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Issued by King George III it prohibited colonist from expanding (settling West of the Appalation Mountains). Issued because colonist were being killed as they encroached on Indian land. Angred colonist that wanted to settle West.
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Act that required colonist to put a stamp on all paper goods. (An attempt by england to tax the colonist)
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Ileap Review Am Hist

Extensive review of main I leap information

Issued by King George III it prohibited colonist from expanding (settling West of the Appalation Mountains). Issued because colonist were being killed as they encroached on Indian land. Angred colonist that wanted to settle West. Proclamation of 1763
Act that required colonist to put a stamp on all paper goods. (An attempt by england to tax the colonist) Stamp Act
After it became evident that the colonist would not be taxed (Boston Tea Party) this Act was passed. It closed Boston Harbor, put English General Gage as governor of Massachussetts Intoleable Acts/Coersive Acts
The practice by which a mother country carefully controlls the trade of a colony in such a way as to make money off trading with the colony. (prohibiting the colony from trading certain things with anyone else/ making them buy certain from mother country. Mercantilism
Philosopher that influenced Jefferson's writings of The Declaration of Independence. ideas include life liberty, property/Social Contract John Locke
The idea that we enter into a contract with government in which people(the source of power) give it to government in exchange for government protecting their unalienable rights Social Contract
Formal document that oulines the reasons and announces the separation of the Colonies from England. Writen by Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence
Rights that can not be taken away/God given rights/Natural Rights Unalienable Rights
The first two battles of the Revolutionary War Lexington and Concord
Refers to the influence that occurs when the colonies became the first colony to overthrow a King and set up a government run by and for the people. Not acutually gunfire. The message is heard by others who overthrow their king and set up self governments The shot heard around the world.
Battle that was the turning point of the revolutionary war. A victory by the patriots, it convinced other like France that the colonies could win, so they joined the colonial cause The battle of Saratoga
Battle in which Cornwallis, surrendered his troops to Washington, last major batttle of the Revolutionary War Yorktown
America's first plan of government Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation had to ask states for what two things? Money and troops
The Articles of Confederation did not have any of this system to judge laws? Judical Branch
A system of Government where power is divided between State and National Governments? Federal System
People who favored the ratification of the Constitution and a strong central government? Federalist
People who did not favor ratifying the constitution, and were for states having power not the federal government. Anti-Federalist
Compromise in which the decision ws made not to have one but two house in Congress, One Representation based on a states population and the other where each state has equal voting power regardless of size. The Great Compromise
Compromise in which Maine is admitted as a free state and Missouri comes in as a slave state, to keep the power balance in congress equal between slave and free states. Missouri Compromise
Plan that called for power in congess to be based on a states population. MOre populus states would be more powerful than small states. Virginia Plan / Large states plan
Plan that called for a states power in congress to be equal regardless of wheather it is a small or largely populated state. New Jersey Plan
Compromise that stated that slaves would count for 3/5ths a person for both taxation and in figuring representation in Congress for a state 3/5ths Compromise
Branch of Government a that makes the laws Legislative
Branch of Government that Judges the laws (Constitutional or not) Judicial
Branch of government that carries out the laws Executive
System by which one branch of government can Check the power of another branch of government Checks and Balances
The first 10 Amendments to teh Constitution they include our most basic rights The Bill of Rights
The power of the Supreme Court to determine if a law is constitutional or not Judicial Review
Event that occured when Amwerica was blocked by Spain from using New Orleans as a port. America purchased all of this land for 15 million Louisiana Purchase
Who Originally owned the Louisiana Territory? Spain
Who did America buy The Louisiana territory from? France (Napoleon Boneapart)
Why did Spain want to sell? Couldn't keep Americans out
Why did Jefferson have such a problem making the deal? He believed that the president should only do what it says in the Constitution and it did not say he could buy land
The practice of the British Navy to force Americans on merchant vessels to be in the British Navy. One of the main reasons for the war of 1812 Impresement
War that was started because the British did not respect America's Neutrality and the impresement of American sailors and because the British had armed American Indians attacking Americans War of 1812
Invention by Eli Whitney that furthered the slave industry in the south Cotton Gin
War fought after American colonist in Texas formed their own government and attempted to break away from Mexican rule The war for Texas Independence
The belief that it was America's obvious fate to one day rule all of the land form the Atlantic to the Pacific Manifest Destiny
The war fought over the dispute that Mexico and the United States had over the border between Mexico and the United States. Mexican American War
The Compromise in which California was admitted as a Free State and the rest of the Mexican Cession could choose based on popular soverginty Compromise of 1850
Term that refers to the mass migration of people to California in search of riches Gold Rush
People that wanted to outlaw slavery everywhere Abolitionist
Law that put in prison anyone that helped a runaway slave and required people to return runaway slaves back to their masters in the South Fugative slave law
A system of trails and safe houses through which slaves escaped from the South to the North Underground Railroad.
Agreement signed by the Pilgrims a that they would make fair laws for all. Mayflower Compact
Author of a Phamplet Common Sense, that gave common sense arguments as to why the colonist should break from England Thomas Paine
Under the English bill of Rights who had to approve new taxes and laws? Parliament
Papers written to influence people to approve the Constitution Federalist papers
