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Stack #189911
Question | Answer |
prokaryotes have/lack mesosome | have |
prokaryotes have/lack PM | have |
prokaryotes have/lack mitochondria | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack lysosome | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack ER | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack golgi apparatus | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack nucleus | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack embedded cholesterol in lipid bilayer | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack histone | lack |
prokaryotes have/lack ETC | have (special ETC not in mitochondria) |
prokaryotes have/lack ribosome | have |
two types of angiosperm | monocot(narrow leaf), dicot(broad leaf) |
cambrium is | source of 2nd growth of plants which develops into phloem and xylem. |
phloem is | transports nutrients down stem |
xylem is | transports water up stem |
vascular tissue transporting nutrients down stem | phloem |
vascular tissue transporting water up stem | xylem |
plants lacking vascular tissues | non-trachephyte |
non-trachephyte is | plants lacking vascular tissues |
stomata | control gas exchange by opening/closing |
control gas exchange by opening/closing | stomata |
stroma | fluid inner membrane of chloroplast |
fluid inner membrane of chloroplast | stroma |
thylakoid | photosynthetic pigment in chloroplast |
photosynthetic pigment in chloroplast | thylakoid |
meristem | undifferentiated cells in plants |
undifferentiated cells in plants | meristem |
apical meristem | undifferentiated cells that eventually develop into branches and flowers |
undifferentiated cells that eventually develop into branches and flowers | apical meristems |
NT consists of | sugar + phosphate + nitrogenous base |
nucleoside consists of | sugar + nitrogenous base |
lyase breaks down | C-C, C-O, C-N |
when the sigmoidal curve for Hb is shifted to right the affinity of O2 is decreased/increased | decreased, hence releasing O2 |
effect of H+ on Hb sigmoidal curve | shifts right` |
Red marrow | form RBC, leukocyte, thrombocyte |
what part of a bone forms RBC, leukocyte, thrombocyte | Red marrow |
Yellow marrow | stores fat |
what part of a bone stores fat | yellow marrow` |
under what condition is yellow marrow converted to red marrow | when blood supply is low |
megakaryocyte | produces platelets |
what produeces platelets | megakaryocyte |
types of leukocytes | never let monkeys eat banana (neutrophil, lymphocyte, macrocyte, eosinophil, basophil) |
giberellins | hormone which allows stem elongation and induces plants to flower |
hormone which allows stem elongation and induces plants to flower | giberellins |
cytokinin | hormone which promotes cell division |
hormone which promotes cell division | cytokinin |
ethylene | fruuit ripening |
abscisic acid | inhibit planht growth hormone |
what inhibits plant growth hormone | abscisic acid |
structure of collagen | triple helix |
plants have/lack centriole | lack |
animals have/lack centriole | have |
blue green algae is in what domain | monera(cyanobacteria) |
most accurate way to work out molecular structure | x-ray diffraction |
gram +/- bacteria have thick peptidoglycan | + |
gram +/- bacteria appear purple after gram staining | + |
gram +/- bacteria have thin peptidoglycan | - |
gram +/- bacteria are pathogenic | - |
teichoic acid used as | binding site used by bacterial viruses on gram positive bacteria |
middle ear contains | 3 occipitals, mallus, incus, stapes |
inner ear contains | semicircular canal (for balance) and cochlea (converts sound wave into neural messages) |
glucagon produced in | pancreatic alpha |
insulin produced in | pancreatic beta |
aldosterone causes | Na+, H2O reabsorption, K+ secretion |
fungi composed of filaments called __, collectively called | hyphae, mycelium |
fungi reproduces sexually/asexually | both |
eg of saprophytic | all fungi |
fungi lack/have cell walls | have, (chitin) |
habitat | physical environment in which organism occupies |
physical environment in which organism occupies | habitat |
niche | ROLE an organism plays in a community |
community | interaction between different species |
interaction between different species | community |
ROLE an organism plays in a community | niche |
