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Surgery & Anesthesia

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Long term toxicity of inhalant anesthetics is thought to be caused by   release of toxic metabolites during liver metabolism  
The anesthetic most clearly associated with neurologic and adverse reproductive effects is   Nitrous Oxide  
Which of the following can be used to effectively monitor waste anesthetic gas levels?   passive dosimeter badge  
to conduct a low pressure test for an anesthetic machine you must   Close the pop-off valve, turn on the flow meter, and occlude the end of the circuit. (all)  
How often should a test for low pressure leaks be conducted?   Each day that the machine is used  
The safest way to transport a large high-pressure tank, such as an oxygen tank, is by   using a handcart  
A technician may reduce the amount of waste gas by   using cuffed endotracheal tubes, ensuring that the anesthetic machine has been tested for leaks, and using an injectable agent rather than a mask or chamber (all)  
In what units are waste anesthetic gas levels measured?   Parts per million (ppm)  
which of the following is a source of waste anesthetic gas?   Exhaled by the patient during recovery  
which of the following is true regarding short term exposure to waste anesthetic gas?   resolve spontaneously when the area of exposure is left  
Which is not a potential long term side effect of waste gas exposure?   Thyroid cancer  
What strategy is most effective at reducing waste gas exposure?   Utilizing a scavenging system  
which of the following inhalant gases is least likely to cause long term side effects   Isoflurane  
which of the following hospital areas contain the largest concentration of waste gas?   recovery room, surgical suite, and surgical prep room  
If the pop-off valve is inadvertently left shut, it will   cause a significant rise of pressure within the circuit  
A geriatric patient is considered to be one that   has reached 75% of its life expectancy  
How do you check if an ET tube is blocked?   Bag he patient and see if their chest rises  
How do you decrease the anesthetic risk for a geriatric pt.?   Decrease the IV fluid rate  
Which is true regarding anesthetizing pediatric pt.   Tend to develop hypoglycemia, anesthetic drugs should be calculated at lower doses, and dextrose can be added to IV fluids to decrease risk (all)  
Why should brachycephalics be oxygenated prior to anesthesia   It provides a reserve of pure oxygen for them to draw on during induction  
Obese pts are at increased risk during ax because   it is difficult for them to fully expand their lungs, difficult to accurately dose anesthetic drugs, and anesthetics poorly distribute (all)  
Who has the highest risk of vomiting or regurgitating while anesthetized?   Pregnant dams  
How long after impact are HBCs at risk for fatal cardiac arrhythmias?   72 hours  
Which of the following is a sign of fluid overload?   Increased respiratory rate  
what condition makes pt most susceptible to fluid overload?   Cardiac dz  
What is an indication for an enterotomy?   intestinal foreign body  
what fracture fixation technique has the highest risk of infection?   External skeletal fixator  
Drug induced calm, pt is reluctant to move, aware of but unconcerned with surroundings   tranquilization  
Balanced anesthesia   administration of multiple drugs at smaller doses than would be necessary if given alone  
anesthetic agents have   narrow therapeutic indices  
anesthetic accidents may result in   permanent dz or dysfunction, death, legal action against staff (all)  
O2 tank half full, pressure gauge will read   1100 psi  
O2 tank should be replaced at   500 psi  
part of anesthetic machine that controls the amount of O2 going to the pt   flow meter  
anesthetic machines deliver inhalation and   remove respiratory waste products  
What part of ax machine enables a quick infusion of O2 into the breathing circuit?   Oxygen flush valve  
non rebreathing   pt under 2.5 kg  
2200 psi indicates the tank is   full  
flow meters with a ball gauge should be read   from the middle of the ball  
unidirectional valves on ax machine help   control the direction of movement of gases  
the pop-off valve helps   prevent gas pressure from building up within the breathing circuit  
spinal cord neurons become hypersensitive and interpret non-painful stimuli as painful   wind-up  
pop-off valve should only be closed when   giving the patient a breath  
continuous suture patterns   are not as secure as interrupted patterns, are quicker to place and use less suture, and if one part of the suture line breaks the entire line fails (all)  
small animal ax, when the pt is bagged the pressure manometer reading should not exceed   20 cm H2O  