The father of the Constitution James Madison
Feederal government program taht gave land to any one that would farm it for five years Homestead Act
A source by someone that was there or a photograph taken there Primary Source
A source that the person was not there that is recounting the events Secondary Source
A map that depicts a population of a state region or country Population Map
Rule by a king or Queen Absolute Monarch
A represenative Democracy, We elect people to vote for us. Republic
Rule by one person Dictatorship/Autocracy
I forbid. A way the president can refuse a bill passed by congress veto
who approves presidental nominees? Congress
powers given only to the federal government Federal Power/delegated powers
Powers that both the Federal and State Governemtns have: taxing, policing, making laws shared or Concurrent powers
Qualifications to be a represenative 25, live in state for 7 years, be aresident of the state you represent
How does a bill become law? Introduced, sent to committee, goes to floor for a vote, sent to other house same process goes to president
What did the Amwerican government get from the Roman Republic? The idea of a represenative democracy
What did the American Government get from Greek City States? Democracy, Many coming together to be one
What did American government get from English Common Law The justice System
Issued by Lincoln it freed the slaves in the warring states Emancipation Proclamation
To let people deicde Popular soverginty
To request government to chage Petition
Occurs when someone refuses to follow an unjust law. Montgomery boycott Civil Disobidence
To petition for a personwho is elected to be dismissed form his elected position Recall
Convention held where a party's candidates are selected National Convention
A political entity that is part of a country state
An agreement between two or more countries treaty
A body whose job it is to act as kind of a court in world disagreements between natins. United Nations
Embargos,prohibiting trade, economic ways to either punish a country or force the country to comply with the wishes of another country Economic Sanctions
To use force as a way to achieve a goal Military Actions
A nation's represenative to another country Ambassador
A policy to not get involved in events outside of one's country isolationism
Qualifications for U.S. Citizenship 18, be a resident for 5 years,knowledgable of u.s. History and Government, be able to read and write English
First Amendment Freedoms Freedom of Speech, press, petition, and assembly
Other Freedoms in the Bill of Rights Right to bear Arms (2nd)
First major battle of the Revolutionary war Fort Ticondaroga
Group formed by Samuel Adams to keep the colonies informed about the actions of the British Committiees of Coorespondence
A person that is for America separating from England during the Revolutionary war Patriot
Instgator of the American Revolution, founder of the Sons of Liberty and the Committee of Coorespondence Samuel Adams
Our countries debt National Debt
The freedom people have to say things aslong as it does not interfear withsomeone eleses right. (can't yell fire in a crowded Movie) Freedom of Speech
Freedom of the print of what is believed to be true in the paper or on T.V. Freedom of the Press
The right of the government to take personal property for public use aslong as it is needed and they pay a fair price right of Eminent Domain
5th Amendment Protection from Self Incrimination
Right to an attorney
The Eighth Amendment No cruel and Unusal punishment
One of the more popular trails through which people migarted West Oregon Trail
Vast grassland in the middle part of the United States Great Plains
Picketts Charge Disaterous Southern Charge at Gettysburg
Started by Andrew Jackson a system in which supporters of the candidate are given government jobs when he wins Spoils System
A system of transportation/ Main one was Erie canals
Bank hated by Jackson. Rule Constituional by Marbury vs Madison Bank of the United Sttes
Leading Federalist, wanted the Federal Government to have more power, wanted state Government to have less, wanted rule by an elite few. Favored Business and industry Alexander Hamilton
Section of the country identified by Urbanization and industrialization North
Coloncil renewal of religious intrest Great Awakening
A revival of religious intrest in america in the mid 1800's second Great Awakening
Abolitionist William Lloyd garrison's Newspaper The liberator
The conductor of the underground railroad Harriet Tubman
Killed pro slavery People in Powattamie Creek Kansas, Led a failed slave revolt at harper's Ferry Virginia John Brown
Former Slave that was a voice for abolition/editor of the North Star Fredrick Douglass
one of the founders of the womans rights movement and organizer of the Senaca Falls Convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Convention where women and some men came to discuss womens rights Seneca Falls Convention
made sufferage a political movement Susan B. Anthony
Reformed prisions where mentally ill were treated infacilities not put in jail Doretha Dix
Started the Comon School Movement where students could all be taught in the same place. Horace Mann
Advantages of the south at the Start of the Civil War Better military Leaders, war fought on Familiar ground, More skilled Horsemen and rifelmen
Advantages of the North at the Civil War More people, more factories,more navy, more railroads, ost of the U.S. money
The Turning point of the civil War Gettysburg
12 year period after the civil war where the North tried to rebuild the South Reconstruction
Laws passed to keep former slaves from voting,testifying against whites, serving on juriesor joining the militas Black Codes
Northerners who came to the South after the War to either help or take advantage Carpetbaggers
Southern Whites who supported and worked with the North Scalawag
Laws passed in Southern states to legalize segregation Jim Crow Laws
Gave former slaves the right to vote 15th Amendment
Gave former slaves citizenship 14th Amendment
Freed Former slaves 13th Amendment
The first people migrated to america across what? The bearing strait
A system of trade where slaves, manufactured goods and raw materials were traded between North America, Africa and England Triangular Trade
The first permanent English settlement in America Jamestown
America's first attempt at Self Government Mayflower Compact
an intense interest in religion in the 13 colonies Great awakening
Continental General that betrayed the colonies and sold plans to Westpoint to the British Benedict Arnold
The idea that political power belongs to the people. The people vote to decide. Popular soverginty
An uprising in Massachusetts where farmers protest high taxes. It illustrated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Shays rebellion
Place of hardship of the Continental Army during the Revolution Valley Forge
Created by: twray



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