arthropods have open/closed circulatory system | open |
nephridia is | excretory structure in annelids |
annelids have open/closed circulatory system | closed |
3 stages of fetus development | morula blastrula gastrula (must be good) |
morula to blastrula by mitosis or meiosis | mitosis |
nervous system is ecto/endo/mesoderm | ectoderm |
skeleton is ecto/endo/mesoderm | mesoderm |
gonad is ecto/endo/mesoderm | mesoderm |
kidney is ecto/endo/mesoderm | mesoderm |
circulatory system is ecto/endo/mesoderm | mesoderm |
lining of bladder is ecto/endo/mesoderm | endoderm |
liver is ecto/endo/mesoderm | endoderm |
pancreas is ecto/endo/mesoderm | endoderm |
cells of stomach | chief, parietal, G-cell |
how does stomach wall not degraded by acid | mucous protects stomch |
some eg of cnidaria | hydras, jellyfish, sea anemoas |
stinging cells in Cnidaria called | nematocyst |
nematocysts | stinging cells in Cnidaria |
eg of cartilaginous fish | shark, rays |
distinguishing feature about cartilaginous fish | skel composed of cartilage |
shark, rays eg of what fish | cartilaginous fish |
characteristics of chordates | Do Not Pinch People dorsal hallow nerve cord notocord pharangeal slits postanal tail |
structure of collagen | triple helix, every 3rd position occupied by Glycine |
how body releases Ca2+ | PTH => inc. osteoclast |
how body decreases Ca2+ | calcitonin => inc. osteoblast |
posterior pituitary releases | oxytocin, ADH |
ADH released from | posterior pituitary |
calcitonin released from | thyroid |
PTH released from | parathyroid |
epinephrine inc or dec blood sugar level | increase |
eg of catecholamine | epinephrine, NE |
thyroxin released from what and its effect | thyroid gland, inc basal metablolic rate |
reverse transcription | RNA -> DNA |
adaptive radiation aka | divergent evolution |
divergent evolution aka | adaptive radiation |
hardy weinberg requires no | maggie may does not smoke + isolation mutation migration drift non-random mating selection |
hardy weinberg shows | how genotype and phenotype stability can be achieved |
chromosomal inversion | one chromosome turned 180 degrees |
chromosomal translocation | 2 non homogeneous chromosomes interchange genes |
anticodon | triplet of NT on tRNA |
maternal DNA seen in | mitochondria |
dowm syndrome, number of chromosome in an individual with this syndrome | trisomy 21, 47 |
Turner syndrome, number of chromosome in an individual with this syndrome | lack an X chromosome, 44 autosome, 1 sex chromosome => total of 45 chromosme |
turner syndrome symptom | less feminine (no ovaries) |
kleinfelter syndrome | XXY or XXXY, ALWAYS 44 autosome |
kleinfelter syndrome symptom | sterile, feminine males |
sterile, feminine males symtom of __ syndrome | kleinfelter |
less feminine (no ovaries) symptom of __ syndrome | turner |
spermatozoa matured in | epididymis |
__ cells secrete testeosterone | ledig |
spermatogenisis occurs in | semineferous tubule |
darwin's therory on molecular genetics and mutations | never discussed these ideas |
corpus luteum turnes into __ in case no ferilization occurs | corpus albican |
where does fertilzation occur | fallopian tube |
oocyte development halted at __ until puberty | prophase I of meiosis |
amphixous and tunicates are __ phylum that lack __ | chordata, vertebrates (ie they're invertebrates) |
all vertebrates are in __ phylum | chordata |
special feature about amphixous and tunicates | chordates which are invertebrates. they don't lose their notochord like all other chordates |
genetic code universal except for __ | mitochondria and chloroplast |
cholecystokinin is made in __ its role is to __ | duodenum, stimulate bile release from gall bladder |
secretin is made in __ its role is to __ | duodenum, stimulate production of pancreatic juice |
enterogasterase is made in __ its role is to __ | duodenum, inhibit stomach gland secretion |
breathing rate is sensitive to H+ or CO2 or O2 | all |
eg of veins carrying o2'd blood | umbilical vein, pulmonary vein |
ductus venosus | umbilical vein -> (bypass liver) -> inferior vena cava |
foramen ovale | shunt flow from right to left atrium |
ductus arteriosus | pulmonary artery -> (bypass lung) -> aorta |
how does gas exchange occur in fetal lung | doesn't occur |
