AICP history info
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Ordinance of 1785 | - Provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest
- the survey was called "the largest single act of national planning in our history and the most significant in terms of continuing impact on the body politic" (Daniel Elazer)
Model Tenement | 1855, Manhattan
Homestead Act | 1862, opened the lands of the Public Domain for a normal fee and five years residence
New York Council of Hygiene of the Citizens Assocication | 1864, mounts a campaign to raise housing and sanitary standards
1st major tenement housing law | 1867, New York, restricteing physical conditions
Beginning of land-use zoning in the U.S. | 1867, San Francisco prohibits specific obnoxious uses in certain districts
Dumbell Tenements debut | 1879, a form of multifamily housing widely built in New York until the end of the century and notorious for the poor living conditions it imposed on its denizens (lack of light, air space)
model industrial town, 1880-1884 | Pullman, IL, by George Pullman
"How the Other Half Lives" | 1890, Jacob Riis, motivated housing and neighborhood reform
Federal government recognizes slums and cities | 1892, in a survey
World's Columbian Exposition | 1893, Chicago, commemorated the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the New World. inspired City Beautiful movement. Urban Planing profession
"Tomorow a Peaceful Path to Real Reform" | 1898, Ebenezer Howard, start of Garden City movement, Reissued in 1902 as "Garden Cities of Tomorrow"
First State court support of ordinance/act restricting heights of buildings | 1899
New York State Tenement House Law | 1901. Legislative basis for the revision of city codes that oulawed tenements such as Dumbell tenements.
Lawrence Veiller | leading housing reformer, associated with 1901 NY Tenement House Law
First English Garden City | 1903, Letchworth. stimulus to new town movement in America (Greenbelt town, columbia, etc)
First Local Civic Center plan | 1903, developed for Cleveland, OH by Daniel H. Burnham
First application of "City Beautiful" principles to a major American City | 1906, Plan for San Francisco
First Comprehensive city survey | 1907, Pittsburgh
First official local, and permanent planning board | 1907 Hartford, CT
First National conference on City Planning | 1909, Washington, DC
First American use of zoning to restrict future development | 1909, LA create multitude of zone
First state enabling act | 1909, Wisconsin
Plan of Chicago | 1909, first metropolitan regional plan in U.S.
Daniel Burnham | created Plan of Chicago
Forest Hill Gardens, Long Island, NY | 1910, First American test of neighborhood idea
"Carrying Out the City Plan" | 1913, First major American text book on planning, Flavel Shurtleff
AIP | American Institute of Planners, 1917, 1st president was Frederick Law Olmstead Jr
American City Planning Institute | predessor to the AIP
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