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Cardiac events

Cardiac meds, EKG, Events

Ventricular Septal Defect Loud harsh murmor, trill, too much blood to body
Atrial Septal Defect hard systolic murmor, most close on own,
P-wave Atrial Contraction, depolarization, .12-.20 sec.
QRS ventricular depolarization 0.04-0.10 sec.
Coarctation of the Aorta narrowing obstruction of blood flow, vertigo, nosebleeds, poor lower extremity blood flow
Tetralogy of fallot set of 4 problems, enlarged right ventricle, ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta, pulmonic stenosis
Left Heart Failure - signs dyspenia & crackles, tacky cardia, tachypenia, fatigue
Right Heart Failure - signs perorbital edema, tachycardia, enlarged liver, ascites, weight gain, edema
T-wave represents ventricular repolarization
T-wave variations electrolyte imbalances
No S-T plateau phase indicates what? indicates infarct
Normal Sinus Rythm PR=normal, QRS=normal, Rate 60-99, Rythem regular
Sinus Tachycardia PR =normal, QRS=normal, rate 100-180, rythem is regular
Sinus Bradycardia PR interval is normal, QRS=normal, Rate less than 60, Regular rythem
A-fib p wave absent, ventrical rate is 100-180, irregular rythem
PVC No P wave, QRS early bizzare, irregular pulse
V-Tach no p-wave, Bizzare apearanceQRS, Rapid rate 100-200
V-fib no p, no QRS, quivering muscle, CO = 0
Drug for BradyCardia Atropine
A-fib Cause Blood Clots, Strokes
PVC drug of choice Lidocaine (calms ventricles)
A-Fib more cause High Thyroid, Mitral Valve disease
Sinus Bradycardia -cause Hypothyroid, athletes
Most Dangerouse Rythem Ventricular Tachycardia
Most Frequent Cause of Death Ventricular Fibrillation
Arrythmias Cause Ischemic and infacted tissues
Pacemake failure - ss "sick sinus symdrom" dizzy,
Heart disease Risk factors smoking, increase BP & Cholesterol, Overweight, inactivity, diabetes, family History, age 55 +
Women Heart Attack signs Chest pressure, GI symptoms
Right Side Valves Tricuspid, Pulmonic
Left side Valves Mitral, Aortic
Atropine Anticholenargic, Bradycardia
Adenosine Amino Acid/Chemical Defibulator, SVTach, Thallium stress test
Diltiazem Calcium Channel Blocker/ A fib, SVTach
Digoxin Cardiac Glycoside, CHF, AFib, AFlutter, Cardiogenic Shock,
Epiniphrine Cardiac Arrest, V-Fib, V tach, asystole, profound bradycardia or hypotension
Amiodarone Potassium Channel Blocker, vtack, svtach, A-fib, V-fib
Lidocaine Sodium Channel Blocker, PVC's Post MI, V tach, dysrythmias during surgery, MI, Dig. Tox, Cardiac Cath.
Drugs to treat BradyCardia Atropine, Epinephrine (profound BC)
Drugs to treat SVTACH adenosine, Amiodarone, Diltiazem
Drugs to treat VTACH Amioderone, Lidocaine, Epinephrine,
Drugs to treat Asystole Atropine, Epinephrine
Drugs to Treat A-fib Amioderone, /diltiazem, Digoxin
Drugs to treat V-fib amioderone
Atropine - action blocks vagal impulses, decreases AV conduction time, increase heart rate and CO
Adenosine - action slows conduction through AV node
Diltiazem - Action Blocks Calcium flow, decrease HR and conduction through SA and AV node.
Digoxin- Action Increases force and volocity of Ventricualr contraction, decreases HR, AV conduction speed.
Epinephrine- Action Cardiac Stimulant, works on Bet recoptors. Increase O2, increse force of contraction, inrease rate and output
Amidarone-Action Reduces heart rate and slows speed of conduction of SA node
Lidocaine - Action Acts of Sodium channle, surpresses arythmias,
Platelet Inhibitors Inhibbit factors necessary for platelet aggregation
Beta blockers decrease HR, Contractility and speed of impulse conduction
Hytrin decreases BP by dilating Blood vessle
Clonidine approved for Hypertension
Captopril Monitpr 1st dose for hypotension
Norvasc usefule in pt. with DM,asthma and migranes
Cardizem Ca+ Channel blocker that effects HR
Adalat Ca+ channel blocker that effects BP
Digoxin tell pt. to report Irregular HR,visual disturbances,fatigue, N/V
Lopressor cardioselective Beta Blocker
Created by: justlori
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