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YPR - flakiness or dry patches
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YPR- white colour: pimples, flaky, swelling, depression
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Auricular acup.

Acupuncture for ear

YPR - flakiness or dry patches deficient conditions
YPR- white colour: pimples, flaky, swelling, depression chronic condition in corresponding area
YPR - white pimple with red rim acute flare up of chronic condition in corresponding area
YPR - pimple with pus heat or damp in corresponding area
YPR - dark brown or pigmented area chronic condition that has been resolved in corresponding area
YPR- crescent shaped scar or line surgery in corresponding area
YPR chysanthemum shaped scar- raised or flat tumour in corresponding area
YPR- skin peeling in thick flakes that do not come off with alcohol swabbing problem with absorption of fluids in corresponding area
YPR- spider veins or vascular spiders blood stasis in corresponding area or may just be natural
Contraindication on pregnant women Do not do on women less than 3 months pregnant except for Point 0 or stomach point for nausea Do not do any of the following points on a pregnant women; uterus, ovaries, endocrine, pelvis or any abdominal points.
Contraindication on children do not treat children less than 7 years old with take home treatments. Must be removed before leave office.
Contraindication on the following adults 1) overly tired or really run down 2) someone who has not eaten for several hours 3) someone who is under the influence of alcohol or narcotics as it can overstimulate.
What temperature should the ear be before treating? Room Temperature
Indications for take home treatment 1) remove after 3-7 days in winter 2) remove after 2-3 days in summer 3) ask if allergic to metals or adhesives 4) if point feels irritated or have discomfort-take it off
LM0 Ear Center - at helix root = solar plexus/umbilical cord
LM1 Helix insertion - where arms of eyeglasses rest = genitals
LM2 Apex of the helix = allergies
LM3 Superior Darwin's Tubercle = Anti-inflammatory (tonsilitis, rheumatoid arthritis)
LM4 Inferior Darwin's Tubercle = lumbar + sacral regions
LM5 Helix curve = cervical spinal cord
LM6 Lobular helix notch- where cartilage of tail meets lobe = Brainstem, medulla oblongata (bell's palsey or acute stroke)
LM7 Base of the Lobe - lies directly below LM0 + LM2 = inflammatory problems
LM8 Lobular insertion - most inferior point of the lobe that attaches to the jaw = limbic system + cerebral cortex (nervousness, worry, anxiety, neurasthenia)
LM9 Intertragic Notch - "U" shaped that separates tragus + antitragus = Pituitary gland control of hormones released by other endocrine glands
LM10 Inferior tragus protrusion - lower bump on the tragus = adrenal glands (stress related disorders)
LM11 Superior Tragus Protrusion - upper bump on tragus = thirst and water regulation
LM12 Antitragus protrusion - the knob at the top of the antitragus = forehead of skull
LM13 Apex of the Antitragus = the highest point of antitragus = temples of skull (migraines and asthma)
LM14 Base of Antihelix - round knob at the base of the antihelix tail = occipital and beginning of cervical
LM15 Antihelix Curve end of cervical and beginning of thoracic
LM16 Antihelix notch- separates body of antihelix from the inferior crus) = end of thoracic and beginning of lumbar
LM17 Midpoint of Inferior Crus - divide the inferior crus from LM16 to LM1 in half = end of lumbar and beginning of sacrum
POINT Zero at LM0 - balances energy, hormones and brain activity. Very calming and grounding. Brings body to homeostasis
Shenmen Slightly above the tip of the triangular fossa - on the floor of the fossa. Calms shen. Treats insomnia, anxiety, depression and hypertension.
Autonomic Master Point/Sympathetic Point. At the junction of the internal helix and the inferior crus.
Allergy Master Point At LM2 (underside of helix) - Elimination of toxins, excretion of metabolic waste, treatment of anaphylactic shock, allergic reactions.
Thalamus master Point Hidden. At base of concha wall behind the antitragus. Aspirin point for any type of pain anywhere, acute or chronic. It decreases intestinal or stomach distress.
Endocrine Master Point/Internal secretions. Below LM9 at the intertragic notch.
Master Oscillation Point Hidden. Laterality Point. Underside of tragus at LM10 (inferior tragus protrusion)
Tranquillizer Point/valium analog. At the inferior tragus where it meets the face (1/2 way between LM9 and LM 10) Produces major sedation and relaxation. Decreases generalized anxiety. Decresases high blood pressure.