granule in the CO2 absorber have been depleted when   granules are brittle, hard, and change color (all)  
Pt. weighing 26.5 lb uses   rebreathing  
scavenger system attaches to   the pop-off valve  
first ground drape is placed   on the side closest to the person draping  
inadequate tissue perfusion during sx is most likely to damage   kidneys  
reservoir bag not moving well may indicate   ET tube not in trachea, decreased tidal volume, or there is a leak around the ET tube (all)  
pt attached to machine, pop-off valve should always be   open  
important to perform instrument/sponge count at beginning and end of sx   to avoid leaving instruments or sponges inside the body  
during surgical gowning   the hands must remain inside the gown cuffs until the gloves are on  
to aid in hemostasis   apply firm pressure to site of hemorrhage, pass the appropriate hemostat, and blot, don't wipe, the blood (all)  
presoaking instruments   prevents blood and other surgical debris from drying on the instruments  
eyes in ventral position indicate   stage 3/plane 2 of anesthesia  
exposed tissues are kept moist by   dripping sterile solution onto them  
the part of ring handled surgical instruments that lock the jaw closed is   the ratchet  
gentle tissue handling is important   to avoid causing trauma to healthy tissue, avoid complications such as hemorrhage, dehiscence, etc, and avoid further compromising unhealthy tissue (all)  
what contributes to hypothermia in a healthy pt   anesthetic induced muscle relaxation, water and alcohol used in surgical prep, and administering room temperature IV fluids (all)  
hypotension can be caused by   cardiac insufficiency  
when passing ring handled instruments   the instrument should be gently laid in the surgeon's waiting hand  
minimum pt database for young healthy cat having elective surgery should include   PCV/TP, BUN, ALT, blood glucose  
reflex that significantly diminishes or is absent in surgical plane of ax   palpebral  
monitoring device that measures O2 saturation   pulse oximeter  
how should you pass a scalpel handle?   handle facing surgeon, blade facing away from you  
untreated pulse deficits lead to   shock  
blood pressure cuff should be what percentage of limb width to ensure accuracy?   40%  
eye position when too deep under anesthesia   central  
what breeds need to be watched closely under ax to ensure patent airway   brachiocephalic  
how to monitor respirations   watch the reservoir bag, watch the tube fogging, chest auscultation (all)  
unconscious pt responds to sx with movement is in what stage of ax?   stage 3/plane 1  
instruments on instrument table should be laid out   with the ring handles facing you  
if the patient is apneic   turn inhalant gas down  
normal SaO2 for anesthetized pt   >95%  
tachycardia may indicate   pt is too light  
ALWAYS an emergency   dyspnea  
pt is too deep   hypotension  
towel clamps that penetrate through the drape into the skin   Bakhaus  
good jaw tone (snapping back)   pt is too light  
losing consciousness, vocalizing and struggling   stage 2  
measure the length of the ET tube to   the thoracic inlet  
ET tube for brachiocephalic pt   select 1-2 sizes smaller than measured  
ET tube is too far   pt will breath with abdominal press  
dog with bcs of 8/9 will require more anesthetic per unit body weight   false  
overinflation of ET tube cuff results in   tracheal necrosis  
surgical assistant cannot wear   sandals, nail polish, jewelry (all)  
jerky abdominal respirations, loose jaw tone, bradycardic, prolonged CRT   stage 3/plane 4  
large O2 tanks should be stored   chained to the wall  
part of the anesthetic machine that does not need to be checked prior to use   oxygen flush valve  
pt breathing rapidly under anesthesia   turn up inhalant gas  
what retractor requires more than one person for proper use?   Senn  
what is the first thing you should do if the SaO2 reading is low?   check your equipment  
what should you NOT do if pt is bradycardic?   turn up the inhalant gas  
conscious, struggling, fearful   stage 1  
what part of scrubbed in gown are part of the sterile field   front from chest to table  
how should thumb forceps be held?   like a pencil  
appropriate breakfast on surgery day?   whole wheat toast with PB  
nail care practices for surgery day?   clip shorter than fingertips and remove polish  
surgical mask should cover   nose and mouth  
if you need to sneeze in surgery while wearing a mask   step back from the table and don't turn your head  
minimum time for pre-surgical scrubbing?   5 minutes  
absence of what equals asepsis?   all pathogenic microorganinsms that cause infection  
scalpel blade used for declaw?   12  
Unscrubbed assistant   should not step between 2 scrubbed people in the surgical field, should not step between pt and equipment table, always face the surgical field (all)  
