardiovascular system) dirofilaria immitis, vector: mosquito, offspring: microfilaria
Accessory Organs (alimentary system) liver, pancreas, gall bladder
Monogastric Digestive System (alimentary system) one simple stomach, ex: dog, cat, pig, human
Ruminant Digestive System (alimentary system) large stomach divided into 4 chambers, ex: cow, sheep, goat, deer
Hindgut Fermenter Digestive System (alimentary system) one stomach, large cecum, diet high in fiber/cellulose, ex: horse, rabbit, guinea pig
Papillae (alimentary system) taste receptors on tongue
Frenulum (alimentary system) band of connective tissue that connects tongue to the floor of the oral cavity
Teeth Order from Front to Back (alimentary system) incisors, canines, premolars, molars
Order Food is Digested (alimentary system) esophagus, liver, stomach, spleen, small intestine, large intestine, etc.
Ruminant Chambers (alimentary system) rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum
Rumen (alimentary system) fermentation vat - lots of bacteria to breakdown cellulose
Abosmasum (alimentary system) "true stomach," secretes acids & enzymes
Small Intestine (alimentary system) creates peristalsis, site for enzymatic digestion & nutrient absorption
Cecum (alimentary system) vestigial structure for dogs/cats, for hindgut fermenters/ruminants it's a site of microbial fermentation, absorption & transportation
Colon/Large Intestine (alimentary system) bulks up/stores material, site of microbial digestion
Gastroenteritis (alimentary system) inflammation in the digestive tract
Gastroenteritis can cause... (alimentary system) melenic (black) diarrhea- higher in the GI tract, hematochezic (bloody) stool- lower in the GI tract
Bloat (alimentary system) gas & toxin build up causing the stomach to bloat, fatal
Peristalsis (alimentary system) movement of the organs to help pass food down the gastrointestinal tract
Created by: izzysando
Popular Veterinary sets




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