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Unit 6 Am hist
The Civil War
Question | Answer |
The color most identified with the Union Army and their uniforms. | The Blue |
The Color most identified with the Southern Army and their uniforms. | The Grey |
The name given to the United States forces in the civil war. They were under Abraham Lincoln. | The Union |
The name given to the seceding states that fought the National government.They believed in a states right to break apart from the Union.The government was a loose association of states | The Confederacy |
The President of the Confederacy. | Jefferson Davis |
The commander of the Army of Northern Virginia in the Confederacy and their top General | Robert E. Lee |
The General that led the Army of the Potomac and the top general of the Union Army | Ulysses S. Grant |
Battle at which the Confederate army destroyed large numbers of union forces | Fredericksburg |
The battle that was the turning point of the Civil War. Union Forces made a crippling blow by defeating the confederacy here. | Gettysburg |
Name given to the Union forces | Yankees |
Name given to the Confederate forces | Johnny rebels |
The song that is most identified with the Union Cause | Battle Hymn of the republic |
Song that is most identified with the Southern Cause in the Civil War | Dixie Land |
Union General tht defeated Robert E. Lee at the battle of Gettysburg | General Meade |
The head of the South's Calvary division, Lee's right hand man, lhero of the first battle of Bull run, shot accidently and killed by his own troops at Chancellorsville. | Stonewall Jackson |
Known as the "old Warhorse" he was a principal general under Robert E. Lee. He disagreed with Lee's plans at Gettysburg | General Longstreet |
Union General. For a while the General in chief of the Union forces. He was relieved of command by Abe Lincoln and later ran unsuccessfully as a democrat for President | Genneral George McCellan |
Confederate General that led a disaterous charge in the battle of Gettysburg for the South | General Pickett |
Part of the country that started the war | South |
Part of the country that won the war. | North |
16th president of the United States , Commander and Chief of the Union. | Abraham Lincoln |
A series of safe house and trails through which slaves escaped to freedom in the North. | Underground Railroad |
John Brown and his men kill 5 pro slavery men in Kansas. | Pottawatomie Massacre |
Abolitionist and pro-slavery forces clash in Kansas killing many people. | Bleeding in Kansas |
Event that occured when John Brown and his men took over the Arsenal in Virginia in hopes of starting a slave rebellion. He was arrested and tried and eventually hung for the crime. | Harper's Ferry |
The first shots of the civil war. Occured of this fort Off the coast of South Carolinia. | Fort Sumter |
It is a line among four U.S. states, forming part of the borders of Penn, Maryland, Delaware, and W. Virginia (then, part of Virginia). The Mason–Dixon Line symbolizes a cultural boundary between the NE U.S. and the South and the legality of slavery | Mason Dixion Line of 1767 (see Slide 1) |
Established the Northwest territory including the areas of Illinois, Indiana | Northwest Ordinance of 1787 |
Allows Missouri to enter as a Slave state and Maine to come in as a free state (to protect the balance in Congress bt free and slave states) disallowed slavery above Missouri southern border | Missouri Compromise of 1820 (see slide 2) |
Allowed California to enter as a free state and the rest of the Mexican sessation land to come in by popular sovereignty | Compromise of 1850 (See Slide 3) |
Allowed the last two remaining territories of the La. Purchase to use popular sovereignty to determine if they would be free or slave states. | Kansas Nebraska Act |
Causes of the Civil War. | Slavery/States Rights/ |
Which was the first state to secede from the Union? | South Carolina |
Nurse during the Civil War She founded the Red Cross | Clara Barton |
what was an economic cause of the civil War? | The North was industrial and the South was agricultural and they each had interest that opposed each other |
Bloodiest battle of the Civil War | Antietam |
Issued by Lincoln, It freed the slaves in the sttes that were fighting the Union. | Emancipation Proclamation |
Which side in the civil war had the advantage of numbers? | North |
The site of Lee's surrender to Grant | Appomattox Courthouse |