History of Planning
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
WORLD'S COLOMBIAN EXPO IN CHICAGO | 1893, daniel burnham, city beautiful movement
First N'tl Conf on City Planning in DC | 1909
Possibly 1st course in City planning in US | 1909
American Institute of Planners (AIP) created | 1917
American Society of Planning offcls (ASPO) begun | 1934
AIP and ASPO merge to form APA | 1978
AICP College of Fellows recog distinguised indiv. contributions | 1999
City Beautiful | 1983 by Daniel Burnham (father of planning) chicago columbia expo & 1909 plan of chicago
Patrick Geddes | Pioneer of Regional Planning
Edward Bassett | Pioneer of Zoning
Ian McHarg | Pioneer of Environmental Planning; Concept: Design with Nature
Paul Davidoff | Pioneer of Advocacy Planning
Kevin Lynch | Image of the City
Lewis Mumford | The Culture of Cities
Clarence Perry | Plan for New York and its Enviros
Jacob Riis | How the other Half lives
Agrarian Philosophy (1800s) | Thomas Jefferson & John Hector St. John
Laissez Faire Philosophy (1800s) | Adam Smith, advocated for a free market economy
Public Health Movement | Later 1800s to early 1900s
Garden City Movement | 1898, Ebenezer Howard
City Humane Movement | 1930s New Deal
City Efficient | 1920s Standardization (SSZEA)
New Towns | Late 1930s through 1940s
City Functional Movement | 1940s, Military/Federal
Ordinance of 1785 | Rectangular land survey and settlement of the western US ( human settlement pattern)
1st Amendment | Freedom of speech & people right to peacefully assemble
5th amendment | No person shall be deprived life, liberty, or property w/out due process of law, nor shall private property be taken for public use w/out just compensation
14th amendment | No person shall be deprived life, liberty, or property w/out due process of law,
1987 Court Case: The 5th Amendment requires compensation for a temporary TAKING | First English Evangelical Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles
2002 Court Case: The moratorium DID NOT constitute a TAKING | Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
National Level | -Environment, Transportation, Housing
-Federal Programs
Multi-State Level Planning | Environment, Transportation
I.e. Tennessee valley Authority & New York/New Jersey Port Authority
State-Level Planning | -Environment, Transportation
-Hawaii, statewide planning example
Regional-Level Planning | -Environment
Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS) | Classifies land uses across five dimensions. For local planning purposes, LBCS calls for classifying land uses in the following dimensions: Activity, Function, Structure Type, Site Development Character, and Ownership.
shift share analysis | technique that analyzes changes in employment in a set or urban areas or regions (i.e. share in nat'l growth, mix change in activities, shift change in activities in study area
Emergency Preparedness |
Teardowns |
Aging Industrial Areas, Corridors & Brownfields |
Rustbelt ( & Declining Populations) |
Right Sizing |
Transit |
Traffic Circles & Roundabouts |
Housing Market |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
Sustainability & Sustainable Development |
Green Buildings/LEED (LEED-ND) | LEED by USGC, first national system for neighborhood design; merges smart growth,, urbanism, and green building principles
Alternative Energy | solar ( most popular), fossil fuels, wind power
Smart Growth |
Obesity | Emerging Public Health movement
Concurrency | 1. Concurrency-based approaches to growth management simply limit development to
areas with adequate public infrastructure. The Town of Ramapo, New York produced
an influential concurrency-based growth management system.
Form Based Codes | method of regulating development to achieve a specific urban (physical) form. focus less on land use thru city or county regulations.
Smart Code | model transect-based develpmnt for all scales of planning; keeps towns compact, fixes sprawl, rural lands open
Neo-traditional/ TND |
2010 Census | Us pop count every 10 yrs; used to set Congressional seats, community services, & $400 bil in fed. funds (local, state, & tribal) each yr
Hazard Mitigation (2000) | Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, requires plans for H.M.; to reduce the probability of damages from hazards
components of hazard mitigation plan | explanation how it was created
exisiting conditions and problems
identify best actions
how will plan be monitored, evaluated and updated.
Seaside, Florida |
Level of Service (A, B, C,D,E,F) | D and up is too much.
Comprehensive Plans | Long range guiding document with broad focus
community develpmnt |
zoning and development regulations | exactions fees (
Impact fees
smart growth
economic development | workforce analysis
forecasting,attraction, and retention, and revitalization
energy policy | fed,state, and local
Energy and climate change issues
community gardens and food systems planning | food deserts
food planning policies
infill develpmnt/growth managment | parcel classification
disaster planning | disaster mitigation act of 2000
Security policies
Historic Preservation | nat'l historic preservation act of 1966
landmark designation
historic/cultural resources
housing | Housing, factory-built housing (manuf &-pre-fab)
infrastructure/capital improvements | best management practices
environment | 1960s/1970s Fed legislation (Clean Water Act)
Water & Habitat Management
Parks and Open Space | Types of Parks/Classifications
Active vs. Passive
Policy Planning | specific topics
Social Services | fed and state programs
Child care & homelessness
transportation and Circulation | Complete streets
Street Classifications
LOS (level of service)
Types of Zoning | PUD
Intensity, FAR, Bulk |
Intensity, FAR, Bulk |
NEPA & Environment Impact Statement (EIS) | EIS has 4 sections
-Intro: purpose & Need of Proposed Action
-Affected Environment
-Range of Alternatives (heart of EIS doc)
-Analysis of the ENviro impacts of each alternative
PPBS Program Planning BUdgeting system |
Zero base budget | starting from scratch
Linear (budget) |
PERT | program evaluation and review technique
GAM | Goals Achievement Matrix
Types of presentation techniques | PPT, presentation boards, memos, oral presentations, planning document review (entire)
Types of Financing | Bonds
capital vs Operating Budgeting |
(zoning) Intensity Bulk |
Planning Commission |
Zoning Board of Appeals |
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