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F&G GRE Vocabulary

"F" & "G" Words

fallacy an invalid or incorrect notion; a mistaken belief
fallow unseeded; inactive; dormant
fatuous silly; foolish
fawn to flatter or praise excessively
feckless ineffectual; irresponsible
felicitous apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
fervent greatly emotional or zealous
fetid stinking; smelly
fetter to shackle; to put in chains
filibuster intentional obstruction, especially using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action
filigree an ornamental work, especially of delicate, lace-like patterns
florid flowery; ornate; ruddy
flout to demonstrate contempt for, as in a rule or convention
foment to incite; to rouse
forbearance patience; willingness to wait
forestall to hinder; to avert
forswear to renounce; repudiate
fortuitous happening by fortunate accident or chance
founder to sink; to fail completely
fracas noisy quarrel; brawl
fractious quarrelsome; unruly
frieze a semi-sculptural, raised-surface strip of ornamental facade on a building
furtive marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious
gainsay to deny; to oppose
gambol to skip about playfully
garner to gather and save; to store up
garrulous pointlessly talkative; talking too much
gauche crude; awkward
germane relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter
glib marked by ease or informality; nonchalant; lacking in depth
gossamer delicate; insubstantial or tenuous
grandiloquence pompous speech or expression
gratuitous unnecessary; uncalled for
gregarious sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people
guile artfulness; trickery; duplicity
Created by: bj1white
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