Question | Answer |
Abstruse | Difficult to understand |
Ambivalence | Indecision, feeling of being pulled in two directions |
Apathy | Lack of interest or concert |
Benign | Gentle, kind-hearted, mild |
Chastise | Scold, punish, castigate |
Condone | Excuse, pardon, overlook |
Conviction | An opinion that is strongly held |
Denounce | Criticize, condemn |
Dilatory | Causing lateness, stalling |
Effervescence | The quality of being bubbly or full of life |
Enhance | Intensify, improve |
Extol | Praise |
Flippancy | Treating a serious situation with a arrogant humor or disrespect |
Germane | Relevant, fitting |
Hierarchy | A group of people in authority, ranked in order of power, a sequential listing |
Induce | Cause to happen, bring about |
Innocuous | Harmless, inoffensive |
Lucid | Easy to understand, transparent, clear |
Misconstrue | Misunderstand, interpret incorrectly |
Obsolete | No longer usable, outdated |
Partisan | Blindly devoted to an organization or cause |
Precocious | Mature at a young age |
Profuse | In large amounts or quantities |
Quell | To calm, pacify |
Redolent | Strongly scented, fragrant |
Viscous | Resistant to flow, like a very thick liquid, or sticky |
Versatile | Having many talents or uses |
Wastrel | A person who wastes his or her money or resources |
Adamant | Stubborn, refusing to change, unyeilding |
Amity | Friendship |
Austere | Stern, plain, without luxuries |
Avarice | Greed |
Benevolent | Good-natured, kindhearted, generous |
Cajole | Coax, deceive |
Concise | Short and to the point, terse |
Concur | Agree |
Cupidity | Greed, especially for money |
Depleted | Emptied, drained, used up |
Efface | Erase |
Eloquence | Powerfully effective speech |
Enigma | Mystery, puzzle |
Extricate | To free from a trap to difficult situation, to distie |
Garish | Flashy, gaudy |
Harangue | A long, lecturing speech |
Indolent | Lazy |
Infallible | Incapable of making a mistake |
Inspid | Dull, flat, without sparkle or flavor |
Irreverent | Disrespectful |
Juncture | Point in time, especially a cruel one, joint or connection |
Languish | Lose energy or motivation, become weak or depressed |
Legacy | Something inherited, either from an ancestor or from the past itself |
Minute | Very small in size |
Obliterate | Remove or destroy completely, erase |
Opaque | Too thick or dark for light to pass through |
Preclude | Prevent, make impossible |
Prodigous | Very large |
Qualify | To limit the meaning or a previous statement, to modify |
Recant | Take back something you've said, withdraw a statement or belief |
Sardonic | Humorous, but humor tinged with sarcasm or disdain, cynical |
Vilify | Attack someone's reputation, defame |
Warranted | Justified, athourized |
Adroit | Skillful in physical activities or in handling difficult situations |
Advocate | Support, plead for, speak on behalf of |
Appease | Calm, pacify |
Banal | Boring, trite, insipid |
Blight | Disease, decay, widespread death |
Capacious | Large, roomy, spacious |
Conundrum | Riddle, mystery |
Converge | Move together to meet at a common point |
Deference | The act of yielding to someone else out or respect |
Efficacy | The ability to produce desired results |
Elated | Extremely happy, overjoyed |
Ephemeral | Short-lived, temporary |
Foment | To stir into action, rouse, incite |
Foresight | The ability to see ahead, predict, anticipate |
Genial | Friendly, kind, gracious |
Harbor | To provide shelter or refuge, hide |
Hardy | Bold, brave, capable of withstanding harsh conditions |
Incessant | Continuous, endless |
Irascible | Easily angered |
Irony | An unexpected outcome or the use of a word that is the opposite of its literal meaning |
Latent | Existing but inactive, such as a certain quality, dormant |
Malleable | Able to be reshaped by force, pliable, imressionable |
Mitigate | Make less severe, mollify |
Opportunist | Someone who takes advantage of the situation |
Pecuniary | Having to do with money, financial |
Prodigal | Wasteful, especially of money, extravagant |
Quarentine | Forced isolation to prevent the spread of disease |
Seditious | Trying to stir up a revolt against an authority figure |
Tenacious | Strong, persistent, determined to hold on |
Vestige | Something left behind, a visible trace or evidence of something that has vanished |
Wizened | Old and wrinkled, withered |
Ameliorate | To make an unpleasant situation better, to improve |
Assiduous | Persistent, hard-working, diligent, attentive to detail |
Auspicious | Taking place under promising conditions, likely to understand |
Candor | Honesty, frankness |
Chasten | Punish, discipline, castigate |
Clemency | Mercy |
Criteria | Standards or requirements used to make a decision |
Diatribe | Bitterly critical speech |
Disperse | Spread out, scatter |
Enmity | Mutual hatred |
Extraneous | Unnecessary, irrelevant |
Exuberant | Uncontrollably joyous |
Garner | Collect, gather, accumulate, earn |
Hamper | Interfere with movement or progress |
Impasse | A situation from where you cannot escape, stalemate |
Haphazard | Without plan or action |
Inert | Lacking movement, inactive, sluggish |
Infamy | A bad reputation |
Jargon | Specialized language used by a particular group |
Ludicrous | Absurd, ridiculous |
Lugubrious | Mournful |
Mollify | Lessen anger, soothe, placate |
Optimist | Someone who always believes things will turn out okay |
Paucity | Too few, scarcity |
Profound | Penetrating beyond the superficial, filled with wisdom and insight, deep |
Recluse | Person who prefers to be alone all the time, someone withdrawn from the rest of society |
Recondite | Hidden, difficult to understand, profound |
Usury | The practice of charging a very high rate of interest on loans |
Virulent | Poisonous or destructive, filled with anger or hate, harsh |
Wane | Grow gradually smaller |