Neighborhood Planning and Historical Districts
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HOw long has Neighborhood Planning been around? | Since the 1900's
Who introduced neighborhood planning? | Robert Park and E.W. Burgess in 1915
What is a historical district? | a group of buildings, properties or sites that have been designated either at the local, state, and/or national level.
According to the National Register of Historic Places what is the defintion of a historic district | geographically definable area, urban/rural, possessing a significant concentration, linkage, continuity of sites buildings structures, or objects united by past events or aesthetically by plan or physical development.
Where is the first hisotrical district? | Charleston, South Carolina.
which govt agency looks over the Historical districts? | U.S. Department of the Interior's National Park Service
When was the National Register of Historic Places created? | 1966
What are the incentives for historical places? | qualify for federal tax incentives. Being listed also provides protection should the federal government plans to alter the site.
What are the main elements for a historical area? | Documentation of the cultural resources that deserve preservation. The district's historic resources should be more than 50 years old.
what did the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 do for states? | states must have a State Historic Preservation Office
Can state and city write historical process applications. | Yes, states have created their own historic district designations. State and local governments can write their own criteria or use similar criteria based on the National Register.
The important item when creating a Historic Preservation Program is...? | Educational materials for historic building owners.
Design guidelines for historic building renovations.
Tax incentives to encourage renovation.
What was the name of the first Historical commission? | Vieux Carre Commission
A significant event. Association with a specific person. An architectural style. Site of a pre-historic “mound”. | All qualify under historic registration.
Is spot zoning accetbale for historical buidligns. | Yes, if it has a historical value or environmental importance.
The national register of historic places is the official list of the nations? | historic properties, including strcutures objects and historic districts which are considered worthy of preservation.
In the early 1990s there was a push by cities to engage with their waterfronts by transforming them into destinations. What water act help restore this? | The clean water act
When developing waterfront planning what act is clearly required? | Clean Water Act
What City is tops in the United States in its use of the Federal Tax Credit for Historical Rehabilitation of Buildings? | New Orleans
This organization was designated as a protected district in 1932 and was the first landmark preservation designation? | Vieux Carre' of New Orleans
Informing owners of potential tax incentives, creating a historic overlay zone, and promoting adaptive reuse of historic structures can be used to encoraged what? | Historical Structures.
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