Master Sensorial Point At the mid point of the ear lobe. Treats any problem with any of the sensory organs
Master cerebral point/Master Omega. Where the medial ear lobe meets the face -below the intertragic notch.
Cervical Spine Conchal side of the antihelix LM14 to LM15
When use cervical spine neck problems, whiplash, stiffneck, TMJ, HA assoc with neck tension
Thoracic Spine Conchal side of the antihelix from LM15 (antihelix curve) to LM16 (antihelix notch)
When use Thoracic Spine any upper back problems
Lumbar Spine Along the spine of the inferior crus LM16 (antihelix notch) to LM17 (midpoint of inferior crus)
Uses of Lumbar Spine any lower back problem; sciatica; induction of labour; neuralgia; neuropathy
Sacral Spine and coccyx Along the spine of the inferior crus (LM17 (midpoint of inferior crus) to LM1 (helix insertion)
when use Sacral Spine and coccyx sacral pain, fractured coccyx and sciatica
Neck Point located in the lower 1/3 of ear on the scaphoid fossa side of the antihelix tail- slightly less than 1/2 way down
when to use the neck pt for sore throat-bleed with lancet; hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Acts like a window of the sky point and helps balance the energy in the head and body
Breast/Chest Point located in the center of the 2nd 1/3 of the ear on the scaphoid fossa side of the antihelix tail
when to use the Breast/Chest Point Chest, or breast pain tenderness; mastitis; promotes lactation; SOB or stuffy chest; will often see YPR in area with breast cancer; with chemo or radiation use tiger warmer over area
Pelvic Girdle located at the tip of the triangular fossa
when to use the pelvic girdle pt to induce labour; for groin hernias or any kind of groin pain
Lower limb points all these points will fall on the superior crus on the triangular fossa side
Hip point Level with darwins tubercle, on superior crus on the triangular fossa side
When to use hip pt good for hip pain, sciatica when pain runs from vertibrae thru hip to leg
Knee point If divide superior crus into 1/4s, it is in 3rd 1/4 down on superior crus on the triangular fossa side
Ankle point If divide superior crus into 1/4s, it is in 2rd 1/4 down on superior crus on the triangular fossa side
Heel point If divide superior crus into 1/4s, it is in the top 1/4 down on superior crus on the triangular fossa side
Toes point If divide superior crus into 1/4s, it is in top 1/4 down on superior crus on the scaphoid fossa side under the brim of the helix
Upper limbs These pts all fall within the scaphoid fossa
SHoulder point within the scaphoid fossa level with the helix root at LM0
Clavicle point within the scaphoid fossa midway between LM14 (base of antihelix) and the Shoulder point
Elbow point Within the scaphoid fossa level with the end of the inferior crus
wrist point within the scaphoid fossa, level with Darwins Tubercle
Forearm Between the elbow and wrist pts
Hand pt located between teh antihelix and the scaphoid fossa at their junction; level with LM3 (superior Darwins tubercle)
Finger Pts At the wall above LM3 (Superior Darwins Tubercle) will be hidden under the rim
Thumb Level with fingers but actually on teh superior crus of the antihelix
circulatory system on the conchal wall between LM14 (antihelix) and LM16 (antitragrus ridge)
signs to use circulatory pts problems with arteriers or veins, cold hands or feet, cornorary disorder, hypertension, heart attack history
Heart point deepest, most central area of the inferior concha- looks shiny
signs to use heart pt chest pain, angina, palpitaitions, insomina, poor memory, agitation, anxiety
Lung 1 and Lung 2 above and below the heart point in the inferior concha
signs to use lung pts smoking cessation, addiction, skin problems, sweating problems
trachea pt central region of inferior concha between ear canal and heart pt
tonsil pt base of the lobe near LM7
diaphragm pt between esophagus and SI pt, above LM0
cardiac orifice directly below LM0 in the inferior concha
Mouth Pt in the inferior concha next to the ear canal in the corner
signs for mouth pt eating disorders, cold sores, stroke, bells palsey, oral fixation, stuttering
esophagus in the inferior concha betweeen mouth and cardiac orifice, under the helix root
stomach area on the conchal ridge just peripheral to LM0
signs for stomach area eating disorders, toothache, frontal headache, not processing info properly, indigestion
small intestine pt in the superior concha above the exophagus pt
signs for SI area digestive problem, can't separate pure from inpure thoughts
Large intestine pt In the superior concha against he wall where it narrows, above the mouth pt
rectum pt external surface of the root of the helix at LM1
Hemorrhoid point follow the underside of helix and lower border of inferior crus til it hits the wall.