when opening a pack and checking it for sterility   check the sterile indicator on the package  
surgical instrument "box locks"   absorb the greatest stress during use  
liquid seeping through the sterile drape is   strike-through  
if mucous membranes are blue, first   check for obstruction of the ET tube  
scalpel blade used for most dog/cat surgical procedures   10  
sleeplike, non-responsive to verbal stimulus, aroused by painful stimulus   stuporus  
why are needle holders the only surgical instruments that should be used to hold metal?   it is unsafe to use other instruments, it will wear the jaws of other instruments, it will place too much stress on the box lock of other instruments (all)  
how long should small animals be fasted prior to surgery?   12 hours  
atraumatic surgical instruments   cause little damage to tissue  
very young/small pt should be fasted ____as other animals   not as long  
healthy 6 month old puppy according to ASA physical status classification system   P1  
HBC w/internal bleeding (ASA)   P5  
signalment   age, breed, gender  
premature suture loss and surgical site opening   dehiscence  
debridement of infected scratch on dog's hind limb should be done   in the prep room  
needle holders with built in scissors   Olson-Hegar  
vessels in the skin   halstead mosquito hemostat  
what room should the autoclave go in?   Scrub room  
nonmovable equipment of surgery room   overhead lights  
moveable equipment of surgery room   suction unit  
after turning off the anesthetic vaporizer   leave pt on oxygen for 5 minutes  
pt is most likely to die during   induction and recovery  
postanesthetic pt is recovered when   physiologic parameters have returned to normal  
hemostats with serrations extending half way up the tip   Kelly hemostats  
recover period: thrashing, crying out, paddling limbs   emergence delirium  
Pt to be given reduced concentrations of anesthetic agents   neonates, sighthounds, pt with liver or kidney dz (all)  
terminal cleaning   cleaning surgery and prep rooms and equipment at the end of a surgery day  
never use to clean surgery room   dry dusting  
scissors to use to cut gastrocnemius muscle   Mayo scissors  
deactivate the effects of chlorine-based disinfectant   fecal matter  
significant finding in calm canine pt with regard to anesthetic risk   increased respiratory effort  
Surgical scissors with long, thin blades used to cut delicate tissue   Metzenbaum scissors  
hemorrhage from surgical incision   apply direct pressure 5-10 minutes  
seroma at surgical site due to   overactivity  
treatment for seroma   warm compresses  
operating scissors used   to cut inanimate objects  
treatment for emergence delirium   hold pt, talk quietly to pt, ask vet to administer tranquilizer (all)  
pt experiencing pain after surgery can be given   both an opioid and an NSAID  
instrument milk is for   lubrication  
can only be mixed with ketamine   diazepam  
system targeted by anesthetic agents   brain  
most general anesthetics provide analgesia   false  
why administer pre-meds   sedation, calm excited animals, analgesia, muscle relaxation, make induction and recovery smoother (all)  
not an appropriate route of preanesthetic agents   PO  
primary effect of anticholinergics (atropine, glycopyrrolate)   increased heart rate  
drug that provides analgesia   dexmeditomidine  
preanesthetic drug, causes hypotension, reduces seizure threshold   Acepromazine  
safe for high risk, geriatric animals   diazepam  
antibiotics   should not be needed if sterile and aseptic technique were followed  
side effect of propofol   apnea  
induction agents that cause sensitivity to light, sound, and touch   dissociatives  
best anesthetic gas for mask inductions   sevoflurane  
stage that smooth induction should bypass   stage 2  
what can kill a cat during anesthesia   laryngospasm from improper intubation, leaving pop-off valve closed, incorrect calculation of pre-anesthetic drugs (all)  
ring handled instrument rings should be held with   thumb and ring fingers  
pulse oximetry allows accurate estimation of   SaO2 or percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen  
bradycardic   turn vaporizer down  
hypotensive   turn vaporizer down  
fully dilated pupils, no PLRS   turn vaporizer down  
tachypnic   turn vaporizer up  
palpebral reflex   turn vaporizer up  
amount of oxygen animal is receiving is indicated by   the flow meter  
device that measures CO2 levels   capnometer  
surgical plane of anesthesia, pt eyes are   ventral  
Jaw with no tone "flapping in the breeze" indicates   Pt is too deep  
Cats and dogs should be fasted how long prior to surgery   12 hours  
ASA classification- mildly anemic or moderately dehydrated   P3  
