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Unit 5 terms

apprentice a beginner or novice who agrees to work for a master in his trade or craft in return for instruction and support
armor protective clothing worn by the knight, may include a shield and lance
Bimaristan the word for hospital in Persian
Bubonic Plague a serious, sometimes fatal, infection from the bacterial toxin Yersinia pestis, transmitted by fleas from infected rodents and characterized by high fever, weakness, and the swelling of glands
Byzantine Empire The Byzantine Empire was the Greek- speaking eastern continuation of the Roman Empire after the fall of Rome. Its capital was Constantinople (modern day Istanbul).
Caliphate government by a Muslim political and religious leader
calligraphy ornamental handwriting
castle home to the king, lords and their families; often used a place of protection for the people of the manor
chivalry the rules of behavior expected of the knight: they include fairness, courtesy, respect, protection of the weak
Coat of Arms the symbol used to identify the members of a noble family, often found on the shields of knights and on the outside of nobles’ homes
Crusade any of the military expeditions made by Christian countries in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims
Crusader a Christian soldier who fought in a holy War to free Jerusalem from the Muslims
feudalism a system where vassals (lesser nobles) held land from lords (nobles and the king) in exchange for protection and military service
fief land held as a result of an agreement (pledge) between the vassal and the overlord, who pledges to honor and protect his vassal
guild a group organized by merchants, artisans and craft worker to protect the members and set quality and price standards for all
Hagia Sophia a former Greek Orthodox Baslica (church) later an imperial mosque, and now a museum
hippodrome an Grecian stadium for horse racing and chariot racing. Adopted by other ancient cultures
Holy Lands the lands comprising ancient Palestine and including the sites and territories of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions
Icon a religious image usually painted on a small wooden panel
illuminations designs, pictures, and decoration used in manuscripts to make them more appealing
infidels people who do not believe in a particular religion
Jerusalem the capital of the ancient kingdom of Israel and contains sites sacred to the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions
Justinian’s Code the collections of laws and legal interpretations developed under the sponsorship of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I from C.E. 529 to 565
King the ruler of the land, the top of the feudal pyramid
Knight a trained horseman who fought for the king or his lord, a noble by birth
Lord the second in order in the feudal world, a noble who owned less land than the king, and was loyal to the king
manor a large self-sufficient estate or farm belonging to a noble family. Peasants and serfs worked the land and engaged in crafts to supply the lord and his family with all they needed in exchange for protection
Middle Ages the name given to the time period between 800 and 1400 C.E.
mosaic a decoration on a surface made by setting small pieces of glass, tile, or stone of different colors into another material so as to make pictures or patterns
Nika Riots In C.E. 532 the most violent riots in the history of Constantinople, with nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed
nobles members of the wealthiest class in feudal society
Pax Romana the peace that existed between nationalities within the Roman Empire
peasants poor, but free people who live on the manor, and farm the land. They give crops and services to the Lord in exchange for protection
pilgrimage hajj travel to a shrine or holy place to worship
serf a poor person who lives on and farms the land, they are not free, but belong to the land, one step above a slave. If the land is transferred they go with it.
qanat a series of well- like vertical shafts, connected by gently sloping tunnels to ensure a reliable water supply
Seljuk Turks any of several Turkish dynasties that ruled over parts of SW Asia from the 11th to the 13th centuries C.E.
serf a poor person who lives on and farms the manor, they are not free, but belong to the land, one step above a slave. If the land is transferred they go with it
tapestry heavy cloth woven with designs usually telling a story, hung on walls during the Middle Ages for warmth
trade the exchange of goods
vassal in the Middle Ages, one who served the lord in exchange for land
Created by: user-1728304
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