__ allows left and right hemispheres of brain to communicate | corpus callosum |
during light __ produced in __. | O2, NADPH high [H+], ATP(from H+ gradient) |
dark rxn known as __ occurs in | calvin cycle, stroma |
calvin cycle requires __ for each CO2 that becomes incorporated in carbohydrate | 3ATP, 2NADPH |
final product of calvin cycle | G3P, NOT glucose!! |
production of 1 glucose via calvin cycle requires __ ATP , __ NADPH | 18, 12 |
ligament connects __ to _ | bone to bone |
tendons connect __ to __ | bone to muscle |
haversion canals have | blood vessels, nerves |
phylum mollusca divides into __ and __ | cephalopoda, gastropoda |
cephalopoda in __ phylum, includes __ | mollusca, squid, octopus |
class crustacean in __ phylum inclucdes | arthropoda, crab, shrimp, lobster |
class arachnida in __ phylum includes | arthropoda, scoprians, spiders |
shrimp in __ class, __ phylum | crustacean, arthropoda |
spider in __ class, __ phylum | arachnida, arthropoda |
bile produced in | liver |
N. waste -> urea occurs in | liver |
major glycogen storage | liver |
analogous structure = __ evolution | convergent eg. bat vs bird wings |
homologous structure = __ evolution | divergent |
transpiration is | loss of H2O from leaves |
hydrolysis | using water to split molecules |
hydration | addn of water |
diapause | resting condition of insect similar to animal hibernation |
if body doesn't produce enough ADH, | loss of H2O, large quantity of urine |
diabetes insipidus caused by | not enough ADH produced |
type 1 diabetes mellitus | autoimmune destroyes pancreatic beta cells |
type 2 diabetes mellitus | body resistant to insulin |
sugar in urine symptom of | diabetes mellitus |
common symptom of diabetes melllitus | sugar in urine |
most reabsorption in kidney occurs in | proximal tubule |
sugar actively/passively reabsorbed | actively |
major secretion in kidney occurs in | distal tubule |
mRNA produced by | RNA polymerase |
PKU disease | lack enzymes for phenylalanine |
__ disease lack enzymes for phenylalanine | PKU |
gout | uric acid crystals deposit |
uric acid crystals deposit | gout |
diabetes insipidus caused by | not enought vasopressin |
tay sach | defective lysosome |
defective lysosome | tay sach |
hashimoto's disease | defective thyroid |
defective thyroid | hasimoto's disease |
RBC lacks | mitochondria, nucleus |
nuclues in sperm in | head |
tropoblast is | precursor of placenta |
precursor of placenta called | tropoblast |
fish has __ chambered heart | 2 |
frog has __ chambered heart | 3 |
bird has __ chambered heart | 4 |
__ absorbs digest fat from intestine | lacteal (small lymph vessel) |
sexual dimorphism | male and female differ in appearance |
B-cell results in __ which causes | humoral immune response, produce antibodies in blood and lymph |
T-cell developed in __ results in __ which causes | thymus, cell-mediated immune response, apoptosis |
newly hatched duck following moving object eg of | imprinting |
imprinting is __. an eg is | learning occuring at a particular stage of life, newly hatched duck following parents |
Barr body is | inactivated X chromosome |
hemizygous is __ eg is | having single copy of gene, instead of two. eg. male XY |
chondrichthys | skates and sharks |
amphibian | toads frogs |
aves | birds |
agnatha | hagfish, lamprey |
genetic drift | change in allele freq caused by PHENOMINA, entirely from CHANCE |
speciation | process by which new species arrive |
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) | clone DNA |
__ technique to clone DNA | PCR |
product of kreb cycle | 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 GTP |
bacteria derive E from | glycolysis, ETC (special) |
cross-over occurs in | prophase 1 of meiosis |
chlorphyll in | thylakoid |
ledig cell | secretes testosteron |
purpose of lactate prductino in active muscle | replenish NAD+ for glycolysis |
apocrine gland | gland that respond to stress |
eccrine gland | maintains body temp |
cnidoblast | cells located in tentacles of coelenterate, filled with nematocyst |
ion in chlorophyll | Mg2+ |
ion in Hb | Fe2+ |
each NT bound to the next one by __ bond | phosphodiester (3'OH to 5'OH) |
__develops into umbilical cord | allantois |
stroke volume | volume of blood pump in each beat |
achondoplasia | dwarfism |
progeria | premature aging |
2 negative inhibitions in female hormone | estrogen -FSH, progesterone -LH |
