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Armistice A formal agreement between enemies to put an end to their fighting
Imperialism Extending a country's power and influence through colonization or military force
Nationalism Having pride, strong belief, and culture, of one's own nation.
War Guilt Clause Provision in the Treaty of Versailles blaming Germany during WW1.
Zeppelins Large gas-filled balloons used by Germans for bombing raids
WW1 is also known as the ____, it was the most disastrous war the world had yet seen Great War
Serbian nationalist who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip
President of the US during WW1. He is known for establishing the 14 Points. Woodrow Wilson
Black Hand Serbian nationalist group responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Propaganda Info used to promote or publicize a political cause or POV
Schlieffen Plan German strategy to quickly defeat France before turning to Russia
Self Determination The right of people to choose their own form of government
Total War Conflict involving not just armies but entire nations mobilized for war effort.
Trench Warfare A type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other
U-Boats German submarines used in WW1
French and German forces on the Western Front characterized by heavy artillery. Battle of Verdun
Major battle of the Western Front during WW1, known for its extensive causality and 1st use of tanks Battle of Somme
Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace after WW1 14 Points
German telegram proposing a military alliance with Mexico and the U.S. Zimmerman Note
Peace treaty that ended WW1 and imposed heavy punishments against Germany Treaty of Versailles
President of Austria-Hungary. Spark that started WW1 with his death Franz Ferdinand
Serbian nationalist who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip
German Emperor during WW1. Kaiser Wilhlem lll
An agreement between two or more countries to support one another during WW1 Alliances
system to maintain international order and peace Balance of Power
The rise of nationalism in the Balkans which sparked the outbreak of WW1 Balkan Powder Keg
System by which states attempted to prevent wars Collective security
Drafting citizens to fight Conscription
Group of ships sailing together for protection Convoy
Front Line of contact of 2 opposing forces
system of organization in which people with a common identity live in a country with firm borders and strict government. Nation-State
Mustard Gas, Gas attacks Posion Gas
Saving food/supplies Rationing
a defeated country forcing to pay some of the war costs to the winning countries Reparations:
ethnic group in Europe Slav
When the war is bad on both sides and not going anywhere Stalemate
a type of naval warfare in which submarines sink merchant ships such as freighters and tankers without warning. Unrestricted submarine warfare
USA, Britain, France, and Italy. Big Four
Ruled Russia from 1894 - 1917. Last Russian emperor before the Russian Revolution. Czar Nicholas ll:
British statesman and served as Prime Minister. Negotiated the TOV and established the League of Nations David LLoyd George
A British journalist who disguised herself as a man. Wanted to be a war correspondent. Dorthy Lawrence
Prime Minister of France Georges Clemenceau:
Created by: caterina_d
Popular History sets




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