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The color most identified with the Union Army and their uniforms.
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The Color most identified with the Southern Army and their uniforms.
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Unit 6 Am hist

The Civil War

The color most identified with the Union Army and their uniforms. The Blue
The Color most identified with the Southern Army and their uniforms. The Grey
The name given to the United States forces in the civil war. They were under Abraham Lincoln. The Union
The name given to the seceding states that fought the National government.They believed in a states right to break apart from the Union.The government was a loose association of states The Confederacy
The President of the Confederacy. Jefferson Davis
The commander of the Army of Northern Virginia in the Confederacy and their top General Robert E. Lee
The General that led the Army of the Potomac and the top general of the Union Army Ulysses S. Grant
Battle at which the Confederate army destroyed large numbers of union forces Fredericksburg
The battle that was the turning point of the Civil War. Union Forces made a crippling blow by defeating the confederacy here. Gettysburg
Name given to the Union forces Yankees
Name given to the Confederate forces Johnny rebels
The song that is most identified with the Union Cause Battle Hymn of the republic
Song that is most identified with the Southern Cause in the Civil War Dixie Land
Union General tht defeated Robert E. Lee at the battle of Gettysburg General Meade
The head of the South's Calvary division, Lee's right hand man, lhero of the first battle of Bull run, shot accidently and killed by his own troops at Chancellorsville. Stonewall Jackson
Known as the "old Warhorse" he was a principal general under Robert E. Lee. He disagreed with Lee's plans at Gettysburg General Longstreet
Union General. For a while the General in chief of the Union forces. He was relieved of command by Abe Lincoln and later ran unsuccessfully as a democrat for President Genneral George McCellan
Confederate General that led a disaterous charge in the battle of Gettysburg for the South General Pickett
Part of the country that started the war South
Part of the country that won the war. North
16th president of the United States , Commander and Chief of the Union. Abraham Lincoln
A series of safe house and trails through which slaves escaped to freedom in the North. Underground Railroad
John Brown and his men kill 5 pro slavery men in Kansas. Pottawatomie Massacre
Abolitionist and pro-slavery forces clash in Kansas killing many people. Bleeding in Kansas
Event that occured when John Brown and his men took over the Arsenal in Virginia in hopes of starting a slave rebellion. He was arrested and tried and eventually hung for the crime. Harper's Ferry
The first shots of the civil war. Occured of this fort Off the coast of South Carolinia. Fort Sumter
It is a line among four U.S. states, forming part of the borders of Penn, Maryland, Delaware, and W. Virginia (then, part of Virginia). The Mason–Dixon Line symbolizes a cultural boundary between the NE U.S. and the South and the legality of slavery Mason Dixion Line of 1767 (see Slide 1)
Established the Northwest territory including the areas of Illinois, Indiana Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Allows Missouri to enter as a Slave state and Maine to come in as a free state (to protect the balance in Congress bt free and slave states) disallowed slavery above Missouri southern border Missouri Compromise of 1820 (see slide 2)
Allowed California to enter as a free state and the rest of the Mexican sessation land to come in by popular sovereignty Compromise of 1850 (See Slide 3)
Allowed the last two remaining territories of the La. Purchase to use popular sovereignty to determine if they would be free or slave states. Kansas Nebraska Act
Causes of the Civil War. Slavery/States Rights/
Which was the first state to secede from the Union? South Carolina
Nurse during the Civil War She founded the Red Cross Clara Barton
what was an economic cause of the civil War? The North was industrial and the South was agricultural and they each had interest that opposed each other
Bloodiest battle of the Civil War Antietam
Issued by Lincoln, It freed the slaves in the sttes that were fighting the Union. Emancipation Proclamation
Which side in the civil war had the advantage of numbers? North
The site of Lee's surrender to Grant Appomattox Courthouse
Created by: twray



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