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Integumentary I

Integumentary Disorders

What is psoriasis Chronic relasping proliferative skin disorder that occurs at any age and afeects 1% to 2% of the population
What are the layers of the skin Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis
What is the main function of the skin? Protection, Thermal regulation, Vitamin D production
What are the appendages of the skin Nails - Hair - Sebaceous glands - Eccrine and apocrine sweat glands
What is cellulites adipose tissue, fat fatty tissue, lumpy deposists of body fat especially on women's thighs etc.
What types of Herpes virsuses are there and what do they cause Herpes Simplex - Type 1 Cold Sores Herpesvirus hominus Type 2 Genital Herpes
What types of Herpes virsuses are there and what do they cause Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Herpes Varicellae, Chickenbox
Inflammation of the spinal ganglia is known as what and is caused by what Known as Shingles, caused by Herpes Zoster
What is Pityriasis Rosea Pink skin rash, scally, affects people between 6 and 30 years, no treatment required
What causes warts? Benign lesions of the skin cuased by the human papillomavirus (HPV)
What is Atopic or Allergic Dermatitis Associated with a family history of allergies, hay fever, elevated IgE levels,and increased histamine sisnsitvity. Pruitus and scrating predispose the skin to infection, scaling and thickening.
Describe stasis dermatitis Occurs on the legs and results from venous stasis and edema
Seborrheic dermatitis involves scaly, yellowish, inflammatory plaues of the scalp, eyebrows, eylids, ear canals, chest axillae, and back
What is Psoriasis? a chronic skin disease with thickening of both the epidermis and dermis, characterized by scaly, erhthematous, pruritic plaques.
Acne vlugaris is an inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle
What is cellulites? adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue
What causes melanoma? Malignant tumor of the skin originating from melanocytes
What makes melanin? Melanin is a brown-black pigment derived from the amino acid tyrosine. It is synthesized by epidermal cells called melanocytes and is stored in membrane-bound cytoplasmic vesicles called melanosomes.
Nails have 4 structural units –Proximal nail fold –The matrix from which the nail grows –The hyponychium (the nail bed) –The nail plate
Eccrine Glands Produce seat. thermo regulation
Apocrine glands fewer in number locaed in the axillae, scalp, face, aboden, and genital area.
What are Keloids Sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, progressively enlarging scars caused by excessive amounts of collagen in the corneum during connective tissue repair. •Prevalent in blacks and orientals
What is eczema? The most common inflammatory disorder of the skin is ECZEMA. –An inflammatory response of the skin caused by endogenous and exogenous agents. –Synonymous with dermatitis.
What is seborrheic dematitis A common chronic inflammation of the skin involving the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, ear canals, nasolabial folds, axillae, chest and back. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that can be easily treated. This condition is a red, scaly, itchy ras
What causes pityriasis rosea The cause is thought to be a virus.
What is acne vulgaris? •The most common skin disease and affects 85% of the population between 12 and 25 years. •Develops at distinctive pilosebaceous units known as SEBACEOUS FOLLICLES.
Created by: Carlrrichardson
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