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Nervous System 52-63

Bones cranium protects the brain and vertebral column protects spinal cord
Membranes called... meninges
Dura mater (tough mother) outermost layer is the toughest membrane-plastic-like
Arachnoid mater middle layer that is so named because of the way it looks (spider web looking layer when you pull the dura mater)
Pia mater innermost layer that fits very tightly to brain or spinal cord (blood vessels are in this layer)
Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges usually caused by bacteria, but may be caused by viral or fungal infections
Cerebrospinal fluid fills spaces or cavities around brain/spinal cord. It protects from trauma and removes toxins made by the brain/spinal cord
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke occurs when... blood circulation to brain is blocked by a blood clot or a rupture of a blood vessel. The result is brain tissue death.
hemiplegia paralysis of one side of body
motor aphasia loss of ability to speak
sensory aphasia loss of ability to understand speech
Epilepsy Characterized by seizures brought on by an abnormal neuron firings in the brain. Kind of like an electrical storm.
seizures - can last seconds, a few minutes, or non-stop without intervention. The symptoms of a seizure can vary
tonic-clonic seizure may... cry out, lose consciousness and fall to the ground, and convulse, often violently
a complex partial seizure may... appear confused or dazed and will not be able to respond to questions or direction
absence seizure is... rapid blinking or a few seconds of staring into space
Is there a cure? Treatments can be medication and/or surgery (as severe as removing an entire hemisphere of the brain
What to do: 1) Clear the area. 2) Time the seizure! 3) STAY WITH THEM! 4)Call 911 if it lasts more than a few minutes…unless you know otherwise
Dementias: Alzheimer disease the brain degenerates. This Affects memory, attention span, intellectual capacity, personality, and motor control
Your frontal lobe matures around age _____ until then you will use your amygdala to make decisions! 24
Amygdala - Teens process information with the amygdala, the emotional part of the brain, while adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the rational part
amygdala is associated with ... emotions, impulses, aggression, and instinctive behavior, while the prefrontal cortex is the reasoning center of the brain
Created by: user-1815264
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