Glycolysis end product | pyruvate |
ABO bloodgroup represents | polymorphysm |
reptiles have __ chambered heart | 3 |
tunicates | invertebrate with notocord |
amphixous | invertebrate with notocord |
vegetative propagation | asexual reproduction in plants |
asexual reproduction in plants called | vegetative propagation |
double fertilization in plants | sperm (1N) unites with zygote (2N) to form 3N (endosperm) |
cotyledon | forms leaves after germination |
amphibians have closed/open circulatory | closed |
most abundent product of metabolism | CO2 |
denaturing protein affects primary or sec, or tert, or quternary structure | all except for primary structure (sequence of AA) |
female part of flower | pistil |
male part of flower | stamen |
anther | chamber where pollen develops |
chamber where pollen develops | anther |
immature male gametophyte | pollen |
3 parts of pistil | ovary, style, stigma |
part which catches pollens | stigma |
in plants haploid gametophyte is multi/unicelluar | multicellular |
in animals haploid gametophyte is multi/unicellular | unicellular |
subunits in Hb | 2alpha, 2beta |
transposable elements | can cut themselves, reinsert in another area |
how do somatic cells alter genetic constitution without meiosis | via transposable elements |
major criteron in defining a species | reproductive isolation |
mollusca have open/closed circulatory system | cephalopods - closed gastropods - open |
cephalopods have low/high O2 demand | high, for jet propulsion |
virus containing RNA calle | retrovirus |
cruetzfeldt-jacob | prion disease |
kingdom protista includes | paramecium, green algae |
paramecium in what kingdom | protista |
green algae in what kingdom | protista |
blue green algae in what kingdom | monera |
nematoda | hookworm, pinworm |
platyhelminths | tapeworm |
hookworm in phylum | nematoda |
pinworm in what phylum | nematod |
tapeworm in what phylum | platyhelminths |
deuterosteome | echinoderm + chordata, anus -> mouth |
bryophyte | non-vascular (non-tracheophyte), mosses, liverworts |
non-tracheophytic plants in what phylum | bryophyte |
mosses in what phylum | bryophyte |
liverworts in what phylum | bryophyte |
parasite transmitted by mosquito called | sporazoan |
sporazoan | parasite transmitted by mosquito called |
malaria caused by | plasmodium |
plasmodium | malaria caused by |
osteoartharitis | wearing away of carilage as a person ages |
wearing away of carilage as a person ages | osteoartharitis |
rheumatoid artharitis | degenerative genetic disorder |
degenerative genetic disorder causing wearing away of cartilage | rheumatoid artharitis |
osteoblast matures into | osteoclast |
plasma cells function | antibody production (B-cell) |
antibody production (B-cell) by | plasma cells |
mast cells function | histamine release |
histamine release by | mast cells |
allantois function | store nitrogenous waste |
most abundent RNA | rRNA |
least abundent RNA | mRNA |
anticodon bdd to codon by _ bond | H-bond |
relationsihp betw. lichen and algae eg of | symbiosis (lichen protects, alga supplies food) |
albumin contained in __ which __ | plasma, maintain blood osmotic pressure |
In antibody (immunoglobin), two heavy chains linked to two light chains by __ | S-S |
mullerian mimics | group of organisms posessing the same yellow warning color, although phylogenetically unrelated |
group of organisms posessing the same yellow warning color, although phylogenetically unrelated | mullerian mimics |
tannin | unsatisfactory taste in plants |
unsatisfactory taste in plants | tannin |
stem cells in bone marrow produce RBC via mitosis/meosis | mitosis |
5 classes of immunoblobin | IgG IgA IgM IgE IgD |
helper t cell | stimulate prod. of antibody by B cell |
antigenic determinant | site on antigen, where antibody bdd to |
site on antigen, where antibody bdd to | antigenic determinant |
an egg has __ chromosome, __ chromatid | 23, 23 |
nucleosome | histone + DNA |
histone + DNA | nucleosome |
complement system | chemical defense system comprised of serum (complements immunme systme)_ |
allopathic speciation | speciation due to geographical isolation |
speciation due to geographical isolation | allopathic speciation |
sympatic speciation | speciation due to ecological , genetic, behavioural barriers within SAME GEOG BOUNDING |