Liver area on the conchal ridge, next to the conchal wall, peripheral to the ST point
spleen pt found below the LV pt against the conchal wall in the corner in the inferior concha
pancreas In the superior concha, above the LV pt on the floor
gallbladder in the superior concha next to the pancreas pt where the floor and wall meet
kidney in the superior concha on the floor between teh wall and floor at LM16
bladder in the superior concha on the floor below LM17
prostate follow the bladder point all the way towards the helix til it hits the wall; a hidden pt; will be slightly above the hemorrhoid pt
uterus in the center of the triangular fossa
adrenal gland on the inferior tragus protrusion close to the edge of LM10
ovary/testes pt hidden on the underside of the intertragic notch just below the forehead pt
thymus pt on the conchal wall just above GB pt
thyroid pt on the antihelix tail on teh scaphoid fossa side below the neck pt
pineal pt near LM9 on the cartilage
Limbic pt where the jaw and lobe meet near LM8
hippocampus pt jsut below the vertex pt, which is on lobe below LM13
occiput pt the center of the posterior 1/3rd of the antitragus
use of occiput pt occpital HA; flexion and extension of head; neck stiffness
temple pt the center of the middle 1/3rd of antitragus
use of temple pt temple HA, Bell's palsey
forehead pt the center anterior 1/3rd of teh antitragus
use of forehead pt frontal HA
vertex pt directly below LM13, just below where the cartlage starts and the lobe begins
use of vertex pt liver yang rising symptoms; motion sickness; vertex HA
TMJ pt where the scaphoid fossa, helix and lobe meet
use of TMJ pt TMJ; teeth clenchers and grinders
Dental Analgesia 1 Below the posterior corner of LM9, in the center of the top 1/2 of the lobe
use of dental analgesia pain relief during dental work; gum problems; prevents the spread of gum disease
skin disorder area on the helix tail from LM4 to LM6
eye pt = master sensorial
use of eye pt floaters, cataracts, eating disorders, for the morbidly obese
External nose in the middle of the tragus, where the face and cartilage meet
Use of external nose for sunburn or rash on nose; for surgery on nose
Inner Ear Directly below LM14, in the bottom 1/2 of the lobe
Uses of Inner Ear children with chronic ear infections; sensory and neural deafness; tinnitus; meuniers disease; dizziness
Inner Nose A hidden pt. In the center of the tragus on the underside
Use of Inner Nose colds; sinusitis; allergies; rhinitus
Inner Ear European Above Inner nose on the subtragus
Use of Master Cerebral Controls prefrontal lobe abilitites such as decision making. Good for worriers. Good for Obsessive compulsive disorders.
Uses of Autonomic pt/Master sympathetic pt Balances the sympathetic nervous system. Improves blood circulation, corrects irregular heart beat; calms smooth muscle spasm, palpitation.
