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APES Ch5 Vocab Lytle

Lytle - APES Ch 5 Vocab

biogeochemical cycle The cycling of a chemical element through the biosphere; its pathways, storage locations, and chemical forms in living things, the atmosphere, oceans, sediments, and the lithosphere.
carbon-silicate cycle A complex cycle over as long as 1/2 billion years. Includes geologic processes, like weathering, transport by waters, erosion & deposition of crustal rocks. Believed to provide important neg feedback mechanisms that control the temp of the atmosphere.
carbon cycle Biogeochemical cycle of carbon. Carbon combines with and is chemically and biologically linked with the cycles of oxygen and hydrogen that form the major compounds of life.
chemical reaction The process in which compounds and elements undergo a chemical change to become a new substance or substances.
denitrification The conversion of nitrate to molecular nitrogen by the action of bacteria - an important step in the nitrogen cycle.
drainage basin The area that contributes surface water to a particular stream network.
geologic cycle The formation and destruction of earth materials and the processes responsible for these events. The geologic cycle includes the following subcycles: hydrologic, tectonic, rock, and geochemical.
hydrologic cycle Circulation of water from the oceans to the atmosphere and back to the oceans by way of evaporation, runoff from streams and rivers, and groundwater flow.
limiting factor The 1 requirement for growth available in the least supply in comparison to the need of an organism. Once applied to crops, now often applied to any species.
macronutrients Elements required in large amounts by living things. These include the big six - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.
micronutrients Chemical elements required in very small amounts by at least some form of life. Boron, copper, and molybdenum are examples.
missing carbon sink Substantial amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere but apparently not reabsorbed and thus remaining unaccounted for.
nitrogen cycle A complex biogeochemical cycle responsible for moving important nitrogen components through the biosphere and other Earth systems. This is an extremely important cycle because nitrogen is required by all living things.
nitrogen fixation The process by which atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia, nitrate ion, or amino acids. Microorganisms perform most of the conversion, but a small amount is also converted by lightning.
phosphorus cycle Major biogeochemical cycle involving the movement of phosphorus throughout the biosphere and lithosphere. This cycle is important because phosphorus is an essential element for life and often is a limiting nutrient for plant growth.
plate tectonics A model of global tectonics that suggests that the outer layer of Earth, known as the lithosphere, is composed of several large plates that move relative to one another. Continents and ocean basins are passive riders on these plates.
rock cycle A group of processes that produce igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
tectonic cycle The processes that change Earth’s crust, producing external forms such as ocean basins, continents, and mountains.
Created by: jdlytle
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