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Reactive airway disease

RAD definition when tissues of the airways react to invasion by an irritant ( viral , bacyerial, allergen or other) with inflammation, edema, mucus production and bronchospasm
characteristics reversible, usually self limiting, responsive to tx, occur in upper and lower airways
categories croup syndromes, asthma, bronchiolotis
croup syn category of UPPER airway illnesses resulting in swelling of the epiglottis and larynx. swelling may EXTEND to the trachea and bronchi, may be VIRAL or Bacterial
viral croups spasmodic laryngitis( spasmodic sroup), laryngo-tracheitis, and laryngo- trache0-bronchitis (LTB)
Bacterial croups bacterial tracheitis, eppiglottis
the croup cough; (blank)
classic symptoms of croup syn inspiratory, stridor, seal-like cough, hoarseness
acute spasmodic croup LEAST serious , inspiratory stridor at the level of the vocal sords, laryngeal spasm, self limiting but tendency to recur( couple of hrs for several days)
characteristics age group- 3mo-3yrs, allergic or viral, sudden onset usually at night, usually resolves by am
clinical manifestations barking metallic cough, hoarseness, AFIBRILE, diminished breath sounds, labored respiration
management supportive, cold mist, humidity
LARYNGOTRACHEITIS MOST common, mild to moderate INFLAMMATION, and edema of larynx and trachea, gradual onset, self limiting, VIRAL
Characteristics age group 3mo-8yrs, usually associated with UPPER resp infection
clinical manifestations LOW grade fever, hoarse barking cough, sore throat, stridor
management managed at HOME, oral hydration, OTC analgesics, OTC antipyretics, enery concervation
LARYNGO-TRACHEO-BRONCHITIS Most SERIOUS viral croup syn, obstructive edema BELOW vocal cords, inflammation and swelling of subglottic tissues, self limited duration approx 1 wk, gradual onset, associated with URI
Clinical manifestaions low grade fever, inspiratory stridor, hoarsness, croupy cough, sore throat, restless and irritable, may progress to =>severe resp distress, retrations, and cyanosis
tx may req hospitalization , IV fluics, humidification, medication, oxygen
nursing care focus assessment of resp status, vital signs, o2 sat, maintenance of patent airway-position, supplemental oxygen, conservation of energy-bed rest, hydration (increased RR increases metabolic fluid expd) and nutrition-maintenance plus replacement, discharge plan
Created by: meinmethoo
Popular Medical sets




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