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AICP Test Questions

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

A planner decides to use the known population of the township according to the 2000 Census and compares this to the population in the county; then uses population ratio for 2000 and applies this to the known population to the county for the current year.   Step down Ratio  
__________________ is the number of trips that a particular site is likely to generate.   Trip generation  
In 1928 the U.S. Department of Commerce passed the __________________ Act.   The Standard City Enabling Act  
Place the following MSA's in order of population growth rate between 1990 and 2000. I. Las Vegas, NV II. Naples, FL III. Yuma, AZ IV. McAllen, TX   I. II. III. IV.  
Who designed Radburn, New Jersey?   Henry Wright  
Which of the following is true of the Tennessee Valley Authority? I. Created in 1931 II. Provided funding for the redevelopment of the Tennessee Valley III. Resulted in power generation IV. served as a large-scale regional planning program   II, III, and IV only; is a federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter in May 1933.  
What is a Dillon's Rule State?   Local governments are not provided with authority absent an express delegation of power from the state.  
What is Inclusionary Zoning?   ???  
Which type of tax is based on the assessed value of a property?   Property Tax  
What was the 1915 zoning case involving the operation of a brickyard within Los Angeles?   Hadacheck v. Sebastian In Hadacheck the court upheld a Los Angeles ordinance prohibiting the operation of brickyards within defined limits of Los Angeles and the surrounding metropolitan area.  
What is the annual rate of interest paid on a bond that a borrower pays to the bond holder?   Coupon rate  
In which tax does the tax rate increases as the tax base increases?   Progressive tax  
How much solid waste does the typical household create?   Several pounds per person per day  
What year was the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act passed?   1924  
Which of the following population estimation methods would use building permits to estimate current population?   Symptomatic  
A Planning Director sets up an executive meeting with the Planning Commission and Council prior to public to participate in a comp plan update. The City Attorney informs the Director that an executive session is a violation of state law. Why?   The procedure is a violation of Due process  
What is the name of a fund established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a minor league baseball park?   Enterprise fund. An enterprise fund is an account that manages the revenues and expenditures of a self-sufficient activity such as a minor league baseball park, parking garage, zoo.  
What year was the first National Conference on City Planning?   1909  
According to the U.S. Census, which of the following is an area that has at least 2,500 people but less than 50,000 and is described as a densely settled territory?   Urban cluster  
The New York State Court of Appeals upheld the Town of Ramapo's right to require _________ to obtain a special building permit.   Performance standards  
What is the UDAG program?   Urban Development Action Grant. The program facilitated public-private partnerships Attempted to encourage redevelopment in urban areas Encouraged intergovernmental cooperation in the placement of redevelopment projects  
The State of Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the use of planned unit developments first in which case?   Cheney v. Village 2 at New Hope. The Court in 1968 found that planned unit developments are acceptable if the regulations focus on density requirements rather than specific rules for each lot.  
A city with rapid growth had a difficult time keeping up with the demand for infrastructure. The City Council has asked you, as Planning Director, to come up with a plan to reduce the number of lots that become buildable each year. What procedures is appr   A public facilities ordinance allows the City to determine when infrastructure will be extended and maintain an adequate level of service. New building permits would not be issued unless infrastructure is adequate.  
The employment estimation technique that allocates a projected employment expansion to smaller geographic areas is known as which of the following?   shift-share. The shift-share technique allocates a portion of the projected expansion to sub-regions or population centers based on the center's present share of the employment.  
On the average, approximately what percentage of renter households in the United States have an income below the poverty level?   More than 25 percent  
In what federal environmental law is the term "potentially responsible parties" (PRPs) used?   Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) identifies potentially responsible parties for environmental contamination.  
What percentage of a normal distribution is included between two standard deviations above and below the mean?   95%  
With which of the following theories is John Friedmann associated?   Transactive  
How many federally recognized Native American tribes are there in the United States?   562  
When sending mail survey's should you expect a high, medium or low response rate?   Low. Mail surveys have the lowest response rate. Including the survey in a utility bill means that only a small portion of residents will even read the survey.  
Lowering a thermostat by 1 degree Fahrenheit can reduce a heating bill by what percent?   3%  
at is the probability of an event that is certain to happen?   1  
What is the signifigance of the Vieux Carre Commission   It was the first Historic Preservation Commission  
Which was a key concept of the 1916 New York City Zoning Ordinance?   The ordinance established setbacks at specific heights, but did not establish height limitations.  
Author Joel Garreau describes an area that contains five million or more square feet of leasible office space as which of the following?   Edge city. Garreau's 1991 book Edge City describes the change from downtown to suburban "new frontiers  
The value of all final goods and services produced in a country in one year (gross domestic product) plus income that residents have received from abroad, minus income claimed by nonresidents.   Gross National Product  
What is the "push analysis"?   It determines sales capacity of a market area. A push analysis determines if the introduction of a new business will generate additional customers.  
What is an analysis of the relationship between one or more variables to determine if the factors impact the dependent variable?   Regression. A regression analysis is the analysis between two or more variables (x) and (y). For example, score on the AICP exam is dependent on education, years experience, and number of hours studying.  
Which city had the first metropolitan plan in the United States?   Chicago  
Who is associated with the Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs?   Clarence Perry  
The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is responsible for coordinating which federal programs?   National Environmental Policy Act Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Farm Bill Conservation  
What technique can be used to find the optimum design solution on a project?   Linear Programming  
Who is associated with Transactive Planning?   Friedman  
