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City Slickers Vocab

George Mason Univeristy, ELI AOCS

adultery sex between a married person and someone other than his/her lawful spouse
amble to walk slowly or leisurely
budge to move slightly
castrate to remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate
cattle cows raised for the purpose of being eaten
herd a group of grass eating animals, such as cows or sheep
city slicker slang term for a person from an urban area
corral an enclosed (fenced) area on a ranch used to hold animals
get it to understand; to learn
glass is half empty pessimistic
goofball a foolish, immature person
grotesque bizarre, inappropriate, excessive
hick slang term for a person from the country
kid around to joke with
leathery to have an appearance like leather
lump an irregularly shaped mass or piece; in medicine, a tumor that may or may not be cancerous
make an issue to create a problem out of something that is not a problem
make it to achieve or attain
mortality the quality or condition of being mortal (subject to death)
mosey to move in a leisurely, relaxed way; often used to describe the way a cowboy walks
ranch an extensive farm, especially in the western United States, on which cattle, sheep, or horses are raised
sashay to walk in a showy manner; often associated with the stereotyped “showy” walk of some gay men
harass to irritate or bother constantly; to wear out, exhaust.
tacky lacking good taste, style
catch to discover dishonest behavior
Created by: skurdoo
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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