Uses of Large Intestine pts Irritable Bowel Syndrome; colitis; constipation; diarrhea, people whose lives are a mess and they can't get rid of anything
Uses of Rectum pt rectal pain; prolapse, hemorrhoids; fecal incontinence
Uses of Esophagus pt acid reflux; difficult swallowing; acute sore throats, hiccups, indigestion
Uses of Liver pt alcoholism; any type of detox; LV channel pain; LV TCM uses
Uses of Spleen pt insomnia due to overthinking; blood disorders e.g. anemia; muscle spasms and pain; digestive problems; anorexia; bulemia
Uses of Pancreas Pt pancreatitis; hypoglycemia; pancreatic cancer; diabetes
Uses of Gallbladder Pt migraines; tinnitus; gallstones; controls decision making; addiction problems; anorexia; bulemia
Uses of Kidney Pt Kidney disorders; kidney stones; urination problems; Kidney TCM related problems: bone, ears, hair loss, low back pain
Uses of Bladder Pt urinary problems; cystitits; sciatica traveling down the bladder channel; occipital HA
Prostrate Pt hernias, prostrate problems; impotency
Uses of Uterus Pt PMS; irregular menstruation; dysmennorhea; pregnancy; miscarriages; induce labour
Uses Ovary/Testes PT impotency; infertility; ovarian or testicular cancer
Uses of Adrenal gland Shen disorders; allergies; stress; autoimmune disorders; chonic diseases; patients always in flight or fight mode; patients hypersensitive to meds or who have opposite reaction to meds
Uses of Thymus Pt for pts who get sick often pts with lupus or autoimmune diseases; pts with compromised health physical or mental
Uses of Thyroid Pt hypo or hyperthyroidism
Uses of Pineal Pt Jet lag; irregular sleep patterns; insomnia
Uses of Limbic Pt memory; amnesia; sexual arousal; compulsive behavior; withdrawal from any substance; aggessiveness assoc. with withdrawal
Uses of Hippocampus PT short-term memory loss; amnesia; poor memory alzheimers
where is nervousness pt in the center of section 1 in the ear lobe
uses of nervousness pt anxiety; neurosis; worry
where is sneezing pt Below the temple pt, above the internal ear pt, In the center of the upper /1 of section 5
where is master pt of metabolism below the occipital pt in section 7 on the bottom edge of the lobe
Uses of master pt of metabolism any metabolic disorders; helpful with detox from cigarettes; eating disorders
where is the aggessivity pt In the notch at the junction of section 2 with the antitragus
uses of aggressivity pt aggression; irritability; mania; helps with detox;
where is the memory 2 pt On the lobe in section 4, above master sensorial and below forehead pt
where is antidepressant pt On the peripheral lobe, where the antitragus, lobe and scaphoid fossa meet; anterior to TMJq
uses of antidepressant pt endogenous depression; reactive depression, SAD, dysphoria
Uses of Master Oscillation PT Treats people with all one sided symptoms; treat people who are hypersensitive to meds and side effects; learning disabilities; if person not responding to treatments
Where is the Heat Pt On the antihellix body at the junction of the superior and inferior crus
Uses of the Heat Pt treats those who do not tolerate heat well or treats sunburn. Can bleed for fever
Where is Insomnia I Pt In the scaphoid fossa, below the wrist pt; level with LM4
Where is Insomnia 2 Pt in the scaphoid fossa, above master shoulder pt; level with LM0
Where is the alertness Pt On the helix tail, below Darwin's tubercle level with Insomina 1
Where is Psychosomatic Pt 1 On the helix root as it joins the face at LM1
Uses of Psychosomatic Pt treats repressed emotional experiences; alleviates psychological somatic complaints
Where is the Weather Pt On the helix root, superior to the rectum pt, below the sympathetic pt, level with the tip of the triangular fossa
Uses of the Weather Pt treats conditions that are influenced by the weather
Uses of the Endocrine Pt Works with endocrine problems. Relieves hypersensitivity, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, urogential disorders.
Where is the sexual Desire Pt on the helix root as it joins the superior edge of the tragus
Where is the vitality Pt On the superior tragus, at LM11, in the center
Uses of the Vitality Pt compromised immune system; cancer; chronic fatigue; low energy
where is appetite control On the tragus, between LM10 and LM11, in the center
where is the thirst pt On the tragus, midway between vitality and appetite control; in the center
where is the laterality pt Just behind the sideburns, on the face, level with LM10
Uses of the laterality pt facilitates the balance of the left and right cerebral hemisphere, reduces oscillation, used when patient not responding as expected- treat only Left side
where is the mania pt On the edge of the tragus, just below the nicotine pt (midway between LM9 and LM10)
where is the nicotine pt on the spine of the tragus, midway between LM9 and LM10; level with tranquillizer pt
Uses of the Nicotine Pt withdrawal from smoking, helps get nicotine out of system
where is the analgesia pt On the superior concha- on the floor between Pt Zero and the ST pt
Uses of analgesia pt pain relief post surgery; inflammation; sunburn
Where is the alcoholic pt In the superior concha- midway between SI and KD
where is the mercury toxicity/detox pt In the superior concha, midway between LI and BL
where is the constipation pt in the triangular fossa just above the BL pt and LM17
where is hypertension 3 on the back of the ear, in the superior posterior groove
Created by: susan_batson
Popular Acupuncture sets




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