Which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution prohibits governments from taking private property without just compensation?   5th  
The idea of Plural Planning is associated with which planning theory?   Advocacy Planning  
The Supreme Court in Nectow v. City of Cambridge dealt with which of the following issues?   Zoning  
Who created a model town for his company and employees in Illinois?   George Pullman  
What is the minimum R-value recommended for home insulation?   R-20  
Native Americans living on a designated reservation are required to follow ____________ governing development.   Federal Rules and Regs.  
Who introduced the concept of Satisficing?   Herbert Simon  
Which is true of Native American tribes that are also "Non-IRA tribes"?   They did not organize under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act.  
Christopher Stone's 1972 book Should Trees Have Standing discussed which planning issue?   The authority to file suit  
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was adopted in what year?   1972  
Jane Jacobs is the author of what book(s)?   Death and Life of American Cities. In Death and Life of Great American Cities is about the failures of urban renewal in New York and Boston.  
Which recent court case involved a test of the Clean Air Act?   Commonwealth of Massachusetts found that the EPA needs a reasonable explanation for why greenhouse gases would not be regulated. Warren and Rapanos are both Clean Water Act cases and Lingle is a takings case.  
In his term as Planning Director of the City of Cleveland Krumholz’s utilized which planning theory?   Advocacy planning  
Peter Drucker is associated with?   Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process of agreeing upon objectives within an organization so that management and employees buy in to the objectives and understand what they are.  
In what year did the Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) begin?   The BART rail system began in 1972 in San Francisco.  
Planning for flood protection projects typically occurs at what level of government?   The US Army Corp of Engineers is responsible for flood protection planning. While planning for flooding does occur at the city and state level, the Army Corp has a primary responsibility while partnering with other organizations.  
In this case, the respondent argued that the city had violated telecommunications act by discriminating against a commercial enterprise:   City of Rancho Palos Verdes established that there are administrative procedures to remedy violations of the telecommunications act and that an individual cannot force compliance.  
What is the name of a fund established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a golf course?   An enterprise fund. An enterprise fund is an account established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a self-sufficient activity such as a golf course, zoo, parking garage, minor league base ball park etc.  
Washington D.C. is an example of which movements?   City Beautiful. The City Beautiful Movement includes civic design as a primary principle. Cities such as DC and Chicago had large parks, statues, and well-designed public meetings.  
What is an analysis of the relationship between two variables called   Regression analysis. A regression compares the relationship between two or more variables. For example the volume of traffic is based on land uses and type of roadway.  
Which of the Federal Agency is responsible for the review of historic preservation applications at the federal level   Department of Interior. Department of the Interior is responsible for the National Park Service, which is responsible for overseeing the National Register of Historic Places.  
Which year was the Americans with Disabilities Act passed?   1990. The ADA requires that facilities must be accessible to the public. This resulted in the renovation of buildings, sidewalks and other facilities.  
Which of the following cities had the highest population density according to the 2000 Census?   New York has a population density of 10,292 people per kilometer. San Francisco has a density of 6,423 per kilometer.  
The Indian Reorganization Act provide for?   Organization of Native Americans and adoption of constitutions. The 1934 Act allowed Native Americans to adopt a constitution and organize for their common welfare  
What concept did Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York introduce for the first time?   In French v. City of New York the Court found that TDR is an inappropriate method to compensate the landowner for a taking by the City of New York.  
Which US Supreme Court cases was responsible for putting forth the severity of the burden, rather than the substantially advances test for takings cases?   In Lingle v. Chevron the Court found that the takings clause should be based on the severity of the burden that the regulation imposes upon property rights. The substantially advances clause came from Agins v. Tiburon.  
Which federal program provides rental assistance to low-income households?   The Section 8 housing program provides funds to pay a portion of the rent for low-income households. The amount paid depends on the household income.  
Which planner is considered a new urbanist?   Peter Calthorpe founded the Congress for New Urbanism.  
A Metropolitan Statistical Area can be described as?   A geographic entity based on the concept of at least one urbanized an area of 50,000 or more population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by communities ties.  
In Neotraditional Development, a node is:   Provides mixed uses, is Multimodal and Contains Public Spaces.  
The Housing Act of which year called for slum clearance?   1949  
What is an economically depressed area that is designated for governmental subsidies and tax incentives known as?   An empowerment zone is a federally designated distressed area in need of sustainable community development. EZ is designed to afford communities real opportunities for growth and revitalization.  
The Federal Property Administration Act of 1949 was developed to allow the government to do what?   The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 is a United States federal law that established the General Services Administration which is responsible for managing, acquiring, and disposing of federal property.  
Who is Charles Abrams?   was the legendary urbanist and housing expert who created the New York Housing Authority.[1] He was one of the first to use, maybe the very first, to use the expression Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor.  
What Act of Congress gave public land to each stateto be sold for the establishment of “engineering,agriculture, and military sciences” colleges?   The Morril Act of 1862  
What is CERCLA and what year was it passed?   Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund, was enacted by Congress on December 11, 1980.  
What is SARA and what year was it passed   CERCLA was amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) on October 17, 1986.  
What is the significance of the 100th meridian   Seperates east and west by rainfall. The longitudinal line runs through N and S Dakota and Oklahoma.  
What is EJT?   Grants the authority by some states to municipalities to impose zoning and subdivision regulations beyond their jurisdictions.  
What year was the standard enabling act adopted   1924  
What year was the standard city planning enabling act?   1928  


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Created by: lailport