speciation due to ecological , genetic, behavioural barriers within SAME GEOG BOUNDING | sympatic speciation |
genetic population bottleneck | diaster wipes out large population. alles/freq of survivor doesn't represent the large population |
diaster wipes out large population. alles/freq of survivor doesn't represent the large population | genetic population bottleneck |
protostome | mollusca, arthropoda, annelids, mouth -> anus |
oncotoic presure | pull water into circulatory system |
hydrostatic presure | pull water out of circulatory system |
zymogen | inactive form of enzyme eg pepsinogen |
inactive form of enzyme eg pepsinogen | zymogen |
spherical bacteria | cocci |
rod shape bacteria | bacilli |
helical bacteria | spiralla |
era's in order | Peter Pan May Cry (Precambian, Paleozoic (first vertebrates, algae), Mesozoic (dino), Cenozoic |
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny | not accepted theory, says embroynic stages repeat evolutionary history of species |
plasmolysis | cell shrink due to water loss |
cell shrink due to water loss | plasmolysis |
sucrose composed of | gluc + fruc |
maltose comp of | 2 gluc |
lactose comp of | galac + gluc |
T or F earliest organism heterotrophs were obligate aerobes | F. obligate anaerobes |
halophiles | bacteria living in salty environmnet |
mendel suggested 2 theories | 1. law of indep assortment 2. law of segregation |
pyrimidine has _ ring | 1 |
purine has _ ring | 2 |
voice box | larynx |
head of bacteriophage, where DNA/RNA formed | caspid |
caspid | head of bacteriophage, where DNA/RNA formed |
interferons | cytokine (glycoprotein), produced in response to viral attack |
cytokine (glycoprotein), produced in response to viral attack | interferons |
algae in what kingdom | protista |
carrying capacity | # of organisms that can be sustained by resources |
pulse-chase exp | use radioactive label on protein to detect what's happening to it |
optically inactive AA | glycine |
ferns vascular or nonvascular | vascular |
mosses vascular or nonvascular | nonvascular |
in ferns spores produced from __ | sporangia |
clusters of sporangia | sori |
sori | clusters of sporangia |
sori found in | ferns |
source of sugar in photosynthesis | CO2 |
source of O2 in photosynthesis | H2O |
a map unit is | 1% recomb frequency |
K-selected population | low reproductive rate |
R-selected population | high reproductive rate eg bacteria |
agonistic behaviours | two animals compete |
casparian strip | waxy band in plant. |
most CO2 in body in form of | HCO3- |
food and air cross over at | phayrnx |
buffer system in intracellular fluid | H2PO4-, HPO42- |
buffer system in extracellular fluid | HCO3-, H2CO32- |
reabsorbed glucose from intestine carried to liver by | portal vein |
capacitation | required for egg penetration, fertilzation |
protoplasm | all material within cell |
cytoplasm | all material within cell - nucleus |
organ system | group of organs with related functions |
aneurysm | fluid filled buldge in weaked wall of artery |
insulin causes cell to become more/less permeable to glucose | more glut4 moved to surface allowing more gluc to move out of cell |
true plastid | chloroplast |
plastid in plants or animals | only in plants |
smallest passages of lungs | bronchiole |
aquatic animals excrete | ammonia |
birds, reptiles, insects excrete | uric acid |
flagellum compose of | MT + dynein, kinesin (9+2) |
@ gastrula there are 3 layers, namely | endo, ecto, meso |
3 layers of skin | epidermis, dermis, hypodermis (subcutaneous) |
lipid bilayer symmetric or nonsymmetric | nonsymmetric |
lamarkian theory | not accepted anymore, acquired trait passed down to offspring |
before DNA, __ was the universal genetic code | RNA |
keratin | fibrous protien, makes skin waterproof |
mesenchyme | stem cell for connective tissue |
stem cell for connective tissue | mesenchyme |
cori cycle | lactate->glucose |
cori cycle occurs in what organ | liver |
FA synth occurs in what part of cell | cytosol |
primary protein modific site | golgi |
somatic cell nuclear transfer | cloning technique, remove nucleus from somatic cell, implant into an egg |
recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering) | alter genome of an organism by having DNA transplanted in it, used to make insulin |
