Term | Definition |
Anatomy | The study of the form and structure of an animal body and its parts [Where are they located? What they look like?] |
Physiology | The study the functions of the animal body and it's parts [How parts work? What are the functions?] |
Microscopic Anatomy | The study of anatomic parts too small to be seen with the unaided eye [IE: cells and tissues] |
Macroscopic Anatomy | Study of body parts LARGE enough to be seen without magnification, "Gross Anatomy" [IE: lungs, leg, brain, muscle...] |
Gross Anatomy | The study of the body structures that are visible without additional aid to the naked eye, "Macroscopic Anatomy" |
Skeletal System | bones and joints |
Integumentary System | Skin, hair, nails, hooves |
Nervous System | Central nervous system and peripheral |
Cardiovascular System | heart and vessels |
Respiratory System | Lungs and airways |
Sensory System | Organs of general and special |
Urinary System | Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra |
Regional Anatomy | Method of studying anatomy that examines all the component structures that make up each region of the body [IE: cells, tissues, organs, muscles, blood vessels, nerves] |
Systemic Anatomy | Method of studying anatomy that examines each system of the body as a separate topic [IE: skeletal and reproductive system] |
Anatomic Plane of Reference | 4 basic imaginary slices through an animal body oriented at right angles to each other, points of reference for directions and locations [Sagittal, Median, Transverse, Dorsal] |
Sagittal Plane | "MEDIAN PLANE", runs lengthwise, dividing the body into left and right parts [NOT ALWAYS EQUAL] |
Transverse Plane | Across the body that divides it into cranial [head-end] and caudal [tail-end] parts that are NOT equal |
Dorsal Plane | Divides the body into dorsal [upper] and ventral [lower] parts. NOT ALWAYS EQUAL |
Frontal Plane | Dorsal plane of humans |
Medial Plane | Median plane is a sagittal plane that runs down the center of the body and divides it into EQUAL left and right halves [midsagittal plane] |
Cranial | towards the HEAD of an animal |
Cranium | Head, the cranial portion of the dorsal body cavity that is formed from several skull bones. Houses and protects the brain. |
Caudal | towards the TAIL END of an animal |
Xiphoid Process | Last, most caudal sternebra |
Inferior | Toward the lower portion of a human body. |
Superior | Toward the head of a human |
Rostral | Toward the TIP of the NOSE. Positions and directions only on the head. |
Anterior | Towards the FRONT of a human body [directional term] |
Posterior | Toward the BACK of the human body [directional term] |
Ventral | Towards the BOTTOM surface; belly [directional term] |
Dorsal | Toward the TOP of an animal; backbone [directional term] |
Lateral | AWAY from the median plane; "center-line" of the body [directional term] |
Medial | TOWARD the median plane; "center-line" of the body [directional term] |
Deep | TOWARD the center of the body or a body part; internal [directional term] |
Superficial | TOWARD the surface of the body or a body part; external [directional term] |
Tarsus | The joint composed of the tarsal bones; hock/ankle |
Proximal | Directional term for extremities; portion or direction TOWARDS the body [IE "towards the top of the leg"] |
Plantar | The caudal surface of the hindlimb from the tarsus distally [bottom of the foot for humans] |
Palmer | The caudal surface of the forelimb from the carpus distally [palms of human hands] |
Internal | TOWARD the center of the body or a body part [alternative directional term for DEEP] |
Distal | Implies a postion or direction AWAY from the body proper [directional term ONLY FOR EXTREMITIES] |
Carpus | The joint composed of the carpal bones ["knee" of a horse/ "wrist" of a human] |
External | TOWARDS the surface of the body or body part [alternative directional term for SUPERFICIAL] |
Orad [digestive system] | direction of the mouth |
Aborad [digestive system] | direction away from the mouth [gastro system] |
barrel | trunk of body; formed by the rib cage and the abdomen |
Brisket | Area at the base of the neck between the front legs that covers the CRANIAL END of the sternum |
Cannon | Large metacarpal or metatarsal bone of hoofed animals |
Fetlock [joint] | Most proximal joint of equal digit; the joint between the large metacarpal or metatarsal and the proximal phalanx |
Flank | Lateral surface of the abdomen between the last rib and the hind legs. |
Hock | Ankle joint/tarsus; joins the tibiotarsus and the tarsometatarsus of birds |
Knee [hoofed animal] | Carpus of hoofed animal |
Muzzle | Rostral part of the face |
Pastern | Area of the proximal phalanx of hoofed animals |
