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Timeline of American Planning History , 1900-1919

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

1901   New York State Tenement House Law. The legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as the "Dumbbell Tenement." Lawrence Veiller was the leading reformer.  
1902   U.S. Reclamation Act. Created fund from sale of public land in the arid states to supply water there through the construction of water storage and irrigation works.  
1903   Letchworth constructed. First English Garden City and a stimulus to New Town movement in America (Greenbelt Towns, Columbia, etc.).  
1903   President Theodore Roosevelt appoints a Public Lands Commission to propose rules for orderly land development and management.  
1906   Antiquities AcT: First law to institute federal protection for preserving archaeological sites. Provided for designation as National Monuments areas already in the public domain  
1907   Founding of New York Committee on the Congestion of Population. Fostered movement, led by its secretary, Benjamin Marsh, to decentralize New York's dense population.  
1907   President Roosevelt establishes an Inland Waterway Commission to encourage multipurpose planning in waterway development: navigation, power, irrigation, flood control, water supply.  
1908   White House Conservation Conference. State governors, federal officials, and leading scientists assemble to deliberate about the conservation of natural resources.  
1909   First National Conference on City Planning in Washington, D.C.  
1909   Daniel Burnham's Plan of Chicago published. First metropolitan plan in the United States. (Key figures: Frederick A. Delano, Charles Wacker, Charles Dyer Norton.)  
1909   Possibly the first course in city planning in this country is inaugurated in Harvard College's Landscape Architecture Department. Taught by James Sturgis Pray.  
1911   Frederick Winslow Taylor publishes The Principles of Scientific Management, fountainhead of the efficiency movements in this country, including efficiency in city government.  
1912   Walter D. Moody's "Wacker's Manual of the Plan of Chicago" is adopted as an eigth-grade textbook on City Planning by the Chicago Board of Education. Possibly the first formal instruction in city planning below the college level.  
1913   A chair in Civic Design, first of its kind in the U.S., is created in the University of Illinois's Department of Horticulture for Charles Mulford Robinson, one of the principal promoters of the World's Columbian Exposition.  
1914   Flavel Shurtleff writes Carrying Out the City Plan, the first major textbook on city planning.  
1914   Panama Canal completed and opened to world commerce.  
1914   Harland Bartholomew, eventually the country's best known planning consultant, becomes the first full-time employee in Newark, New Jersey, of a city planning commission.  
1915   Patrick Geddes, "Father of Regional Planning" and mentor of Lewis Mumford, publishes Cities in Evolution.  
1916   Nelson P. Lewis published Planning of the Modern City.  
1916   Nation's first comprehensive zoning resolution adopted by New York City Board of Estimates under the leadership of George McAneny and Edward Bassett, known as the "Father of Zoning."  
1916   National Park Service established with sole responsibility for conserving and preserving resources of special value.  
1917   Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. becomes first president of newly founded American City Planning Institute, forerunner of American Institute of Planners and American Institute of Certified Planners.  
1918   U.S. Housing Corporation and Emergency Fleet Corporation established. Influenced later endeavors in public housing. Operated at major shipping centers to provide housing for World War I workers.  
1919   Three early unifunctional regional authorities--the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, the Metropolitan Water Board and the Metropolitan Park Commission--combined to form the Boston Metropolitan District Commission.  


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Created by: mrk598
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