plasmid | double stranded, circular DNA |
vector DNA | DNA about to be altered |
vector and donor DNA joined by | DNA ligase |
when vector and donar DNA joined, forms | recombinant DNA |
how insulin made via recombinant dna technology | join vector and donor DNA, introduce this rec. DNA to E-coli. E-coli replicates this recombinant DNA and produeces insulin |
when extrachromosomal gene becomes a part of main chromosome, its called | episome |
single gene affecting more than one phenotype | pleiotrophy |
pleiotrophy | single gene affecting more than one phenotype |
epstatic gene | cover up expression of another gene |
cover up expression of another gene | epstatic gene |
difference betw. epstasis and ordinary dominance | epstasis involves 2 different genes, whereas ordinary dominance deals with same type of gene |
acrosome | cause breakdown of protective surface of egg |
_ in sperm cause breakdown of protective surface of egg | acrosome |
introns are traanscribed but not translated T or F | F neither transcribed nor translated |
precursor to prokaryotes | protobionts |
operant conditioning | reward & consequence(positive or negative) animal learns to associate action with consequence |
1 spermatogonia produces | 4 spermatozoa |
secretion from prostate gland neutralizes ___ | seminal fluid |
blood travels slowest in | capillary |
first plant to have seeds | gymnosperm |
paramecium | ciliated protozoa, contractile vacuole to remove H2O |
in SDS, heavy protein appear on top/bottom light on top/bottom | top, bottom |
longest stage of cell cycle | G1 |
cell cycle in order | G0, G1, S, G2, M |
peptide hormone bdd on PM or in cell | on PM |
steroid hormone bdd on PM or in cell | in cell |
facultative anaerobe | live with or without O2, but grow better in presence of O2 |
O3 converts UV to __ | heat |
__behavior precedes mating | courtship |
mitoch in __ of sperm | midpiece |
__ of sperm comes in contact with __ of egg | acrosome, zona pellucida |
__ is the only AA capable of forming S-S | cystein |
degree and type of DNA coiling controlled by | DNa topoisomer |
ribosome has __ subunit | 2, each with rRNA and protein |
valine | non polar AA |
western blotting | identify protein |
when protein denatured __ structures present | primary |
modif of protein occurs in | RER and golgi |
XX (female) has _ barr body | 1 |
XY (male) has _ barr body | 0 |
XXXXY has _ barr body | 3 |
uric acid removed by | kidney |
bacterial phase | lytic (virulent), lysogenic (provirus) |
stages of bacterial growth (Curve) | 1. lag 2. exp. growth 3. plateau 4. death |
penicillin affect on bacteria | inhibit cell wall production |
inclusions | material, energy storage in bacteria |
what kind of immune response does prion disease cause | none |
lipid absorbed in | jejunum, illeum |
compound light microscope used for | viewing dead cell |
phase contrast for | viewing living cell |
cell wall of prokaryotes composed of | peptidoglycan |
cell wall of fungi | chitin |
cell wall of plants | cellulose |
karyokenisis | division of nucleus |
hermaphrodites | have functional male and female gondads |
3 binding sites on ribosome | 1 for mRNA 2 for tRNA (P and A sites) |
disruptive selection | eliminate intermediate, favor extreme |
stabilizing selection | favor intermediate, eliminate extremes |
directional selection | eliminate one extreme |
bryophytes includes__, and have dominant __ stage | mosses, liverwort, dominant gametophyte |
angiosperm has dominant __ stage | sprophyte |
transformation in bacteria | plasmid gets incorporated via recombination (episome) |
conjugation in bacteria | F factor transferred to F- |
transduction in bacteria | bacteriophage infects host cell |
peritubular capillary | absorb H2O from loop of Henle |
murmur | blood backflow caused by faulty heart valve |
blood plasma | all components in blood - RBC |
reticular activating system | startle response (involves complex reflexes) |
startle response (involves complex reflexes) | reticular activating system |
birds and animals flock, or herd together an example of | fixed action pattern |
habituation | repeated stimulation results in decreased responsiveness to stimuli |
repeated stimulation results in decreased responsiveness to stimuli | habituation |
recovering from habituation called | spontaneous recovery |
