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Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs
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Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas
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SOL People

A review of People for World History 1500AD to the Present

Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs Hernando Cortes
Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas Francisco Pizarro
Spanish king and queen who finanaced Columbus' voyage Ferdinand & Isabella
Patron of exploration; from Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator
Portuguese explorer; first to find a water route to India Vasco da Gama
His crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe Ferdinand Magellan
French explorer who claimed much of modern eastern Canada Jacques Cartier
English explorer; ship was the Golden Hind; second to circumnavigate the globe Francis Drake
Tried to find a westward route to Asia; instead he discovered the New World Christopher Columbus
Leader of the Aztecs Montezuma
Patron family of the renaissance Medici
Writer of Praise of Folly; humanist Erasmus
Writer of Don Quixotre Miquel de Cervantes
Renaissance English playwriter Shakespeare
developed the printing press Gutenberg
painter of the Sistine Chapel; sculpted David and the Pieta Michelangelo
painted the Last Supper and Mona Lisa; ideal Renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci
Romantic painter; used landscapes; painted Liberty Leading the People Eugene Delacroix
Protestant reformer; believed in predestination John Calvin
First protestant reformer; 95 theses Martin Luther
Protestant reformer; became leader of Anglican Church of England with the Act of Supremacy; split with the Catholic Church because he was refused a divorce Henry VIII
Catholic group who tried to convert people to Catholicism Jesuits
founder of Judaism Abraham
he led the Jews out of Egypt; 10 Commandments Moses
founder of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama
founder of Islam Muhammad
founder of Christianity; he is called the Messiah Jesus
Queen who continued strengthening the Anglican Church; daughter of Henry VIII Elizabeth I
head of the Catholic Church Pope
came to power during the Glorious Revolution; had to accept Parliament's Bill of Rights which limited the power of the monarch(s) and increased the power of Parliament William and Mary
English king during the Restoration period Charles II
killed during the English Civil War Charles I
fled during the Glorious Revolution James II
changed the 30 years war from a religious to a political one Cardinal Richelieu
leader of the Reign of Terror Robespierre
French king who was guillotined along with his wife Marie Antoinette Louis XVI
absolute monarch of Prussia; militarism Frederick the Great
absolute monarch of Russia; westernization Peter the Great
Absolute monarch of France; "I am the state"; Palace of Versailles Louis XIV
Leader of the Congress of Vienna; conservative Prince Klemens von Metternich
He ended the French Revolution with his coup de etat; wanted to conquer all of Europe; defeated at Waterloo Napoleon
He united southern Italy; leader of the Red Shirts Guiseppe Garibaldi
He united northern Italy; great politican Camillo Cavour
He is responsible for uniting Prussia to become Germany; believed in realpolitik Otto von Bismarck
Led a slave revolt in Haiti Toussaint L'Ouverture
Led independence movement in much of South America Simon Bolivar
Developed the heliocentric theory Copernicus
Founded the scientific method Francis Bacon
Discovered the laws of planetary motion; said the planets revolved around the sun in ellipses not perfect circles; the closer the planet got to the sun the faster it orbited around Johannes Kepler
He supported the heliocentric theory; used the telescope to discover Saturn's rings; and 4 of the moons around Jupiter; brought before the Inquisition for heresy Galileo
He discovered the laws of motion; gravity; developed calculus Isaac Newton
He is responsible for discovering the circulation of the blood in the human body William Harvey
Enlightenment philosopher who believed in separation of church and state; wrote Candide Voltaire
Enlightenment philosopher; natural rights of life, liberty, and property which was later used by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence John Locke
Enlightenment philosopher who wrote about three equal branches of government (judicial, legislative, and executive). Montesquieu
Enlightenment philosopher who wrote Leviathan; said people were naturally selfish and brutal and needed an absolute monarch to govern Thomas Hobbes
Enlightenment philosopher who wrote Social Contract; said people had the power to rule (popular sovereignty) Rousseau
leader of the Roundheads during the English Civil War Oliver Cromwell
ruling family of the southern part of the Holy Roman Empire; Catholic; involved in the Thirty Years War Hapsburg
discovered a cheaper way for making steel Henry Bessemer
inventor of the cotton gin Eli Whitney
developed the first steam engine James Watt
discovered germs; bacteria Louis Pasteur
discovered vaccination for small pox Edward Jenner
wrote "Wealth of Nations"; founder of capitalism Adam Smith
wrote the "Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital"; founder of communism Karl Marx
US Navy Admiral who forced Japan to open trade Commodore Matthew Perry
He gained India's independence with passive resistance Gandhi
leader of South Africa; help to end apartheid Nelson Mandela
leader of Kenya in Africa Jumo Kenyatta
his death started World War I; leader of Austria-Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand
US President during WWI; his peace plan was the 14 points, which called for the League of Nations Woodrow Wilson
Russian czar who was killed along with his family in the Russian Revolution of 1917 Nicholas II
leader of the Bolsheviks; created the first communist state Vladimir Lenin
fascist dictator of Germany; leader of the Nazi Party; wrote "Mein Kampf". He was able to come to power because of the Great Depression and the failure of the Treaty of Versailles Adolf Hitler
fascist dictator of Italy during WWII Benito Mussolini
Emperor of Japan during WWII Hirihito
general of Japan during WWII; he had more power than the emperor Tojo
totalitarian leader of Russia/Soviet Union during WWII; 5 Year Plan; collectivization; Great Purge Joseph Stalin
US General of Europe during WWII; later becomes President Dwight D. Eisenhower
US General of the Pacific during WWII; responsible for rebuilding Japan after WWII Douglas MacArthur
His plan gave billions to rebuild Western Europe after World War II George Marshall
US President at the end of WWII; he decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan; his doctrine said the US would stop the spread of communism Harry S. Truman
US President during the Great Depression and most of WWII Franklin D. Roosevelt
Prime minister of Great Britain/England during World War II; "iron curtain" speech during the Cold War Winston Churchill
Leader of Germany during World War I Kaiser Wilheim
communist leader of Cuba; allowed Soviet Union to put nuclear weapons in Cuba Fidel Castro
Soviet leader at the end of the Cold War Mikhail Gorbachev
US President contributed with ending the Cold War; built up the US military Ronald Reagan
leader of the Communists during the Chinese Revolution Mao Zedong or Tse-tung
Leader of the Nationalists during the Chinese Revolution; went to Taiwan after he was defeated Chinag Kai Shek
Communist leader of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh
responsible for the genocide in Cambodia Pol Pot
Created by: mist73lee
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