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Frye Ecology

Ecology Vocabulary Words

herbivore a heterotroph that only eats plants
carnivore a consumer that eats mostly or only amimals
omnivore an organism that feeds off of both plants and animals
biome a large region of Earth's surface that contains similar ecosystems and climate characteristics
biotic factor a living part of an environment, including living organisms and the materials, such as bones, and leaves that comes from those organisms
abiotic factor a nonliving part of an environment, including water, soil, light, air and other physical conditions that affect living organims
adaptaion a variation that helps an organism survive and reproduce
behavioral adaptation an action or activity that helps an organism survive and reproduce; like migration or hybernation
biosphere all of the living things on Earth and the environments in which they live
climate an area's long-term weather patterns
commensalism a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other species receives neither harm nor benefit
community the population of different species that interact with each other in an ecosystem
competition when two or more organisms depend on the same limited resources for survival
conservation the protection and careful use of natural resources
consumer an organism that cannot make its own food, a heterotroph
deciduous forest a biome in climates with annual warm and cold seasons. It is dominated by tree species that lose their leaves in winter
decomposer a bacterium or fungus that breaks down waste materials from organisms and the remains of dead organisms
desert a biome that receives very little rain. Temperatures can be very hot during the day and very cold at night. Much of the soil is bare
ecology the study of how the living and nonliving parts of ecosystems work together
ecosystem communities of living organisms and the abiotic factors that affect those communities
endangered species a species that may soon become extinct or die out, due to habitat loss, overhunting, or other factor
energy pyramid a diagram that shows how much energy is available to organisms at each level of a food web
estuary wherever a river or stream meets the ocean, causing the saltiness of the water to vary
extinction the loss of the last individual of a species
food web a network of food chains that shows many of the ways in which food energy moves through a community
food chain a simple model that shows how energy flows from one organism to another in a community
freshwater biome a biome that includes both the flowing water of rivers and streams and the still water of lakes and ponds
grassland a biome that is hot and dry in summer and cold and wet in the winter. It receives less rainfall than a forest but more than a desert
habitat the part of the environment in which an organism lives
host the organism that is harmed in parasitsm
limiting factor any resource that limits the size of a population
marine biome a saltwater biome
mutualism a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit
niche an organism's role in its habitat. It includes the food an organism eats, the way it finds food, and the way it finds or builds shelter. No two species have exactly the same niche.
organism a living thing
parasite the organism that benefits in parasitism
parasitism a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other is harmed
permafrost a layer of permanently frozen soil found in the tundra
population individual organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time
predator an organism that hunts and eats other animals
prey an animal that is hunted
producer an organism that makes its own food. Autotrophs include green plants, algae and some bacteria
salinity the saltiness of ocean water. Salinity varies from place to place in the ocean.
scavenger a consumer that eats dead animals
species a group of similar organisms that can mate to produce offspring like themselves.
physical adaptations a body structure that helps an organism survive and reproduce; for example gills help fish live in water.
symbiosis a close relationship between two or more species
symbiotic a kind of relationship in which species interact very closely with one another
taiga a biome that includes coniferous trees, such as fir, spruce, pine, and cedar. Most precipitation is in the form of snowfall.
tropical rainforest a biome found in warm regions with heavy rainfall. It has lush plant growth and many different plant and animal species
biodiversity the number and variety of organisms in a given area during a specific time period
tundra a cold and snowy biome with very few trees and a layer of permanently frozen soil called permafrost
Created by: betsyfrye



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