spontaneous recovery | recovery of lost responsiveness to stimuli over time |
pavlovian conditioning known as | classical conditioning |
classical conditioning aka | pavlovian conditioning |
response learned thru Pavlovian conditioning refered to as | conditioned reflex |
conditioned reflex | classical conditioning |
dog drooling at smell of food eg of | innate reflex |
after associating sound of bell to food, a dog salivates at the sound of bell alone. this is an eg of | conditioned reflex |
operant conditioning | reward or reinforcement |
reward or reinforcement conditioning aka | operant conditioning |
pavlovian conditioning involves | associating neutral stimulus to a stimuli that is capable of triggering the response. ie. establishment of a new reflex |
gradual elimination of response to stimuli due to lack of reinforcement | extinction |
recovery of conditioned response after extinction called | spontaneous recovery |
if light is not present during ___ visual effectors will not be developed properly. this is an eg of __ | visual critical period, critical period. |
the heirarchy among members of the same species | pecking order |
eg of autotrophic aerobes | plants, autotrophic aerobes (glucose is synthesized + oxidative phosphorylation) |
eg of autotrophic anaerobes | chemosynthetic bacteria, (glucose synthesized + no O2 required to survive) |
a group of cells with related function | tissue |
a group of organs with relatied function | organ system |
types of hormone | peptide, steroid, tyrosine derived |
euk, prok ribosomes | euk - 80S, prok - 70S |
mutualism | relation in which both organisms benefit |
symbiosis | mutualisitic, parasitic, commensal relationships |
sperm has flagella or cilia | flagella |
atrial natiuretic peptide | lowers blood volume |
trypsin and chymotrypsin eg of __ enzyme which _ | protease, degrade peptide |
eg of hormones derived from tyrosine | thyroid, E, NE |
post trans modif of proteins occurs in | golgi |
prokaryotes have/lack chloroplast | lack |
auxin | plant hormone responsible for tendency of plant to bend towrds light |
plant hormone responsible for tendency of plant to bend towrds light | auxin |
heart from endo/ecto/meso | meso |
pollen | male gametophyte |
ferns in __ phylum | pterophyte |
pterophyte includes | ferns |
stomach digests/not digest protein | digest |
stomach digests/not digest carbs | doesn't digest |
amoeba in __ phylum | protista |
paramecium in__ phylum | protista |
paramecium has what kind of digestive system | none |
protista has what kind of digestive system | none |
annelids have what kind of digestive system | one-way, mouth and anus |
RNA has same seq base as __ of DNA | sense strand |
transcription starts at sense/anti-sense strand | anti-sense |
light rxn occurs in | thylakoid |
dark rxn aka, occurs in | calvin cycle, stroma |
during light rxn what happens? | light E -> NADPT + ATP + O2 |
during calvin cycle what happens | CO2 incorporated to make G3P |
Bacteria has how many origin of DNA replication | 1 |
eukaryotes have how many origin of DNA replication | many |
helicase | unwind DNA at replic fork |
unwind DNA at replic fork | helicase |
topoisomerase | release tension during unwinding |
release tension during unwinding | topoisomerase |
promotor | specific seq of DNA where RNA poly. attaches to start transcription |
specific seq of DNA where RNA poly. attaches to start transcription | promotor |
monocot has how many cotyledon | 1 |
parallel leaf vein | monocot |
net-like leaf vein | dicot |
dicot has how many cotyledon | 2 |
__ have determinate cell cleavage | protostome |
__ have indeterminate cell cleavage | deutrostome |
seed plants | gymnosperm @ angiosperm |
modified apical meristem | flower |
__ give a rise to fruit | ovary |
T or F plastids are organelles that produce food | T, eg. gluc. made in chloroplast via photosynthesis |
ecosystem | functional unit, comprising biotic and abiotic components |
entropy: disordering of universe T or F | F. it is a measure of unusuable energy |
PGA -> PGAL during | dark rxn |
CO2 in water is acidic/basic | acidic (produce H2CO3 -> H+ + HCO3-) |
immune cells don't attack cells of its own body b/c | body eliminates immune cells that react to self. |
__ develops into placenta | allantois |
__ region of kidney has the lowest solute conc't | cortex |