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AP World History

Valhalla High School Bentley AP World Ch. 33

TermDefinitionSignificanceTime PeriodChapterRegion
Afrikaners Dutch farmers who settled in South Africa during the seventeenth century The settlement of Dutch farmers in South Africa encouraged other Europeans to settle there and eventually this sparked conflict with the natives 17th cent. 33 South Africa
Battle of Omdurman British troops kill 11,000 Sudanese in 5 hours this demonstrated the increasing power of western military technology 1898 33 Sudan
Berlin Conference Meeting organized by German chancellor Otto Von Bismark that provided justification for European colonization in Africa this gave any European state the right to establish colonies in Africa. This established the Europeans in Africa and gave them the right to divide up the continent among themselves 1884-1885 33 Europe/Africa
Christianity Religion believing that Jesus was the son of God who saved everyone by sacrificing himself on behalf of mankind This religion was spread particularly rapidly in Europe as well as their colonies and it became the foundation for many societies 1st cent. AD - present 33 Europe, Colonies, United States
East India Company British joint-stock company that grew to be a state within a state in India; possessed its own armed forces Rule by the East India Company transformed India by establishing British schools, introducing new technology, and supressing some Indian customs such as sati 17th cent. 33 India
Maji Maji Rebellion Rebellion (1905) of east Africans that sought to defeat the Germans through traditional magic. represented the resentment against foreign rule in Africa 1905 33 Africa
Maori Indigenous peoples of New Zealand. native people who interacted with foreign powers 1851-? 33 New Zealand
Meiji Restoration Restoration of imperial rule under Emperor Meiji in 1868 by a coalition led by Fukuzawa Yukichi and Ito Hirobumi; the restoration enacted western reforms to strengthen Japan. resulted in Japans rise as a imperial power 1868 33 Japan
Monroe Doctrine American doctrine issued in 1823 during the presidency of James Monroe that warned Europeans to keep their hands off Latin America; the doctrine also expressed growing American strength and growing American imperialistic views regarding Latin America. prevented European interferance in the Americas, and resulted in the US becoming an imperial power 1823 33 Americas
Mughals Islamic dynasty that ruled India from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries; the construction of the Taj Mahal is representative of their splendor; with the exception of the enlightened reign of Akbar, the increasing conflict between Hindus and M first dynasty to almost unify India 1500s-1707 33 India
Muslim A follower of Islam. were in disagreement with the Hindus in India wich assisted in the British conquest of the region 629-2008 33 India
Panama Canal Project (1903-1914) allowing the U.S. access to the Atlantic and the Pacific. made communication between European nations and their asian colonies much faster 1914 33 Egypt
Partition of India Violent division of India into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India upon its independence in 1947. source of conflict between India and Pakistan since their independance 1947 33 India
Sati Also known as suttee, Indian practice of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband. demonstrates the subordinate position of women in Indian society N/A 33 India
Scientific racism Nineteenth-century attempt to justify racism by scientific means; an example would be Gobineau's Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. Shows the European beleif in theirsuperiority over other races 1860s 33 Europe
Sepoys Indian troops who served the British. sepoy revolt lead to direct British rule in India 1700s-1800s 33 India
Sikhs ndian syncretic faith that contains elements of Hinduism and Islam. attempted to resolve the conflicts between Hindus and Muslims 1800s 33 India
Social Darwinism Nineteenth-century philosophy, championed by thinkers such as Herbert Spencer, that attempted to apply Darwinian "survival of the fittest" to the social and political realm; adherents saw the elimination of weaker nations as part of a natural process and justified process of imperialization late 1800s 33 Europe
Spanish-American War War lasting from 1898 to 1899 in which the United States took Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines from Spanish control. established Us dominance in the Americas 1898-1899 33 Americas
United East India Company Dutch joint-stock company, founded in 1602, that operated Dutch trading posts with government support but with little government oversight. began process of British conquest in India late 1700s-1800s 33 India
French Indochina French colonies in southeast Asia, established during the nineteenth century, that included modern day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. these colonies were another example of European imperialism 1859-1893 33 India/ China
Great Game Nineteenth-century competition between Great Britain and Russia for the control of central Asia. Competition among European imperialists 19th century 33 Central Asia
Great Trek Migration of Afrikaners inland to claim new lands in response to British-Dutch tensions. They established the Orange Free Sate in 1854 and the Transvaal in 1860. Nations under imperialist rule seek freedom 1854, 1860 33 Africa
Hinduism Main religion of India, a combination of Dravidian and Aryan concepts; Hinduism's goal is to reach spiritual purity and union with the great world spirit; its important concepts include dharma, karma, and samsara. The most popular religion in India, holding the promise of a good afterlife 6th century A.D- present 33 India
Imperialism Term associated with the expansion of European powers and their conquest and colonization of African and Asian societies, mainly from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Greatly affected conquered lands and influenced them for years to come 16th-19th century 33 Africa, India, Asia
Indentured Labor Labor source in the Americas; wealthy planters would pay the European poor to sell a portion of their working lives, usually seven years, in exchange for passage. many people wanted passage to the Americas 1750-1914 33 Americas
Indian National Congress Forum established in 1885 where educated Indians convened to discuss public affairs such as colonial misrule and aims for self-rule. Leading Indian reform group trying to get British imperialists out of India 1885 33 India
Islam Monotheistic religion of the prophet Muhammad (570-632); influenced by Judaism and Christianity, Muhammad was considered the final prophet because the earlier religions had not seen the entire picture; the Qu'ran is the holy book of Islam. many conflicts with Hindu Indians, wanted to etablish a new country in Pakistan 570-present 33 India, Middle East
Lagaan Taxes imposed by the British on Indians. Imperialist tax which was just one of the many reasons why Indians wanted imperialist rule to end 1750-1914 33 India
Created by: Captain Insano
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