Most common reason veterinary staff are sued?   lack of communication  
common adverse affect of induction agents   apnea  
safe technique to prevent hypothermia in SA surgical pt   circulating hot water blanket  
two most important practices to prevent surgical infection   aseptic and sterile technique  
strike through renders drapes   contaminated  
only scrubbed in, sterile personnel should   reach over the surgical field  
regarding the surgical field   excessive talking and movement among personnel is unacceptable  
unscrubbed personnel should never face the surgical field   false  
surgical assistant is responsible for   monitoring the patient, maintaining sterility, and maintain hemostasis (all)  
unscrubbed personnel enter or touch the sterile field   it is no longer considered sterile  
the space above and around an open sterile pack is considered   part of the surgical field  
scrubs can be worn for surgery more than one day as long as no blood is on them   false  
fingernail polish protects against microbial growth   false  
consent forms for surgery/anesthesia are   legally required  
caps and masks are put on   before scrubbing, gowning, and gloving  
pt who is underweight will appear ___ dehydrated than they are   more  
necklaces can be worn when scrubbing in for surgery   false  
postoperative recovery period begins   on discontinuation of anesthesia  
what contributes to prolonged recovery from anesthesia?   hypoglycemia, liver dz, kidney dz (all)  
what can hasten recovery?   physical stimulation, oxygen supplementation, warming measures (all)  
when moveable equipment is removed from the surgery room   it should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being returned  
if there are no instructions how do you clean stethoscopes, BP cuffs, and other non-critical items for the surgery room?   clean then disinfect with alcohol  
how often should surgery room floor be cleaned?   daily  
difference between antiseptics and disinfectants?   antiseptics used on living tissue, disinfectants use on inanimate objects  
contact time   time required for disinfectant to be in contact with the microorganism to achieve intended effect  
correct order to disinfect surgical instruments   clean, sanitize, sterilize  
neuroleptanalgesic   combination of opioid and tranquilizer  
opioid reversed with   naloxone  
to avoid transient apnea with propofol   titrate in several boluses  
problem associated with recovery from teletamine-zolzepam in dogs   excitement  
severe bradycardia caused by dexmedetomidine is treated with   atipamezole  
surgical instruments should only be used for their designated purpose   to avoid damaging them, to protect their useful life, high quality instruments are expensive and should be handled with care (all)  
part of anesthesia machine that converts liquid anesthetic to gas anesthetic   vaporizer  
what do you use to place scalpel blade in scalpel handle?   needle holders  
idiopathic pain is defined as   pain of unknown cause  
pathologic pain is   pain caused by tissue injury  
spay has what components of pain?   both somatic and visceral  
in multimodal analgesic therapy   the dose of each drug is decreased when multiple drugs are used  
how does treating pain affect wound healing?   treating pain improves wound healing  
an animal enduring pain is   suffering  
how do we prevent windup?   adding analgesic to premeds prior to surgery  
behavioral responses to pain   vary depending on species, breed, age, and temperament, presence or absence of humans, and cats tend to hide, dogs seek owner attention (all)  
when in perioperative period is analgesia needed?   preanesthetic period, surgical period, postoperative period (all)  
which analgesics also provide anti-inflammatory action, can cause GI unlers, and can be sent home with owners   NSAIDs  
which analgesics cannot be used with NSAIDs?   corticosteroids  
good nursing care includes   keeping cages clean and dry, making sure pt surroundings are quiet, supplying a toy or blanket from home (all)  
skipping patient prep   may result in life-threatening complications  
after administering pre-meds by IM injection   place pt in quiet, dark cage where you can constantly observe them  
most dangerous type of induction   chamber induction  
what type of induction allows anesthetist to control both increases and decreases in depth?   inhalant induction  
tracheal rupture caused by   overzealous intubation  
pt is significantly too deep   turn off vaporizer  
before repositioning pt   disconnect ET tube from anesthetic machine  
during recovery from anesthesia   physiologic parameters should be monitored every 5 minutes until they return to normal  


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Created by: Molmae
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