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Unit 5 Am Hist Leap
Question | Answer |
One cause of the Mexican- American War was that Mexico was against what area becoming a U.S. Territory | Texas |
One Dispute that gave rise to the Mexican American war is that Mexico claimed the Nueces River as its border and that was further South than which river the United States Claimed as the border between Mexico and The United States? | Rio Grande |
A third reason for the Mexican American war is that Which President sent troops to Mexican territory over the border dispute? | Polk |
American General that captured Mexico city and ended the Mexican American war. | General Winfield Scott |
One Cause of the War of 1812 is that Great Britain and France were taking What from the United States? | American Ships |
The most important reason for the War of 1812 is that the British were forcing Americans into the British Navy. What is a term that refers to this practice? | Impressment |
A Cause of the War of 1812 is that Britain were arming what group that attacked American colonist? | American Indians |
What was the greatest two effects of the discovery of Gold at Sutters Mill? | Western Expansion and Immigration |
Who was the inventor of the Telegraph? | Samuel F.B. Morse |
What was an economic outcome of the war of 1812? | It boosted the American economy. |
How did the war of 1812 affect americans outlook? | It gave them a sense of pride in America |
An act that allowed the last two territories of the Louisiana Purchase to use popular soverginty to decide on being a free or slave state. | Kansas Nebraska Act |
State that became a battle ground for pro slavery and anti slavery supporters | Kansas |
Why did Spain want to sell the Louisiana territory to France? | Because they could not keep Americans from illegally entering their territory and settling there. |
Why did France Want to sell the Louisiana Territory? | Because Hatians revoted and ended their dreams of a North American empire |
What did the U.S. orginally want to buy from France in the Louisiana Purchase? | New Orleans |
The Louisiana Purchase increased the U.S. how much? | Doubled |
Abolitionist who led a raid on a military Arsenal in Virginia and Killed proslavery People in Kansas | John Brown |
What is the name of the Military Arsenal in Virgina raided by John Brown | Harper's Ferry |
What did John Brown believe would happen but did not when he attacked the Arsenal in Virginia? | Slaves would Join him |
Mission in San Antonio where a small texan force held off a large Mexican Army under General Santa Anna? | The Alamo |
Cry that inspired fighters for Texas independence from Mexico | "remember the Alamo" |
Compromise that allowed California to enter the Union as a free state and allowed Popular soverginty for the rest of the Mexican Territory (New Mexico and Utah) | Compromise of 1850 |
Act passed by Jackson that allowed for the removal of all Indans to territory West of the Mississippi River. | Indian removal Act |
State that had the largest amount of Indians in reservations. | Oklahoma |
War fought between Mexico and It's American settlers after Mexico attempted to end settlers formed a self government | Texas War for Independence |
Groups of people that tried to form the perfect society | Utopian Communities |
Ideas about simple life and nature that inspired American painters and writers in the early - mid 1800's | American Romanticism |
Aurhor of the "Scarlet Letter" | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
famous American Poet wrote " the raven" | Edgar Allen Poe |
Author of "Moby Dick" | Herman Melville |
Wrote popular story poems in the 1800's such as " The midnight ride of Paul Revere" | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Second Christian Renewal movement of the late 1790's and early 1800's | Second Awakening |
movement that urged people to use self discipline to stop drinking hard liquor. | Temperence Movement |
Perosn that urged that mentally ill people be treated not as criminals but in hospitals | Dorthea Dix |
who was the Leader of the common school movement ? | Horace Mann |
What is called the idea that all children should be taught in a common place irregardless of their background. | Common School Movement |
The movement to completely get rid of slavery | Abolition |
Who was the publisher of the Liberator a Newspaper that promoted abolition of slavery | William Lloyd garrison |
two sisters that promoted abolition of slavery | Angelina and Sarah Grimk'e |
Escaped slave that spoke out against slavery in his newspaper the North Star. | Fredrick Douglass |
Former slave that claimed that God had called her to travel and preach the truth about slavery | Sojourner Truth |
She urged that women be given equal educational opportunities | Sarah Grimke |
Leader of the Underground railroad | Harriet Tubman |
A series of safe houses and a trail where slaves escaped from the South to the North | Underground railroad |
First public meeting about womens rights in America | Seneca Falls Convention |
Two womens rights leaders that organized the Senaca Falls Convention | Lucretia Mott/Elizabeth Cady Stanton |
Woman that did much to turn the womens rights movement into a political movement | Susan B. Anthony |
President of the common man believed in a strong central government. | Andrew Jackson |
Group that believed that the states were more powerful than the Federal government since the sttes created the federal government and had the right to choose not to obey laws of the federal government | States Righters |
The Great Compromiser Helped the settle the questions of Missouri and was the creator of the Compromise of 1850 that admitted the state of California into the Country as a free state. | Henry Clay |
Group that felt like Jackson had been cheated out of the election of 1824 and felt that the election of 1828 , won by Jackson, a victory for the common man. | Jacksonians |
Vice President under Jackson resigned because he believed in States Rights | John C. Calhoun |
Founder of the Old 300 in Texas. Pushed for the independence of Texas from Mexico | Stephen F. Austin |
Writer of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" a book that depicted the creulty of slavery . Reading convinced many Northeners that slavery must be aboloshed | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
Anti Immigaration Party. | Know Nothings |
Party that supported not enforcing the fugitive slave act | Whigs |
Started a system in which young girls worked in his factory. The young ladies borded and ate in mill bording houses. | Francis Cabot Lowell |
One of the most important leaders of the Second Great Awakening - A renewed interest in Religion | Francis Grandison Finney |
Refers to when John Brown and his followers killed five pro-slavery men in Kansas | Pottawatomie Creek Massacre |
Law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves and made it allowable for officials to arrest runaway slaves in free areas. | Fugitive slave law |
Hero of the Battle of New Orleans | Andrew Jackson |
A anti slavery Novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe | Uncle Tom's Cabin |
Compromise in Which California is admitted to the Union as a free state and and the rest of the Mexican cession is divided into two territories Utah and New Mexico where the question of whether to allow slavery would be dicided by Popular soverginty. | Compromise of 1850 |
Political party united against the spread of the slavery in the west. | Republican |
Slave that sued for his freedom on the basis that when traveling with his master he enter into free areas and as such should be free | Dred Scott |
How did the courts rule in the Dred Scott case? | Slaves have no basis to sue in Court because they were not citizens and that the M=issouri Compromise was unconstitutional. |
What is the name of the document that was passed at the Seneca falls Convention that was a statement of the mistreatment of women? | Declaration of Sentiments |
Meeting of women and some men on womens rights in New York? | Seneca Falls Convention |
Term that means to set free | Emancipation |
Shipbuilding, textile mills, fishing, colder climates, rocky and more mountainist are all associted with what region of the country? | North |
Cotton,sugarcane,rice richer soil, warmer climate are associated with which region of the country | South |
What term in the preamble refers to keepin peace here at home? | Domestic Tranquility |
What phrase in the preamble refers to protecting us from foreign invasion/ | provide for the common defense |
What phrase refers to the job of government to take care of our wellbeing? | promote the general welfare |
Another wotrd for freedom? | Liberty |
Which section of the country had more railroads and canals before the civil war? | North |
Whcih section of the country had more urbanization? | North |
Which section of the country produced more manufactured products? | North |
Whcich section of the country was more agricultural? | South |