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Economic reasons for exploration
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Religious reasons for exploration
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DBA Quarter 1 Review

Mr. Holzshu's Quarter 1 US History part I review site

Economic reasons for exploration Gold, natural resources, and trade
Religious reasons for exploration Spread of Christianity
Obstacles to exploration Poor maps and navigational tools
Accomplishments of exploration European countries Claimed territories
Francisco Coronado Spaniard who claimed southwest United States for Spain
Samuel de Champlain Frenchman who established the French settlement of Quebec.
John Cabot Englishman who explored eastern Canada.
Robert La Salle Frenchman who claimed the Mississippi River Valley.
The Portuguese This country made voyages of discovery along West Africa.
Spanish Conquered and enslaved American Indians (First Americans)
French Established trading posts
English Established settlements and claimed ownership of land
Areas of cooperation An example is trading with the Natives
Areas of conflict An example is taking the land of the Natives
Diseases This killed thousands of natives (not a shot was fired)
England Cabot's home country
France La Salle's home country
Spain Coronado's home country
Quebec Where Champlain explored
Mississippi River Valley Where La Salle explored
Eastern Canada Where Cabot explored
Southwest US desert area Where Coronado expored
Gold What Coronado was looking for.
Coastal Plain (Eastern Woodlands) Region where the Iroquois live.
Great Plains Region where the Sioux live.
Basin and Range Region where the Pueblos live.
Coastal Range (northern) Region where the Kwakiutl live.
Alaska & Canada Region where the Inuit live.
3 G's Gold, God, & Glory
Songhai, Mali, & Ghana 3 Kingdoms of Africa
Gold & Salt What the Africans nations controlled
Controlled Trade Why Mali, Ghana & Songhai were powerful.
Fear of the unknown Sea monsters & falling off the Earth.
Georgia Debtors from England formed this
land owners lived on large plantations
Roanoke the lost colony
Jamestown In Virginia started by the VA Company
Quakers founded Pennsylvania
Plymouth formed by Pilgrims
Pilgrims also known as Separatists
Puritans Founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Religious Freedom why Plymouth, Pennsylvania & MA Bay Co. were formed
slaves taken from Africa; treated as property
women had no voting rights; little education
Pennsylvania Quakers formed this
William Penn Leader of the Quakers
England Imposed strict control over the Colonies
Governors Appointed by the king & oversaw the colonies.
John Smith Leader of Jamestown Colony.
longitude Imaginary north-south lines that circle the globe.
latitude Imaginary east-west lines that circle the globe.
equator The 0 Degree line of latitude.
Prime Meridian The 0 Degree line of longitude.
Compass Rose The cross that labels north, south, east, and west.
Never eat sour watermelon. A way to remember N, S, E W.
Coastal Plain The region on the east coast of the US (Virginia is here).
Rocky Mountains The tallest mountain range in North America.
Appalachian Mountains The oldest mountain range in North America.
Great Plains The region west of the lowlands, east of the Rockies.
Canadian Shield Wrapped around Hudson Bay in a horseshoe shape
Interior Lowlands Located west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Great Plain
Continental Divide Determines the directional flow of rivers
Basin and Range Located west of Rocky Mountains
Coastal Range Rugged mountains along the Pacific Coast that stretch from California to Canada
Great Lakes Inland port cities grew up along these.
Ohio River This river was the gateway to the west.
Mississippi and Missouri Rivers These rivers were the transportation arteries for farm and industrial products.
Columbia River This river was explored by Lewis and Clark.
Colorado River This river was explored by the Spanish.
Rio Grande This river forms the border with Mexico.
Death Valley This is the lowest point in North America
North America The coninent in which the US is located.
Antarctica The continent with no permenant residents (beside penguins).
Australia A continent AND a country.
Asia The world's largest continent.
Eurasia A term to describe the combination of Europe AND Asia.
erosion Water lowering mountains.
Basin The name of large dish.
Atlantic Ocean Ocean in between the US and Europe.
Spanish Explored the Colorado River
Lewis and Clark Explored the Columbia River
Description of Great Plains Grassy, green, flat lands.
Mighty Rivers What converges in the Interior Lowlands?
Where boats in the Coastal Plains stay. Good harbors.
Kwakiutl inhabited the Pacific Northwest coast
Inuit inhabited present-day Alaska and northern Canada
Sioux inhabited the interior of the United States
Pueblo inhabited the Southwest in present-day New Mexico and Arizona
Iroquois inhabited northeast North America
Indian Clothing was made from animal skins and plants
Indian shelter was made of resources found in their environment
Mr. Holzshu The person in the front BEGGING you to commit this to memory!
Mrs. Spratley The nice lady who is always willing to help you get yourself settled.
Longhouse The shelter used by the Iroquois.
Plankhouse The shelter used by the Kwakiutl.
Teepee The shelter used by the Lakota/Sioux.
Igloo The shelter used by the Inuit.
Adobe or Pueblo The shelter used by the Pueblo.
Cactus Hill The Virginian archeological site that is said to be over 18,000 years old.
Archeologist Someone who studies artifacts and sites where ancient civilizations once lived to find out more about them.
Human Resource Someone who gathers or provides goods and services.
Capital Resource Something that helps humans accomplish what they need to survive.
Natural Resource Something in nature that people use.
Human Resource examples Hunters, fishermen, gatherers, builders.
Capital Resource examples Nets, spears, arrows
Natural Resource examples Water, fish, deer, berries
specialization: Focusing on one or a few products
interdependence: Two or more people depending on each other for goods and services
Specialization caused the colonies to be interdependent.
Roanoke Island (Lost Colony) was established as an economic venture in NC.
Jamestown Settlement, the first permanent English settlement in North America (1607).
An economic venture by the Virginia Company Jamestown
Plymouth Colony was settled by separatists from the Church of England.
Massachusetts Bay Colony was settled by the Puritans to avoid religious persecution.
Pennsylvania was settled by the Quakers, who wanted freedom to practice their faith without interference.
Georgia was settled by people who had been in debtors’ prisons in England.
Great Britain imposed strict control over trade.
Great Britain taxed the colonies after the French and Indian War.
The colonies traded raw materials for goods made in Great Britain.
Colonists had to obey British laws, which were enforced by governors.
Colonial governors were appointed by the king or by the proprietor.
A colonial legislature made laws for each colony but was monitored by the colonial governor.
Created by: erichholzshu
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