Poll | Top of the head between the bases of ears [base of ears] |
Stifle | Joint between femur and tibia [femorotibial/femoropatellar], knee joint in humans |
Tail head | dorsal part of the base of the tail |
Withers | Area dorsal to the scapulas [bottom of mane] |
Bilateral Symmetry | The concept that the left and right halves of an animal's body are mirror images of each other [located on both sides of body] |
Gastrointestinal Tract | Part of the digestive tube composed of the stomach, small intestines, and large intestine [does not wander far from the median plane] |
Dorsal Body Cavity | The space in the skull and spinal column that contains the brain and spinal cord |
Cranial Cavity | Spherical, cavity in skull, cranium |
Spinal Cavity | Long narrow, runs down the spine, spinal canal |
Spinal Canal | long, flexible, caudal portion of the dorsal body cavity formed by the adjacent arches of the vertebral of the spine. [houses and protects the spinal canal] |
Radial Symmetry | Axis of symmetry is around a central point of the body. |
Ventral Body Cavity | Large space divided by thin, sheet-like, diaphragm muscle into cranial thoracic cavity [CHEST] and caudal abdominal cavity {BELLY] |
Viscera | Soft, internal organs enclosed within a body cavity [ventral body cavity] |
Thorax | Thoracic, or chest, cavity |
Pleura | Thin membrane in the thoracic cavity that covers the thoracic organs [visceral layer of pleura] and lines the thoracic cavity [parietal layer of pleura]. Potential space between the 2 layers contains a small amount of lubricating fluid. |
Visceral Layer | Layer of pleura or peritoneum that lies directly on the surface of organs in the thorax or abdomen |
Parietal Layer | Layer of pleura or peritoneum that lines the thorax or abdomen, respectively. [lines the cavity as a whole] |
Inflammation | 1st step in the healing process when the body is injured. [clean up] |
Pleuritis/pleurisy | [Peritonitis] pleura surface becomes thickened and inflamed. |
Abdominal cavity | digestive, urinary, reproductive organs. |
Cells | Basic functional units of animal |
Levels of Organization | 1. Cells
2. Tissues
3. Organs
4. Systems |
Intestinal lining function | absorbs nutrients |
Red blood cell function | carries oxygen to body |
Nerve Cell Function | organizing and controlling body functions |
Tissue | Group of cells that are similar in structure and perform the same function [MACROSCOPIC]
1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Nervous
4. Muscle |
Myocytes | Muscle cells |
Histology | Branch of anatomy that deals with micro structure and composition of tissues |
Epithelial Tissue | A collection of tissues that are made up of layers of cells that line and cover body surfaces. Cells may be in single layers or multilayered and can regenerate quickly. |
Connective Tissue | Tissue made up of cells and extra-cellular substances that connect and support cells and other tissues. [LIVING AND NON-LIVING]
Binds cells and structures together and supports the body |
Adipose | Fat [connective tissue] |
Muscle Tissue | Collections of tissues that support the body and enable it to move, thermoregulate, and transport materials.
Controlled voluntarily VS. Involuntarily
Skeletal Muscle | Multinucleated, striated, voluntary muscle that enables conscious movement of an animal
Smooth Muscle | Nonstriated, involuntary, 1 nucleus per cell; found in soft internal organs and structures
IE: digestive tract and bladder |
Cardiac Muscle | Striated, involuntary muscle that is found exclusively in the heart
Nervous Tissue | Collection of tissues that collect, process, and convey information [sends info to the brain]
Tells the body how to react to changing conditions. |
Organ | A group of tissues that work together for common purposes |
System | Groups of organs that are involved in a common set of an activity
Digestive System | Collection of organs that take in, digest, and absorb food for use by the body to maintain health and normal functions |
disease | Results when structures or functions of the body become abnormal |
Health | A state of normal anatomy and physiology that allows the body to function normally
State of equilibrium maintained in the body by feedback and regulatory process in response to internal and external changes
Monitor critical levels and functions in the body and stimulate corrective actions |
Equilibrium | Sense that helps an animal maintain it's balance by keeping track of the position and movement of its head.
Fight or Flight System | Whole body response resulting from an animal feeding threatened that prepares the body for intense physical activity. Combination of direct sympathetic nerve stimulation and release of epinephrine and norepinephrine into the bloodstream |