Question | Answer |
C1 | D: Vertex of Skull
M: None
T: Neck flexion |
C2 | D: Temple, forehead, occiput
M: Longus colli, SCM, rectus capitis
T: Neck flexion |
C3 | D: Entire neck, posterior cheek, temporal area, prolongaton forward under mandible
M: Trapezius, spelnius capitis
T: Neck side flexion |
C4 | D: Shoulder area, clavicular area, upper scapular area
M: Trapezius, levator scapulae
T: Shoulder shrug |
C5 | D: Deltoid area, anterior aspect or entire arm to base of thumb
M: Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid biceps
T: Shoulder shrug |
C6 | D: Anterior arm, radial side of hand to thumb & index finger
M: Biceps, supinator, wrist extensors
T: Elbow flexion; wrist extension |
C7 | D: Lateral arm and forearm to index, long and ring finger
M: Triceps & wrist flexors
T: Elbow extension; Wrist flexion |
C8 | D: Medial arm and forearm to long, ring and little finger
M: Ulnar deviation, thumb extensors, thumb adductors
T: Thumb extension |
T1 | D: Medial side of forearm to base of little finger
M: N/A
T: Finger AB/ADD, flexion |
T2 | D: Medial side of upper arm to medial elbow, pectoral and midscapular areas
M: N/A
T: N/A |
T3-6 | D: Upper thorax
M: N/A
T: N/A |
T5-7 | D: Costal margin
M: N/A
T: N/A |
T8-12 | D: Abdomen and lumbar region
M: N/A
T: N/A |
L1 | D: Back, over trochanter and groin
M: none
T: Hip flexion |
L2 | D: Back, front of thigh to knee
M: Psoas, hip adductors
T: Hip flexion |
L3 | D: Back, upper buttock, anterior thigh and knee, medial lower leg
M: Posas, quadriceps
T: Knee extension |
L4 | D: Medial buttock, lateral thigh, medial leg, dorsum of foot, big toe
M: Tibialis anterior, extensor hallus
T: Ankle dorsiflexion |
L5 | D: Buttock, posterior and lateral thigh, lateral aspect of leg, dorsum of foot, medial half of solr, 1st, 2nd, 3rd toes
M: Extensor hallucis, peroneals, gluteus medius, dorsiflexros, hamstring
T: Great toe extension |
S1 | D: Buttock, thigh & posterior leg
M: Calf, hamstring
T: Ankle plantar flexion |
S2 | D: Buttock, thigh & posterior leg
M: Calf, hamstring
T: Knee flexion |
S3 | D: Groin, medial thigh to knee
M: None
T: Foot intrinsics |
S4 | D: Perinuem, gentials, lower sacrum
M: Bladder, rectum
T: None |