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Chap 18 World Hist
Chapter 18 World History
Question | Answer |
The two strongest groups of the latter Middle Ages is Whom? | Kings and the Pope |
The head of the Christian Church | The Pope |
Nearly everyone in the Middle ages belonged to What? | the Church |
The Pope was seen as what in relation to God? | His represenative on earth |
Letters written by the Pope to explain religious teachings oroutline church policy? | Papal Bull |
To kick someone out of the Church | excommunicate |
The Holy Roman Empire got its name because it existed with the Pope's what?? | Permission |
Holy Roman Emperor that had to beg the Pope's forgiveness after the Pope disagreed with his selection of Bishops? | Henry IV |
A long series of wars fought between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy land (Palestine) | Crusades |
Pope that urged Christians to fight to take back the Holy Land from Moslems | Urban II |
English King that led the third Crusade to seize Palestine (Holy Land) back from the Moslems. (it suceeded only in part) | King Richard I (Richard the Lion Hearted |
Turkish leader of the Moslem forces that took back control of the Holy Land | Saladin |
One effect of the Crusades is that it increased what after soldiers returned from the Middle East with silk and spices? | trade increased with Europe and Asia |
How did the Crusades impact America? | The Crusades incresed the demand for goods from the east, Europeans began looking for an all water route to get the goods, Chirstopher Columbus was looking for an all water route when he discovered America |
Church Officials | Clergy |
A group of people that dedicate their lives to religion and follow common rules | Religious Order |
Founded a religious order that wanted to live with and teach people | St. Francis of Assisi |
Wrote a reasoned arument for the existence of God | St. Thomas Aquinas |
A philosopical system that showed how God ordered the world | Natural Law |
Document written by English Nobles and signed by King John in England that reduced the power of the King and increased the power of Parliament | Magna Carta |
The lawmaking body of England | Parliament |
Long lasting conflict between England and France during the 1300's and 1400's | 100 years war |
Teenage Peasant girl that ralled the French troops and turned the tide of the Hundred years war | Joan of Arc |
Deadly Plague brought into Europe by fleas on the backs of rats. It killed millions of Europeans between 1347 and 1351 | Plague/Black Death |
What was the result of the conflict between Saladin and Richard in the third Crusade? | They signed a peace where the Moslems kept Jerusalem and allowed safe passage for people of all faiths |
Religious ideas opposed to accepted church teachings | Heresy |
Aragon prince that married Isabella of Castille to re unite Spain | Ferdinand |
Organization of priest charged with seeking out and punishing non-Christians | Spanish Inquistion |
Why were crusaders willing to leave home and fight? | To find favor with God,Retake the holy land and to gain riches and land |
Why was the Magna Carta so important? | It was one of the first documents in History to protect people's rights |
Which group most influenced life in the Middle Ages? | Religious leaders. |
In the Holy Roman Empire Kings were appointed by Whom? | The Pope |
People who hold ideas different than the Church | Heritics |