Question | Answer |
Which key signature has no sharps and no flats? | The Key of C. |
What key signature has one flat? | The Key of F. |
What key signature has one sharp? | The Key of G. |
A whole step is made up of two ________ steps. | half |
A sharp(#) ______________ a pitch a half step. | raises |
A flat _______________ a pitch a half step. | lowers |
A natural ____________ a flat or a sharp. | cancels |
Some keys on the piano keyboard have two different names, but produce the same pitch. These are called __________ notes. | enharmonic |
What is the pattern of half and whole steps used to create a major scale? | W W H W W W H
(W = whole and H = half) |
A major scale has 8 pitches. How many pitches does a chromatic scale have? | A chromatic scale has 12 pitches. |
What is found on the Circle of Fifths? | Key signatures are found on the Circle of Fifths. |
Which scale is made up of all half steps? | The chromatic scale is made up of all half steps. |
When a sharp or flat occurs in a song and is not in the key signature it is called an _____________________. | accidental |
B flat has the same pitch as _______ ____. | A # |
F# has the same pitch as ______ ___. | G flat |
D to D# is a ________ ________. | half step |
E to F# is a _________ _______ . | whole step |