Term | Definition |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
fx | fracture |
IVDD | intervertebral disc disease |
P1 | phalanx 1 |
P2 | phalanx 2 |
P3 | phalanx 3 or coffin bone in the horse |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
ROM | range of motion |
tax/o | combining form for coordination or order |
gastr/o | combining form for stomach |
clon/o | combining form for violent action (spasm) |
oste/o | combining form for bone |
-blasts | immature |
-clasts | break |
hemat/o | combining form for blood |
oste/o, oss/e, oss/i | combining form for bone |
arthr/o | combining form for joint |
chondr/o | combining form for cartilage |
epi- | above |
physis- | growth |
dia- | between |
peri- | surrounding |
-um | structure |
endo- | within or inner |
meta- | beyond |
-sclerosis | abnormal hardening |
-malacia | abnormal softening |
ligament/o | combining form for ligament |
ten/o, tend/o, and tendin/o | combining form for tendon |
burs/o | combining form for bursa |
synovi/o | combining form for synovial membrane and synovial fluid |
spondyl/o and vertebr/o | combining form for vertebra |
disc/o | combining form for discs |
ante- | before |
cost/o | combining form for rib |
onchy/o | combining form for claw |
meta- | beyond |
ankyl/o | combining form for bent or stiff |
goni/o | combining form for angle or seed |
-desis | means to bind or surgical fixation of a bone or joint |
fasci/o or fasc/i | combining form for fascia |
aponeur/o | combining form for aponeurosis which is a fibrous sheet that provides attachment to muscular fibers and is a means of origin or insertion of a flat muscle |
my/o | combining form for muscle |
fibr/o and fibros/o | combining form for fibrous tissue |
syn- | together |
erg | work |
agon | struggle |
anti- | against |
ton/o | combining form for tone, tension or stretching |
epi- | above |
kinesi/o | combining form for movement |
-kinesis | movement |
hematopoietic | pertaining to the formation of blood |
fontanelle | soft spot remaining at the junction of sutures that usually closes after birth |
synarthroses | allow no movement |
amphiarthroses | allow slight movement |
diarthroses | allow free movement |
suture | a jagged line where bones join and form a nonmovable joint; found in the skull |
ligament | band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another bone to help stabilize joints |
tendon | band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone to help the animal move |
axial skeleton | framework of the body that includes the skull, auditory ossicles, hyoid bones, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum |
appendicular skeleton | framework of the body that consists of the extremities, shoulder, and pelvic girdle |
foramen | opening |
sternum | breastbone |
manubrium | cranial portion of the sternum |
xiphoid | caudal portion of the sternum |
ungulate | animal with hooves |
splint bones | metacarpals and metatarsals II and IV |
cannon bone | third metacarpal or metatarsal bone |
fetlock joint | joint between metacarpal (metatarsal) III and the proximal phalanx |
pastern joint | joint between P1 and P2 |
coffin joint | joint between P2 and P3 |
P1 | long pastern |
P2 | short pastern |
P3 | coffin bone |
sesamoid bones | small nodualr bones embedded in a tendon or joint capsule |
navicular bone | in horses is the common name for the sesamoid bone located inside the hoof on the palmar or plantar surface of P3 |
patella | large sesamoid bone in the rear limb |
stifle joint | joint that houses the patella |
muscle origin | place where a muscle begins, or originates, and is the more fixed attachment or the end of the muscle closest to the midline |
muscle insertion | place where a muscle ends, or inserts, and is the more movable end or portion of the muscle farthest from the midline |